class | AbstractAuthority |
| This is the abstract base class of local and remote authority classes. More...
class | AbstractChannel |
class | AbstractChannelSubscriber |
class | AbstractDeferredInvoker |
| Abstract interface for DeferredInvoker which is a class to support different RPC backends. More...
class | AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandler |
| Abstract interface for derived handler(s). More...
class | AbstractReflector |
| Abstract base class for most Reflectors. More...
class | AbstractRemotePropertyNode |
| Special derived class of PropertyNode, that allows to handle "remote
properties" transparently. More...
class | AbstractRPCClient |
| Abstract interface for RPCClient. More...
class | AbstractRPCHandler |
| Abstract interface for derived RPCHandler(s). More...
class | AbstractTransformerNode |
| Abstract base class where all other different types of transformation nodes must be derived from. More...
class | Accessor |
| The Accessor class is used as an adapter to reduce the code bloat within the reflection and serialization implementations. More...
class | AccessorGetterPart |
| Implements the "getter part" of an Accessor. More...
struct | AccessorGetterPart< Getter< T > > |
class | AccessorGetterPartInternalRedirect |
| This class is used as additional reflection redirect. More...
class | AccessorSetterPart |
| Implements the "setter part" of an Accessor. More...
class | AccessorSetterPart< NullSetter< T > > |
class | AccessorSetterPart< Setter< T > > |
struct | AESConfiguration |
| The AES configuration for encryption and decryption. More...
class | Angle |
| Unsigned angle that is represented using radians. More...
class | AngleBase |
| Base class template for derived Angle implementations. More...
class | ArrowObject |
class | Authority |
| Authorities act as a facade to the framework. More...
class | AuthorityDescription |
| This is the descriptive part of an authority. More...
class | AuthorityManager |
| Central instance that stores all created Authorities. More...
class | AuthorityRuntime |
| This class contains threading functionality that can be shared among different authorities so that all of them use the same thread (dispatcher thread). More...
class | AxesCovObject |
| Visualization of covariances for AxesObject. More...
class | AxesObject |
class | AxesVisualization |
class | BinaryBufferStreamBase |
| Although this class is not a template we must keep its methods inline for performance reasons! write() and read() are called very often! More...
class | BinaryDeserializer |
| Deserializer that uses BinaryIstream to deserialize the objects from binary format. More...
class | BinaryIosBase |
| Helper class that is a base for binaryostream and binaryistream in the same way as ios_base is a base of ostream and istream. More...
class | BinaryIstream |
| Input stream adapter that can be assigned to any input stream and allows binary input using the >> stream operators. More...
class | BinaryOstream |
| Output stream adapter that can be assigned to any output stream and allows binary output using the << stream operators. More...
class | BinaryRPCBackendTempl |
Provides binary client and server side requests and responses. More...
class | BinarySerializer |
class | BinarySerializerCodec |
| Abstract base class for codecs that can be used with BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer. More...
class | BinarySerializerMixin |
| Used by BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer. More...
struct | BinarySerializerTag |
| Serializer that uses BinaryOstream to serialize the objects in binary format. More...
class | BresenhamLineIterator |
| Implements an iterator that is able to iterate over a Bresenham line point by point using the prefix ++operator and –operator. More...
class | Buffer |
| Generic buffer class that can be used as a replacement for std::vector whenever copying and reallocation of internal array buffer needs to be avoided. More...
class | BufferStream |
| A stream class for input and output of data to/from a wrapped Buffer. More...
class | CallStack |
| Encapsulates unix call stack functionality. More...
class | CameraOrbitTool2D |
class | CameraOrbitTool3D |
class | Channel |
| An exception that occurs whenever a channel has no data. More...
class | ChannelBuffer |
| Typed ChannelBuffer. More...
class | ChannelBuffer< T * > |
| Specialization for polymorphic types (only classes derived from mira::Object are supported!) More...
class | ChannelBuffer< void > |
| Specialization for void (Untyped ChannelBuffer), which only holds the StampedHeader. More...
class | ChannelBufferBase |
| Base class that manages the slots of channels by providing read and write access to them. More...
struct | ChannelBufferPromoter |
| forward decl. More...
struct | ChannelBufferPromoter< U * > |
| Specialization of ChannelBufferPromoter for polymorphic pointer channel buffers. More...
struct | ChannelBufferPromoterCommon |
| forward decl. More...
class | ChannelContentChange |
| Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback when the content of the channel changes. More...
class | ChannelHysteresis |
| Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback when the state of the hysteresis trigger changes. More...
class | ChannelInterval |
| Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback in a specified interval. More...
class | ChannelManager |
| An exception that occurred whenever a channel does not exist. More...
class | ChannelProperty |
| The concrete typed ChannelProperty template class. More...
class | ChannelPropertyBase |
| Base class for ChannelProperty template class. More...
class | ChannelPropertyDelegateLineEdit |
| Special LineEdit for ChannelProperty delegate for Property Editor. More...
class | ChannelPropertyProxy |
| Proxy class that is returned/set by the getter and setter methods of ChannelProperty. More...
class | ChannelRead |
| An object that allows read access to data of a channel. More...
class | ChannelReadCopy |
| A special base class creating and keeping a copy of the channel slot instead of managing access and locking of the original slot. More...
class | ChannelReadInterval |
| An object that allows read access to a whole interval of channel data. More...
struct | ChannelReadSelectCopy |
struct | ChannelReadSelectCopy< Derived, T, true > |
class | ChannelReadWriteBase |
class | ChannelReadWriteBase< Derived, void > |
| Specialization for untyped channels which just return the StampedHeader as data. More...
class | ChannelReadWriteCommonBase |
class | ChannelReadWriteShared |
| Internally used by ChannelReadWriteBase! It contains the information about the channel and slot that can be shared between different ChannelRead/Write objects. More...
struct | ChannelReadWriteTraits |
struct | ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelRead< T > > |
struct | ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelRead< void > > |
struct | ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelWrite< T > > |
struct | ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelWrite< void > > |
class | ChannelSubscriber |
| Implements AbstractChannelSubscriber for a concrete data type. More...
class | ChannelSynchronizer |
class | ChannelSynchronizerBase |
class | ChannelVectorSynchronizer1 |
| Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to more than one channel to only get a callback when all channels have data with a similar timestamp (differ only in the specified tolerance). More...
class | ChannelWrite |
| An object that allows exclusive write access to data of a channel. More...
class | Circle |
| Represents a circle with a center and a radius. More...
class | Class |
| Class object which supports some kind of class reflection. More...
class | ClassFactory |
| What should i say, the class factory. More...
class | ClassProxy |
| The class proxy assures that the pointer to the class object is always valid. More...
class | CodecDialog |
| A dialog for adding, removing and editing codecs. More...
class | CodecWidget |
| Widget for displaying used codecs and changing them via a dialog. More...
class | CollapsibleTreeHeader |
| Header for tree widgets with additional collapse/expand button in the first column. More...
class | ColorBase |
| base interface for all colors in different color spaces The class provides a base interface for all color (space) classes. More...
class | Colormap |
| Base class for color colormaps. More...
class | ColormapProperty |
| A special property class that can be used as member, if you want to provide a ComboBox where the user is able to select the available and registered color colormaps. More...
class | ColormapPropertyComboBox |
class | Complementary10Colormap |
| A discrete colormap with 10 complementary colors. More...
class | Complementary6Colormap |
| A discrete colormap with 6 complementary colors. More...
class | CompoundMeta |
| Meta information for complex compounds, like classes and structs. More...
class | ConcreteBinaryDeserializer |
class | ConcreteBinarySerializer |
class | ConcreteChannel |
class | ConcreteRemoteConnection |
class | ConcreteRemoteOutgoingConnection |
class | ConfigurationLoader |
| Class for loading, parsing, modifying and interpreting application configuration files. More...
class | ConfigurationLoaderPlugin |
| Base class for loader plugins. More...
class | ConfigurationPreparePlugin |
| Base class for prepare plugins. More...
class | ContinuousColormap |
| Base class for continuous color colormaps. More...
class | CovObject |
| Visualization of covariances. More...
class | CRSplineInterpolator |
| 1D cubic Hermite spline interpolator. More...
class | CyclicRunnable |
| This class extends threads by the ability to execute an operation repeatedly in an defined interval. More...
class | DefaultInitializer |
| Reflector that visits the reflect method of objects in order to initialize them using the specified default values. More...
class | DefaultTextVisualizationBase |
class | DeferredInvokerFinishHandler |
| Handler that is called when a deferred RPC call was executed and finished and therefore when the response is available. More...
struct | Deg2RadNonNegativeType |
| A tag type used as parameter type in deg2radSetter, signalling that negative values are not permitted. More...
class | Degree |
| Unsigned angle that is represented using degrees. More...
class | DegreeBase |
| Base class for angle classes that represent angles using degrees. More...
class | Deserializer |
| Is a special reflector that is used for deserialization. More...
class | DeserializerFormatMixin |
| Used by BinaryDeserializer, see SerializerFormatMixin above. More...
class | DeserializerFormatMixin01Base |
class | DeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 0 > |
class | DeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 1 > |
class | DeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 2 > |
class | DiagnosticRunnable |
class | DiagnosticsModule |
| Base class for modules that want to use diagnostics and set the current status. More...
class | DiscoverService |
| Service that is used to discover other running frameworks in the same network using multicast on. More...
class | DiscreteColormap |
| base class for discrete color colormaps More...
class | DispatcherThread |
| Class that can be used whenever you want to have ONE thread where several handlers are assigned to. More...
class | DistanceLUT |
| This class creates a look up table (LUT) to calculate the minimum and maximum Euclidean distance between a point and cells that are arranged in a regular grid. More...
class | Duration |
| Use this class to represent time durations. More...
class | DurationDialog |
| A dialog for selecting a duration. More...
class | DynamicPoints |
class | DynamicRenderable |
| Abstract base class for renderables based on dynamically growing vertex and index buffers. More...
class | EagerSingleton |
| Provided for convenience. More...
class | EagerSingletonNoLock |
| Provided for convenience. More...
class | EditorPart |
| An editor is typically used to edit or browse data or objects. More...
class | EditorPartArea |
| This is a replacement for QMdiArea. More...
class | EditorPartAreaTabBar |
class | EditorPartTitleBar |
class | EditorPartWindow |
class | EigenFormat |
| Base class for formatting eigen matrices. More...
class | ErrorService |
| Class that allows to store errors persistently in a SQLite database. More...
class | Exception |
| Base class for exceptions. More...
class | ExceptionCallStackSize |
| ExceptionCallStackSize is a singleton that provides a mechanism to control the depth of the callstack that is stored with exceptions (e.g. More...
class | ExplicitSingleton |
| Provided for convenience. More...
struct | ExtensibleEnum |
| ExtensibleEnum is a base for derived classes that can be extensible 'replacements' for enum types. More...
struct | ExtensibleEnum< T, true, Counting, CountType, UseMutex > |
class | FlowLayout |
| Layout, where the items are first laid out horizontally and then vertically when each line in the layout runs out of space. More...
class | FormulaeColormap |
| A class for creating formula based color maps. More...
class | FormulaeColormapBase |
| Internal base class for formulae based color maps. More...
class | Framework |
| This class represents the core element of a modular application. More...
class | FrameworkGraph |
| Represents the whole computation graph with all known units/authorities and channels within their namespaces. More...
class | FrameworkGraphMixin |
class | FrameworkGraphMixin< C, void > |
struct | FrameworkMessageHeader |
| Data that is sent as header in each message between remote frameworks. More...
class | FrameworkTransformer |
class | FrameworkTransformerNode |
struct | FrameworkTransformReadAccessor |
struct | FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolator > |
struct | FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorExtrapolationLimit > |
struct | FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorNearestNeighbourExtrapolator > |
struct | FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorNoExtrapolation > |
struct | FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, NearestNeighborInterpolator > |
struct | FrameworkTransformWriteAccessor |
class | FrameworkWithGui |
class | FromHex |
| Can be used with fromString to convert hex strings into numbers. More...
class | FromOct |
| Can be used with fromString to convert oct strings into numbers. More...
class | FunctionRunnable |
| Runnable that wraps any function pointer. More...
class | GeneralBresenhamLineIterator |
| This more general iterator basically follows the design of BresenhamLineIterator, but works on an arbitrary-dimensional line and handles real-valued start and end positions. More...
class | GeneralBresenhamLineIteratorBase |
| Guaranteeing longest axis as drive axis allows some simplification/optimization in step. More...
class | GeneralBresenhamLineIteratorBase< Drive, false > |
| Specialization for DrivenByLongestAxis=false (driving axis given explicitly: No need to determine the drive axis, but stepping is a little more complex. More...
class | GeneralBresenhamLineIteratorCommonBase |
class | GenericTransformer |
| A generic transformer base class that can be used with different types of actual transformation nodes. More...
class | Getter |
| Holds a boost::function object to a special getter function that must meet the signature "T method()". More...
class | GradientColormap |
| A class for creating continuous color maps based on linear gradients between predefined points. More...
class | GradientColormapBase |
| Internal base class for linear gradient color maps. More...
class | GrayscaleColormap |
| A continuous grayscale colormap. More...
class | GridObject |
class | gzstreambase |
class | gzstreambuf |
class | has_assign |
| Evaluates to std::true_type, if U can be assigned to T, i.e. More...
class | HashDigest |
| A generic hash digest, which consists of an array of bytes. More...
class | HashStream |
| A template base class for hash functions based on std::ostream. More...
class | HashStreamBuf |
| A generic hash streambuf class. More...
class | HasPublicDefaultConstructor |
| Type trait that indicates whether or not a type can be constructed using the public default constructor. More...
class | HSVColormap |
| A continuous HSV colormap. More...
class | IAdaptable |
| An interface for an adaptable object. More...
class | IAuthorityProvider |
| Abstract interface for classes that can provide an authority via the getAuthority() method. More...
class | IFrameworkTransformer |
| IFrameworkTransformer defines RPC methods provided by FrameworkTransformer. More...
class | IFrameworkTransformerLinkType |
| Extension of IFrameworkTransformer supporting link types. More...
class | igzstream |
| Use igzstream and ogzstream analogously to ifstream and ofstream respectively. More...
class | ImageObject |
class | Img |
| class for typed images. More...
class | Img< T, 1 > |
| specialized typed image with 1 channel This template class provides convenient way to create an image with known type and only 1 channel by using Img<Type> More...
class | Img< void, 1 > |
| untyped image class This class provides a fully dynamic image, where type and channels are not known at compile time. More...
class | ImgBase |
| ImgBase class. More...
class | ImgConstIterator |
| Const image iterator that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class | ImgIterator |
| Image iterator that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class | ImgIteratorBase |
class | ImgPixel |
| dynamic ImgPixel class template ImgPixel class providing flexible types and channels. More...
class | ImgPixel< T, 1 > |
| specialization of PixelBase class for 1 channel More...
class | ImgPixel< T, 2 > |
| specialization of PixelBase class for 2 channels More...
class | ImgPixel< T, 3 > |
| specialization of PixelBase class for 3 channels More...
class | ImgPixel< T, 4 > |
| specialization of PixelBase class for 4 channels More...
class | ImgPixelBase |
| base interface for ImgPixel classes This class wraps typed cv::Vect to represent an ImagePixel The Vect is typed by template parameter T and channels are set by template parameter Channels. More...
class | ImgTypedBase |
| Base class for typed images. More...
class | ImgWidget |
| A widget that visualizes an Img. More...
class | IncrementalMoments |
| Incremental computation of one- and higher-dimensional statistical moments of first and higher orders (mean and variance, etc.). More...
class | IncrementalMoments< T, 1, 1 > |
class | IncrementalMoments< T, 1, 2 > |
class | IncrementalMoments< T, D, 1 > |
class | IncrementalMoments< T, D, 2 > |
class | IndexSelectorProperty |
| A special property class that can be used to provide a mechanism for selecting an element by index from data representing a set of similar objects. More...
class | IndexSelectorProperty< false > |
| Explicit specialization for Transparent=false (different reflect() method). More...
class | IndexSelectorPropertyBase |
| Base for template class IndexSelectorProperty. More...
class | InteractionListener3D |
| Listener for mouse events on movable objects in a 3D view. More...
class | IntervalFilter |
| Concept and base class for all Interpolators and Filters. More...
struct | IntSignal |
| Structure used in signal handlers to pass the signal and callstack. More...
class | IOService |
| Wrapper class for boost::asio::io_service. More...
class | IPartListener |
class | IRunnable |
| Base for all runnable classes that can be signaled when they need to run again. More...
class | IsAtomicSerializable |
| Type trait that indicates whether a type can be serialized as an atomic value. More...
class | IsAtomicSerializable< JSONValue > |
class | IsAtomicSerializable< std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > > |
class | IsAtomicSerializable< UUID > |
class | IsBitwiseSerializable |
| Type trait that indicates whether a type can be serialized bitwise by just copying the data buffer. More...
class | IsCheapToCopy |
| By default, IsCheapToCopy<T>::value evaluates to true for fundamental types T, false for all other types. More...
class | IsCheapToCopy< Angled > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Anglef > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Box3d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Box3f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Box3i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Circled > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Circlef > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Circlei > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< DateSerializedAsIsoString > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< DateSerializedAsYMD > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Degreed > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Degreef > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Degreei > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Duration > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< DurationSerializedAsHMS > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< DurationSerializedAsIsoString > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Line2f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Line2i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Line3f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Line3i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Point2d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Point2f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Point2i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Point3d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Point3f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Point3i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Radiand > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Radianf > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Rect2d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Rect2f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Rect2i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform2d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform2f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform3d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform3f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov2d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov2f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov3d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov3f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedAngled > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedAnglef > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedDegreed > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedDegreef > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedDegreei > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedRadiand > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< SignedRadianf > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Size2d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Size2f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Size2i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Size3d > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Size3f > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Size3i > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< Time > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< TimeSerializedAsIsoString > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS > |
class | IsCheapToCopy< UUID > |
class | IsCollection |
| Type trait that indicates whether a type is a collection. More...
class | IsCollection< boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > > |
class | IsCollection< Buffer< T, Allocator > > |
class | IsCollection< MetaTypeDatabase > |
class | IsCopyAssignable |
| Type trait that evaluates to true if a type is copy assignable, false otherwise. More...
class | IsCopyAssignable< RemoteModule::ConnectionMap > |
class | IsDefaultConstructible |
| IsDefaultConstructible<T>::value evaluates to true, if T is default constructible, otherwise false. More...
class | IsNotMetaSerializable |
| Type trait that indicates whether a type does not support to gather meta information about it, e.g. More...
class | IsNotMetaSerializable< Img< TPixel, TChannels > > |
| Mark image classes as not meta-serializable. More...
class | IsObjectTrackable |
| Type trait that indicates whether pointer tracking can be enabled for this type. More...
class | IsObjectTrackable< Buffer< T, Allocator > > |
class | IsObjectTrackable< ChannelPropertyProxy > |
class | IsObjectTrackable< TransformProperty > |
class | IsPointerOrSharedPointer |
| Type trait that indicates whether a type is a pointer type or a shared pointer. More...
class | IsPointerOrSharedPointer< boost::shared_ptr< T > > |
class | IsPointerOrSharedPointer< std::shared_ptr< T > > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable |
| Type trait that indicates whether a type should be serialized "transparently", i.e. More...
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Accessor< Getter, Setter >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< AccessorGetterPartInternalRedirect< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Angle< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< ColormapProperty, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Date, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< DateSerializedAsIsoString, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Degree< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Duration, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< DurationSerializedAsIsoString, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Getter< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< IndexSelectorProperty< true >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< KnownFramework, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Path, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Radian< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< RemoteConnectionProxy, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< ResourceName, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< RSAKey, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< RSASignature, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Setter< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< SignedAngle< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< SignedDegree< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< SignedRadian< T >, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< Time, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< TimeSerializedAsIsoString, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< TransformProperty, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< XMLDom, SerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializable< XMLDom, XMLSerializerTag > |
class | IsTransparentSerializableHelper |
class | IteratablePriorityQueue |
class | IteratorRangeContainer |
| Wraps an STL conform container around a range of values within another container. More...
class | IVisualization2DSite |
class | IVisualization3DSite |
| The interface of a Visualization3DSite. More...
class | IVisualizationSite |
| The primary interface between a Visualization and the container of the visualization (e.g. More...
class | IVisualizationSiteTransformable |
| The interface between a Visualization and the container of the visualization (e.g. More...
class | IVisualizationTextItem |
class | IVisualizationTextSite |
class | IVisualizationTextTraceItem |
class | IVisualizationTextTraceSite |
class | IWorkbenchPart |
class | IWorkbenchPartSite |
| The primary interface between a workbench part and the workbench. More...
class | JetColormap |
| A continuous Jet colormap. More...
class | JSONDeserializer |
| Deserializer for serializing objects from JSON format. More...
class | JSONRPCBackend |
| Provides JSON client and server side requests and responses. More...
class | JSONRPCResponse |
| Wraps a JSON RPC call response. More...
class | JSONSerializer |
| Serializer for serializing objects in JSON format. More...
struct | KnownFramework |
| Information and settings for a known remote framework. More...
class | LazySingleton |
| Provided for convenience. More...
class | LazySingletonNoLock |
| Provided for convenience. More...
struct | LibraryInfo |
class | LibraryRegistry |
| A registry for shared libraries. More...
struct | LibraryVersion |
class | Line |
| Represents a line segment that is spanned by two given points. More...
class | LinearInterpolator |
| 1D linear interpolator. More...
class | LinearInterpolatorExtrapolationLimit |
| 1D linear interpolator. More...
class | LinearInterpolatorNearestNeighbourExtrapolator |
| 1D linear interpolator. More...
class | LinearInterpolatorNoExtrapolation |
| 1D linear interpolator. More...
class | LineEditClear |
| Provides a QLineEdit widget that has a small button on its right side for clearing the content. More...
class | LineListObject |
| Renders a line strip as billboard chain. More...
class | LineStripObject |
| Renders one or more line strips. More...
class | LockedPropertyNodeAccess |
class | LockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, false, true > |
class | LockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, true, false > |
class | LockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, true, true > |
class | LockedPropertyNodeAccessCommon |
class | LogConsoleSink |
| Special class that uses LogTxtStreamSink as a base and cout as stream Provided for logging to console. More...
class | LogCore |
| Single instance of the core logging class. More...
class | LogCustomizableFilter |
| A customizable log filter to match the users needs. More...
class | LogCustomizableFormatter |
| A customizable formatter. More...
class | LogFileSink |
| A logging sink for file, which supports log file rotation and daily log files. More...
class | LogFilterBase |
| Abstract base class for log filters. More...
class | LogFormatterBase |
| Abstract base class for sink formatters. More...
class | Logger |
| Helper class that is created to make one logging process atomic and thread safe. More...
struct | LogRecord |
| Holds all the information about a log entry. More...
struct | LogRecordFunctionInfo |
| Holds information about a log entry function. More...
class | LogSimpleFormatter |
| Very simple log formatter logging the severity level, the time and the message. More...
class | LogSink |
| Abstract base class for all log sinks. More...
class | LogTimer |
| Class that can be used as a stop watch to measure execution time of operations. More...
class | LogTxtStreamSink |
| Simple log sink for writing to streams like cout or file It uses the SimpleFormatter for output. More...
class | MakeString |
| Class for in-place stream formatting Used for constructs like: More...
class | ManifestAgent |
| Class for managing manifest files. More...
struct | ManifestClassInfo |
| Simple class encapsulation parent and class information stored in a "real" class object. More...
class | MD5StreamBuf |
| The MD5 hash function. More...
struct | MemoryBlockInfo |
| Detailed information of used memory within a memory block. More...
struct | MemoryUsage |
| Memory usage information in kB. More...
class | MeshFactory |
| Singleton that allows to load arbitrary meshes from file in different formats. More...
class | MeshLoader |
class | MeshObject |
class | MetaSerializer |
class | MetaTypeDatabase |
| Database that stores all meta type information and provides additional functions for accessing the database. More...
struct | MethodMeta |
| Meta information for RPC methods. More...
class | MicroUnit |
| Units are basic modules of a complex application. More...
class | MulticastSender |
| This class acts as a sender for multicast messages. More...
class | MultiInputDialog |
class | NameRegistry |
| Stores aliases for namespaces and allows to resolve local names to global fully qualified names. More...
class | NearestNeighborInterpolator |
| 1D nearest neighbor interpolator. More...
struct | NetworkTypeTrait |
| Trait that specifies the conversion type of a given data type. More...
struct | NetworkTypeTrait< double > |
| Specialization for double. More...
struct | NetworkTypeTrait< float > |
| Specialization for float. More...
class | NormalRandomDistribution |
| Random distribution for drawing samples from univariate or multivariate normal distributions. More...
class | NormalRandomDistribution< 1, T > |
class | NormalRandomGenerator |
| Random generator for drawing samples from univariate or multivariate normal distributions. More...
class | NullClass |
| Marker class for marking an invalid "null" class. More...
class | NullSetter |
| "Null-Setter" tag-class where the AccessorSetterPart does nothing. More...
class | NumericalIstream |
| Numerical stream adapter that can be assigned to any input stream and allows streaming of numerical values. More...
class | NumericalOstream |
| Numerical stream adapter that can be assigned to any output stream and allows streaming of numerical values. More...
class | Object |
| The object class acts as a generic base class for classes which should be used with the classFactory. More...
class | OgreSingletonHelper |
class | OgreWidget |
class | OgreWidgetEx |
| Extended version of OgreWidget that provides default setup of Ogre components (scene manager, light, camera, etc.) and hence provides a ready-to-use playground for 3D rendering. More...
class | ogzstream |
| Use igzstream and ogzstream analogously to ifstream and ofstream respectively. More...
class | OpenSSLWrapperMD |
| Base class for all message digest hash functions. More...
class | PageViewPart |
| Special view part for multi-page workbench views. More...
class | PathPointItem |
class | PerformanceStatistics |
class | PerspectiveTabBar |
class | PerspectiveTabWidget |
class | Pm3dColormap |
| The default pm3d gnuplot palette (black-blue-red-yellow) More...
class | Point |
| General point class template. More...
class | Point< T, 2 > |
| Specialization of Point for 2 dimensions with specialized constructors and converters. More...
class | Point< T, 3 > |
| Specialization of Point for 3 dimensions with specialized constructors and converters. More...
class | PointBase |
| The base template class of point, which covers the basic functionality of each point. More...
class | PointVectorObject |
class | PolygonObject |
class | PolygonTool |
| Tool base class for selecting a polygon in the xy-plane of a 3D scene (in a Visualization3DView) More...
class | PolygonTool2D |
class | PolymorphicChannelBuffer |
| A channel buffer for polymorphic types (classes derived from mira::Object) More...
class | PoolAllocator |
| Provides a pool allocator that is compatible to STL allocators. More...
class | Pose2LineEdit |
class | PoseTool |
| Tool base class for selecting a PoseCov2 pose in the xy-plane of a 3D scene (in a Visualization3DView) More...
class | PoseTool2D |
struct | PoseVectorTrait |
| Typetrait that returns the correct vector type, that depends on whether the Eigen-datatypes of the pose need an alignment or not. More...
struct | PoseVectorTrait< Pose3 > |
struct | PoseVectorTrait< PoseCov3 > |
class | Process |
| Encapsulates a process, that was launched from the current process. More...
class | ProcessSpawnManager |
| Implements manager that starts processes and keeps track of them in order to respawn them if required, etc. More...
class | Profiler |
| The main Profiler class. More...
class | ProgramOptions |
| A central singleton class for accessing command line parameters Underlying class is boost::program::options See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/program_options.html Usage: More...
class | PropertyEditor |
| Provides display and editing facilities for property items in the editor. More...
class | PropertyHint |
| A property hint gives optional instructions to the property editor, i.e. More...
class | PropertyItemEditor |
class | PropertyManager |
| The property manager maintains the properties of objects that are added to the manager. More...
class | PropertyNode |
| Abstract base class for all derived property node classes. More...
class | PropertyNodeInfo |
class | PropertyNodeListener |
struct | PropertyQueryResult |
| A structure used for returning the complete result of a (remote) property query, including potential info about a thrown exception. More...
class | PropertyReflector |
| Base class for all Reflectors that take care of properties. More...
class | PropertySerializer |
| A special PropertyReflector that creates a PropertyNode for each reflected property. More...
class | PropertyTree |
| Helper class that is able to hold a complete property tree structure. More...
class | PropertyView |
| This view part provides an editor/viewer for properties of other views. More...
class | PropertyViewPage |
| PropertyViewPage page. More...
class | ProtecteeMixin |
| Mixin class that can be used to add the Protectee concept used by ScopedAccess<Protectee(, void)> to an existing class. More...
class | PseudoClass |
| This is an auxiliary to enable more verbose exception messages. More...
class | QConsole |
| An abstract Qt console. More...
class | QConsolePopupCompleter |
| Popup Completer class. More...
class | QtUnit |
| A unit that processes its dispatcher within Qt's main thread. More...
class | Radian |
| Unsigned angle that is represented using radians. More...
class | RadianBase |
| Base class for angle classes that represent angles using radians. More...
class | RandomGenerator |
| Template class to easily generate random generators using the boost::random distributions and generators. More...
class | RandomGeneratorSingleton |
| Singleton class for generating random numbers. More...
class | RasterTransformation |
| Map a rectangular area from one raster into another, with an arbitrary transformation (scale, translation, rotation) inbetween. More...
class | RecordedChannelInfo |
| Contains all settings for a recorded channel like compression, codecs,... More...
class | Rect |
| Rect class for defining rectangles. More...
class | Rect< T, 2 > |
| Specialization for 2D. More...
class | Rect< T, 3 > |
| Specialization for 3D. More...
class | RectBase |
| The base class for rectangles. More...
class | RectObject |
class | RectTool3D |
| Tool base class for selecting a Rect2f rect in the yx-plane of a 3D scene (in a Visualization3DView) More...
class | RecursiveMemberReflector |
| The RecursiveMemberReflector extents the RecursiveMemberReflectorBase class and implements the member() and property() methods of the ReflectorInterface class by calling the appropriate methods of RecursiveMemberReflectorBase. More...
class | RecursiveMemberReflectorBase |
| The RecursiveMemberReflectorBase is a base class for all Reflectors that are used to visit the reflect methods of the classes recursively in order to collect information on the members of these classes. More...
class | RedBlueColormap |
| A continuous Red-Blue colormap. More...
struct | ReflectMemberMeta |
| Stores meta information for each member. More...
class | ReflectorInterface |
| This is the public interface of all reflectors that are able to visit a class' reflect() method. More...
class | Registrar |
| A template class that creates a static instance of TRegistrar. More...
class | RemoteAuthority |
| A remote authority is located in another framework. More...
class | RemoteAuthorityPropertyUpdater |
class | RemoteAuthorityRootPropertyNode |
class | RemoteConnection |
| Base class of connections between frameworks. More...
class | RemoteConnectionPool |
| Owner of every RemoteConnection. More...
class | RemoteConnectionProxy |
| A proxy object that represents a connection. More...
class | RemoteIncomingConnection |
| Connection class for incoming connections. More...
class | RemoteModule |
| Manages connections to other remote frameworks. More...
class | RemoteOutgoingConnectionBase |
| Connection class for outgoing connections. More...
class | RemoteServer |
| Server class handling incoming connections from remote frameworks. More...
class | ResourceName |
| Class for storing/combining/managing resource names consisting of namespaces and names separated by '/' Resource names can be combined and normalized. More...
class | RigidTransform |
| This class represents an affine transformation that supports a translation followed by a rotation (a so called rigid transform). More...
class | RigidTransform< T, 2 > |
| Specialization of RigidTransform for 2 dimensions. More...
class | RigidTransform< T, 3 > |
| Specialization of RigidTransform for 3 dimensions. More...
class | RigidTransformBase |
| Implementation of RigidTransforms with different dimensionality D. More...
class | RigidTransformCov |
| This class represents an affine transformation that supports a translation followed by a rotation (a so called rigid transform). More...
class | RigidTransformCov< T, 2 > |
Specialization of RigidTransformCov for 2 dimensions. More...
class | RigidTransformCov< T, 3 > |
Specialization of RigidTransformCov for 3 dimensions. More...
class | RootPropertyNode |
| A special node that acts only as (empty) root node for a property tree. More...
struct | RPCCallDefinition |
| Stores info required to call an RPC method - service name, method name, arguments. More...
class | RPCClient |
| The RPCClient is responsible for handling the client-side of an rpc call. More...
class | RPCFuture |
| An RPCFuture is a proxy for the result of an asynchronous RPC call. More...
class | RPCFuture< JSONRPCResponse > |
| This is a specialization for JSON RPC calls. More...
class | RPCFuture< void > |
| This is a specialization for RPC calls with the return type of void, where the get() method does not return a value. More...
class | RPCFutureCommon |
| Wrapper for boost::unique_future that is specialized for RPC processing. More...
class | RPCHandler |
| RPCHandler implements an AbstractRPCHandler. More...
class | RPCInvoker |
| Base of all TRPCInvoker classes which are templates to support different RPC backends. More...
class | RPCManager |
| This class is for internal use only. More...
class | RPCServer |
| The RPCServer is responsible for handling the server-side of an rpc call. More...
struct | RPCSignature |
| Stores the signature of an RPC method including the methods name and its parameter types. More...
class | RSAKey |
| Definition of a RSA key (public or private) More...
class | RSASignature |
| A class for signing and verifying messages using a RSA key pair. More...
class | SceneQueryTool |
class | SchmittTriggerHysteresis |
| Class realizing a Schmitt trigger. More...
class | ScopedAccess |
| Grants thread-safe access to an object (the Protectee) that should be protected from concurrent access. More...
class | ScopedAccess< Protectee, void > |
| Specialization for Mutex=void, i.e. More...
class | ScopedAccessBase |
| base class for ScopedAccess with external or Protectee-internal mutex More...
class | ScrollView |
| ScrollView extends the QAbstractScrollArea by features like automatic scaling of scrollbars, signals when the visible are was moved and so on. More...
class | SelectionListDialog |
| A dialog for providing the a list, where the items can be grouped in categories. More...
class | SerializableException |
class | Serializer |
| Is a special reflector that is used for serialization. More...
class | SerializerFormatMixin |
| Used by BinarySerializer, defines the binary format in particular for class versioning information: 0 = version numbers are stored inline in binary data when version() is called; 1 = same as version 0, except that version 1 (as all following versions) explicitly stores version number at the beginning of serialized data; 2 = the positions in binary data are fixed where each object part stores its version number (or a placeholder if not versioned [yet]!). More...
class | SerializerFormatMixin01Base |
class | SerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 0, Buffered, StreamType > |
class | SerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 1, Buffered, StreamType > |
class | SerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 2, Buffered, StreamType > |
class | SerialPort |
| This class acts as a wrapper to boost::asio::serial_port. More...
class | ServiceCall |
class | ServiceCall< Ret(ARGS...)> |
| A ServiceCall is a proxy for a specific method of a specific service, providing a functor-like interface to that method, and encapsulation for checking the availability of the service and method (name, signature). More...
class | ServiceInterfaceHandler |
| ServiceInterfaceHandler implements a AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandler. More...
class | ServiceLevel |
| ServiceLevel by channel name. More...
class | ServiceLevelBase |
| QoS management information for channels. More...
class | ServiceProperty |
| Use this class instead of a string property whenever your module has a service as property. More...
class | ServiceSelectorBox |
| This is a combobox with a method to populate it with names of services providing one of a set of specified interfaces. More...
class | Setter |
| Holds a boost::function object to a special setter function that must meet the signature "void method(T)". More...
class | SHA1StreamBuf |
| The SHA1 hash function. More...
class | SHA256StreamBuf |
| The SHA256 hash function. More...
class | SharedAuthority |
| A wrapper providing locked/shared access to an AbstractAuthority pointer (used by AuthorityManager::getAuthority()) The lifetime of the AbstractAuthority object the pointer points to is ensured as long as one wrapper instance exists that wraps the same AbstractAuthority pointer. More...
class | SharedLibrary |
| Class for loading a single shared library. More...
class | SharedLibraryLoader |
| Class for loading multiple shared libraries. More...
class | SignalBinder |
| Class that provides different slots with different parameters. More...
class | SignedAngle |
| Signed angle that is represented using radians. More...
class | SignedDegree |
| Signed angle that is represented using degrees. More...
class | SignedRadian |
| Signed angle that is represented using radians. More...
class | SingleSelectionListDialog |
| A dialog for providing the a list, where the items can be grouped in categories. More...
class | Singleton |
| A singleton template class that can be freely configured using policies that control the instantiation, creation, lifetime and thread-safety. More...
class | Size |
| Size class for defining sizes with different data types. More...
class | Size< T, 2 > |
| Specialization for 2D with special members width() and height(). More...
class | Size< T, 3 > |
| Specialization for 3D with special members width(),height() and depth(). More...
class | SpinBoxDelegate |
| Delegate for a QTableWidgetItem (or any model-view item for that matter). More...
class | Spinlock |
| A spinlock is similar to a mutex and allows thread synchronization of critical sections. More...
class | SplashScreen |
| Widget provides a splash screen that can be shown during application startup. More...
class | SQLiteCachedQuery |
| A cached SQLite query object that supports serialization. More...
class | SQLiteDB |
| An exception that occurs whenever accessing the SQLite db results in an error. More...
class | SQLiteQuery |
| Class representing a result of a SQLite database query. More...
class | Stamped |
| Mix in for adding a time stamp, an optional frame id and an optional sequence id to data types like Pose, RangeScan, etc. More...
class | Stamped< T * > |
| Stamped class specialization for polymorphic pointers. More...
class | StampedDataQueue |
| Implements a queue where Stamped data can be added. More...
class | StampedHeader |
| The common header for all stamped data. More...
class | StampedPrimitive |
| Stamped class for primitive types like int, float, etc. More...
class | Status |
| Status entry class. More...
class | StatusManager |
| Manages the status of one or multiple modules inheriting from DiagnosticsModule. More...
class | StreamAccessMixin |
| Direct stream access. More...
class | StreamAccessMixin< BinaryStream, true > |
| Stream access buffered through BinaryBufferOstream, can be used to work around limitations of underlying stream (in particular, missing support of tellp/seekp). More...
class | StreamAccessMixinBase |
| Base for buffered/unbuffered stream access. More...
class | StripedStorageBase |
class | StripedStorageBinary |
class | StripedStorageXML |
| Stores data sequentially into different files (striped) providing a reliable way to retrieve data later from one of the files even if some of the files are corrupted (e.g. More...
class | TabularColormap |
| Base class for tabular color colormaps. More...
class | Tape |
| A tape is a binary file that contains recorded/serialized data of one or multiple channels. More...
class | TapeFileDialog |
class | TapePlayer |
| Class for playing back tape files. More...
class | TapePlayerWidget |
class | TapeRecorder |
| Class for recording channel data to tape. More...
class | TapeRecorderConfig |
| A config that can be passed to the TapeRecorder which contains all settings that should be used for recording. More...
class | TapeRecorderWidget |
| The recorder widget. More...
class | TapeVisitor |
| Visitor class to inspect tapes by channels and/or time interval. More...
class | TClass |
| The TClass object is the implementation of the class class for classes which are available since the corresponding library is loaded. More...
class | TEigenFormat |
| Template class wrapping the serializing functionality of eigen to support stream operators using a given format. More...
class | TEigenFormatReadOnly |
| Template class wrapping the serializing functionality of eigen to support stream operators using a given format. More...
class | TemplateClass |
| The TemplateClass object is the implementation of the Class class for template classes. More...
class | TextEditAutoCompletion |
class | TextObject |
class | ThreadMonitor |
| A thread monitor class. More...
class | Time |
| Wrapper class for boost::posix_time::ptime for adding more functionality to it. More...
class | TimeOffsetCompensation |
struct | TimeTypesSerializedAsElements |
| A tag type used as parameter type in humanReadableGetter, humanReadableSetter, humanReadableAccessor to select serialization as individual components (year/month/day etc.) More...
class | TitleBar |
| Base class for all window title bars (EditorPartTitleBar, ViewPartTitleBar). More...
class | ToHex |
| Can be used with toString to convert values to their string hex representation. More...
class | ToOct |
| Can be used with toString to convert values to their string oct representation. More...
struct | TPower |
| Computes the power base^exponent at compile time. More...
struct | TPower< base, 0 > |
struct | TransformDesc |
| Describes a path of transformations through the transformation tree. More...
class | Transformer |
| A full features transformer class based on GenericTransformer. More...
class | TransformerBase |
| Base class for Transformer to decouple base functionality that is type independent from type dependent Transformer class template. More...
class | TransformerNode |
| Basic reference implementation of an AbstractTransformerNode that stores the transformation data internally in a StampedDataQueue that allows to query the transformation at specific time stamps. More...
class | TransformProperty |
| Use this class instead of a string property whenever your module has a transform frame as property. More...
class | TreeViewFilter |
class | TRPCInvoker |
| Invoker that is used to invoke an RPC method call for a special backend. More...
class | TypedChannelBufferBase |
| Base class for typed channel buffers. More...
class | TypedDefaultTextVisualizationBase |
class | TypedPropertyNode |
| Abstract base class for all typed property nodes. More...
class | TypedPropertyNodeImpl |
| Implementation of TypedPropertyNode. More...
class | TypedPropertyNodeImpl< Accessor< Getter, Setter > > |
| Implementation of TypedPropertyNode for Accessors, i.e. More...
class | TypedPropertyNodeImpl< T * > |
| Implementation of TypedPropertyNode for pointers. More...
class | TypedPropertyNodeImplGetSetMixin |
| Partial Implementations of the get/set of TypedPropertyNode specialized for normal classes / for classes that are not copyable. More...
class | TypedPropertyNodeImplGetSetMixin< T, false > |
class | TypedPropertyNodeImplGetSetMixinBase |
class | TypedRemotePropertyNode |
| Special TypedPropertyNode for remote properties. More...
class | TypedVoidConstPtr |
| Same as TypedVoidPtr but const. More...
class | TypedVoidPtr |
| Class that allows to maintain type-safety when passing void pointers. More...
class | TypeMeta |
| Meta Type information. More...
class | TypeServiceLevel |
| ServiceLevel by channel type. More...
class | UniformRandomGenerator |
| A random generator that samples random numbers within the interval that is passed to the constructor. More...
class | Unit |
| A more complex unit that adds a default timer to the thread dispatcher of the authority that acts as a worker thread (process()). More...
class | UnitManager |
| Class managing micro units and units. More...
class | UntypedImgConstIterator |
| Untyped const image iterator, that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class | UntypedImgIterator |
| Untyped image iterator, that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class | UntypedImgIteratorValue |
class | VacantClass |
| The VacantClass object is the implementation of the Class class for classes which are NOT available since the corresponding library is NOT loaded. More...
class | ViewPart |
| A view is typically used to display information or properties. More...
class | ViewPartTitleBar |
class | Visualization |
| Abstract base class for all derived visualizations, namely Visualization3D and Visualization2D. More...
class | Visualization2D |
| Abstract base class for all 2D visualization that are used by Visualization2DView. More...
class | Visualization2DBasic |
| Inherit from this class if you want to implement a simple 2D visualization. More...
class | Visualization2DContainer |
class | Visualization2DView |
| 2D view of a scene that may contain different visualization objects which show the actual content of the scene. More...
class | Visualization3D |
| Abstract base class for all 3D visualization that are used by Visualization3DView. More...
class | Visualization3DBasic |
| Inherit from this class if you want to implement a simple 3D visualization. More...
class | Visualization3DContainer |
| A standalone container for 3D visualizations, similar to Visualization3DView but as lightweight standalone widget instead of a view within the RCP framework. More...
class | Visualization3DView |
| 3D view of a scene that may contain different visualization objects which show the actual content of the scene. More...
class | VisualizationControl |
| View part for managing (adding, removing and editing properties) visualizations of the currently focused visualization view. More...
class | VisualizationControlPage |
| VisualizationControl page. More...
class | VisualizationObject |
class | VisualizationRegistry |
| Stores mappings from type names to Visualization classes of Visualizations that are able to show the data. More...
class | VisualizationText |
| Abstract base class for all text visualization. More...
class | VisualizationTextBase |
class | VisualizationTextBasic |
class | VisualizationTextItem |
class | VisualizationTextJSONBase |
class | VisualizationTextTrace |
| Abstract base class for a text visualization tracing the data history. More...
class | VisualizationTextTraceBasic |
class | VisualizationTool |
class | VisualizationTool2D |
class | VisualizationTool3D |
class | VisualizationView |
| Abstract base class for 2D, 3D, text and plot visualization views (namely Visualization2DView and Visualization3DView...). More...
class | VisualizationViewTransformable |
| Abstract base class for 2D, 3D, text and plot visualization views (namely Visualization2DView and Visualization3DView...) that support a target frame. More...
class | WidgetResizeHandler |
class | Workbench |
class | WorkbenchPart |
| A workbench part is a component within the workbench. More...
class | XMemberNotFound_NoDefault |
| Can be thrown by subclasses of RecursiveMemberReflectorBase to indicate that they did not find a certain member, e.g. More...
class | XMLDeserializer |
| Deserializer for serializing objects from XML format. More...
class | XMLDom |
| A STL conform wrapper for libxml2 to read XML files as DOM. More...
class | XMLDomPreprocessor |
| Preprocesses XML documents and resolves all special tags like , <if>, <warning> and so on. More...
class | XMLSerializer |
struct | XMLSerializerTag |
| Serializer for serializing objects in XML format. More...
struct | XMLVariableValue |
| Variables defined in xml documents. More...
class | XRPC |
| An exception that is thrown by the RPCServer if an RPC call fails. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_service > | ServicePtr |
| A shared pointer wrapper for class boost::asio::io_service. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< IOService > | IOServicePtr |
| A shared pointer wrapper for class IOService. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MulticastSender > | MulticastSenderPtr |
| A shared pointer wrapper for class MulticastSender. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SerializableException > | SerializableExceptionPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LogFormatterBase > | LogFormatterPtr |
| A shared pointer for a log formatter. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LogFilterBase > | LogFilterPtr |
| A shared pointer for a log filter. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LogSink > | LogSinkPtr |
| A shared pointer for a log sink. More...
typedef ClassProxy | ClassPtr |
typedef int | TypeId |
| The type of the integral TypeId, that can be retrieved by typeId<T>() More...
typedef Circle< int > | Circlei |
| A integer circle. More...
typedef Circle< float > | Circlef |
| A float circle. More...
typedef Circle< double > | Circled |
| A double circle. More...
typedef Line< int, 2 > | Line2i |
| A 2D integer line. More...
typedef Line< int, 3 > | Line3i |
| A 3D integer line. More...
typedef Line< float, 2 > | Line2f |
| A 2D 32 bit floating precision line. More...
typedef Line< float, 3 > | Line3f |
| A 3D 32 bit floating precision line. More...
typedef Point< int, 2 > | Point2i |
| a 2D integer point More...
typedef Point< float, 2 > | Point2f |
| a 2D 32 bit floating precision point More...
typedef Point< double, 2 > | Point2d |
| a 2D 64 bit floating precision point More...
typedef Point< int, 3 > | Point3i |
| a 3D integer point More...
typedef Point< float, 3 > | Point3f |
| a 3D 32 bit floating precision point More...
typedef Point< double, 3 > | Point3d |
| a 3D 64 bit floating precision point More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point2i > | Polygon2i |
| A 2D polygon with integer precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point2f > | Polygon2f |
| A 2D polygon with 32 bit floating precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point2d > | Polygon2d |
| A 2D polygon with 64 bit floating precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point3i > | Polygon3i |
| A 3D polygon with integer precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point3f > | Polygon3f |
| A 3D polygon with 32 bit floating precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point3d > | Polygon3d |
| A 3D polygon with 64 bit floating precision. More...
typedef Rect< int, 2 > | Rect2i |
| A 2D rect with integer precision. More...
typedef Rect< float, 2 > | Rect2f |
| A 2D rect with floating point precision. More...
typedef Rect< double, 2 > | Rect2d |
| A 2D rect with 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Rect< int, 3 > | Box3i |
| A 3D box with integer precision. More...
typedef Rect< float, 3 > | Box3f |
| A 3D box with floating point precision. More...
typedef Rect< double, 3 > | Box3d |
| A 3D box with 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< int, 2 > | Size2i |
| The size type for 2D objects in integer precision. More...
typedef Size< float, 2 > | Size2f |
| The size type for 2D objects in floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< double, 2 > | Size2d |
| The size type for 2D objects in 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< int, 3 > | Size3i |
| The size type for 3D objects in integer precision. More...
typedef Size< float, 3 > | Size3f |
| The size type for 3D objects in floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< double, 3 > | Size3d |
| The size type for 3D objects in 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 1 > | Img8U1 |
| Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 2 > | Img8U2 |
| Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 2 channels. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 3 > | Img8U3 |
| Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 4 > | Img8U4 |
| Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 1 > | Img16U1 |
| Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 2 > | Img16U2 |
| Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 3 > | Img16U3 |
| Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 4 > | Img16U4 |
| Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 1 > | Img16S1 |
| Image: 16-bit integers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 2 > | Img16S2 |
| Image: 16-bit integers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 3 > | Img16S3 |
| Image: 16-bit integers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 4 > | Img16S4 |
| Image: 16-bit integers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 1 > | Img32F1 |
| Image: floating-point numbers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 2 > | Img32F2 |
| Image: floating-point numbers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 3 > | Img32F3 |
| Image: floating-point numbers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 4 > | Img32F4 |
| Image: floating-point numbers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 1 > | Img64F1 |
| Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 2 > | Img64F2 |
| Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 3 > | Img64F3 |
| Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 4 > | Img64F4 |
| Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 4 channel. More...
typedef json::Value | JSONValue |
| Imports the json::Value type into mira namespace. More...
typedef json::Object | JSONObject |
| Imports the json::Object type into mira namespace. More...
typedef json::Array | JSONArray |
| Imports the json::Array type into mira namespace. More...
typedef SignedDegree< int > | SignedDegreei |
| Integer precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedDegree< float > | SignedDegreef |
| Float precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedDegree< double > | SignedDegreed |
| Double precision signed angle. More...
typedef Degree< int > | Degreei |
| Integer precision angle. More...
typedef Degree< float > | Degreef |
| Float precision angle. More...
typedef Degree< double > | Degreed |
| Double precision angle. More...
typedef SignedRadian< float > | SignedRadianf |
| Float precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedRadian< double > | SignedRadiand |
| Double precision signed angle. More...
typedef Radian< float > | Radianf |
| Float precision angle. More...
typedef Radian< double > | Radiand |
| Double precision angle. More...
typedef SignedAngle< float > | SignedAnglef |
| Float precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedAngle< double > | SignedAngled |
| Double precision signed angle. More...
typedef Angle< float > | Anglef |
| Float precision angle. More...
typedef Angle< double > | Angled |
| Double precision angle. More...
typedef std::list< MemoryBlockInfo > | MemoryBlockInfoList |
typedef std::string | Typename |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractDeferredInvoker > | AbstractDeferredInvokerPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandler > | AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandlerPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractRPCHandler > | AbstractRPCHandlerPtr |
typedef BinaryRPCBackendTempl< 0 > | BinaryRPCBackendLegacy |
typedef BinaryRPCBackendTempl< 2 > | BinaryRPCBackend |
typedef std::vector< RPCCallDefinition > | RPCCallDefinitions |
template<typename F , typename... Description> |
using | ValidRPCDescription = typename std::enable_if< Private::rpc::isValid< F, Description... >()>::type |
template<typename F , typename... Description> |
using | InvalidRPCDescription = typename std::enable_if<!Private::rpc::isValid< F, Description... >()>::type |
typedef BasicAESEncryptionFilter | AESEncryptionFilter |
| A AES public encryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef BasicAESDecryptionFilter | AESDecryptionFilter |
| A AES private decryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef HashStream< MD5StreamBuf > | MD5 |
| A simple MD5 hash stream. More...
typedef BasicRSAPublicEncryptionFilter | RSAPublicEncryptionFilter |
| A RSA public encryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef BasicRSAPrivateDecryptionFilter | RSAPrivateDecryptionFilter |
| A RSA private decryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef HashStream< SHA1StreamBuf > | SHA1 |
| A simple SHA1 hash stream. More...
typedef HashStream< SHA256StreamBuf > | SHA256 |
| A simple SHA256 hash stream. More...
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryBufferOstream, 2 > | BinaryBufferSerializer |
| Typedef for BinarySerializer based on a Buffer. More...
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryBufferOstream, 0 > | BinaryBufferSerializerLegacy |
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStlOstream, 2 > | BinaryStreamSerializer |
| Typedef for BinarySerializer based on STL streams. More...
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStlOstream, 2, true > | BufferedBinaryStreamSerializer |
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStlOstream, 0 > | BinaryStreamSerializerLegacy |
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, 2 > | BinaryBufferDeserializer |
| Typedef for BinaryDeserializer based on a Buffer. More...
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, 1 > | BinaryBufferDeserializerLegacyMarked |
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, 0 > | BinaryBufferDeserializerLegacy |
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStlIstream, 2 > | BinaryStreamDeserializer |
| Typedef for BinaryDeserializer based on a stl stream. More...
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStlIstream, 1 > | BinaryStreamDeserializerLegacyMarked |
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStlIstream, 0 > | BinaryStreamDeserializerLegacy |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BinarySerializerCodec > | BinarySerializerCodecPtr |
| Shared pointer of BinarySerializerCodec. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TypeMeta > | TypeMetaPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MethodMeta > | MethodMetaPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CompoundMeta > | CompoundMetaPtr |
typedef std::set< PropertyNodeListener * > | PropertyNodeListenerList |
typedef BinaryOstream< std::basic_ostream< char, std::char_traits< char > > > | BinaryStlOstream |
| Typedef for binary output streams based on STL streams. More...
typedef BinaryOstream< BinaryBufferStreamBase > | BinaryBufferOstream |
| Typedef for binary output streams based on a Buffer. More...
typedef BinaryIstream< std::basic_istream< char, std::char_traits< char > > > | BinaryStlIstream |
| Typedef for binary input streams based on STL streams. More...
typedef BinaryIstream< BinaryBufferStreamBase > | BinaryBufferIstream |
| Typedef for binary input streams based on a Buffer. More...
typedef uint32 | ThreadID |
| Platform independent thread ID. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 2 > | Pose2 |
| A 2D pose consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 3 > | Pose3 |
| A 3D pose consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 2 > | PoseCov2 |
| A 2D pose with covariance consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 3 > | PoseCov3 |
| A 3D pose with covariance consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< Pose2 >::VectorType | Pose2Vector |
| Vector of Pose2. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< Pose3 >::VectorType | Pose3Vector |
| Vector of Pose3. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< PoseCov2 >::VectorType | PoseCov2Vector |
| Vector of PoseCov2. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< PoseCov3 >::VectorType | PoseCov3Vector |
| Vector of PoseCov3. More...
typedef PoseCov2Vector | Pose2CovVector |
| deprecated, use PoseCov2Vector instead More...
typedef PoseCov3Vector | Pose3CovVector |
| deprecated, use PoseCov3Vector instead More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 2 > | RigidTransform2f |
| Typedef for 2D float transform. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 3 > | RigidTransform3f |
| Typedef for 3D float transform. More...
typedef RigidTransform< double, 2 > | RigidTransform2d |
| Typedef for 2D double transform. More...
typedef RigidTransform< double, 3 > | RigidTransform3d |
| Typedef for 3D double transform. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 2 > | RigidTransformCov2f |
| Typedef for 2D float transform with covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 3 > | RigidTransformCov3f |
| Typedef for 3D float transform with covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< double, 2 > | RigidTransformCov2d |
| Typedef for 2D double transform with covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< double, 3 > | RigidTransformCov3d |
| Typedef for 3D double transform with covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 2 > | Transformer2f |
| Typedef for a transformer with 2D floating point transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 3 > | Transformer3f |
| Typedef for a transformer with 3D floating point transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 2 > | Transformer2d |
| Typedef for a transformer with 2D double precision transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 3 > | Transformer3d |
| Typedef for a transformer with 3D double precision transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 2, RigidTransformCov > | TransformerCov2f |
| Typedef for a transformer with 2D floating point transforms and covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 3, RigidTransformCov > | TransformerCov3f |
| Typedef for a transformer with 3D floating point transforms and covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 2, RigidTransformCov > | TransformerCov2d |
| Typedef for a transformer with 2D double precision transforms and covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 3, RigidTransformCov > | TransformerCov3d |
| Typedef for a transformer with 3D double precision transforms and covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 2 > | Velocity2 |
| A 2D velocity consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 3 > | Velocity3 |
| A 3D velocity consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 2 > | VelocityCov2 |
| A 2D velocity with covariance consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 3 > | VelocityCov3 |
| A 3D velocity with covariance consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity2, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Velocity2 > > | Velocity2Vector |
| Vector of Velocity2. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity3, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Velocity3 > > | Velocity3Vector |
| Vector of Velocity3. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity2, Eigen::aligned_allocator< VelocityCov2 > > | VelocityCov2Vector |
| Vector of VelocityCov2. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity3, Eigen::aligned_allocator< VelocityCov3 > > | VelocityCov3Vector |
| Vector of VelocityCov3. More...
typedef boost::filesystem::path | Path |
| Typedef of a Path (shorter version for boost::filesystem::path) More...
typedef std::vector< Path > | PathVector |
| Typedef for vector of Paths. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SharedLibrary > | SharedLibraryPtr |
typedef boost::gregorian::date | Date |
| Typedef for the boost Gregorian calendar date. More...
typedef boost::gregorian::date_duration | DateDuration |
using | DateSerializedAsIsoString = HumanReadableSerialization::Date< true > |
| Derivation of mira::Date with serialization as string. More...
using | DateSerializedAsYMD = HumanReadableSerialization::Date< false > |
| Derivation of mira::Date with serialization as year/month/day members. More...
using | DurationSerializedAsIsoString = HumanReadableSerialization::Duration< true > |
| Derivation of mira::Duration with serialization as string. More...
using | DurationSerializedAsHMS = HumanReadableSerialization::Duration< false > |
| Derivation of mira::Duration with serialization as hours/minutes/seconds/milli-/microseconds members. More...
using | TimeSerializedAsIsoString = HumanReadableSerialization::Time< true > |
| Derivation of mira::Time with serialization as string. More...
using | TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS = HumanReadableSerialization::Time< false > |
| Derivation of mira::Time with serialization as year/month/day/hour/... members. More...
typedef boost::uuids::uuid | UUID |
| Shorter name for boost uuid. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, XMLVariableValue > | XMLVariablesMap |
typedef AbstractChannel * | AbstractChannelPtr |
| Typedef for abstract channel pointers. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractChannelSubscriber > | AbstractChannelSubscriberPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Authority > | AuthorityPtr |
| Typedef for Authority pointers. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AuthorityRuntime > | AuthorityRuntimePtr |
| Pointer of AuthorityRuntime. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DiscoverService > | DiscoverServicePtr |
typedef DispatcherThread::Timer | Timer |
typedef DispatcherThread::TimerPtr | TimerPtr |
typedef DispatcherThread::TimerCallback | TimerCallback |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MicroUnit > | MicroUnitPtr |
typedef ConcreteRemoteOutgoingConnection< 2 > | RemoteOutgoingConnection |
typedef ConcreteRemoteOutgoingConnection< 0 > | RemoteOutgoingConnectionLegacy |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RemoteModule > | RemoteModulePtr |
| Typedef for a pointer to RemoteModule. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RPCHandler > | RPCHandlerPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< IRunnable > | IRunnablePtr |
| a runnable pointer More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DiagnosticRunnable > | DiagnosticRunnablePtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ServiceInterfaceHandler > | ServiceInterfaceHandlerPtr |
typedef DiagnosticsModule * | DiagnosticsModulePtr |
| Typedef of a DiagnosticsModule pointer. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, RecordedChannelInfo > | RecordedChannelInfoMap |
| A map of recorded channel settings. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ConfigurationPreparePlugin > | ConfigurationPreparePluginPtr |
| typedef for ConfigurationPreparePlugin pointer More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ConfigurationLoaderPlugin > | ConfigurationLoaderPluginPtr |
| typedef for ConfigurationLoaderPlugin pointer More...
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 > |
LogCustomizableFilter::AndOperator< Derived1, Derived2 > | operator & (const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived1 > &f1, const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived2 > &f2) |
| Operator to combine filters by and. More...
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 > |
LogCustomizableFilter::OrOperator< Derived1, Derived2 > | operator| (const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived1 > &f1, const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived2 > &f2) |
| Operator to combine filters by or. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT SeverityLevel | stringToSeverityLevel (const std::string &levelString) |
| Converts the specified string into a numeric severity level. More...
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflect (Reflector &r, LogRecord &record) |
| Non-intrusive reflector for LogRecord. More...
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT | installSignalHandler (int sig, boost::function< void(const IntSignal &)> function) |
| Registers a function for the specified interrupt signal. More...
template<typename CLASS > |
CLASS * | mira_factoryDynamicCast (Object *base) |
| Auxiliary function which throws an XFactoryBadCast exception if the cast fails and deletes the object. More...
std::string | mira_stripNameFromIdentifier (std::string const &identifier) |
| Auxiliary function to extract the class name from the given identifier. More...
std::string | replaceTemplateGeneric (std::string const &genericIdent, std::string const &specialIdent) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const LibraryVersion &version) |
void | loadManifests (const Path &pattern=MIRA_LIB_FOLDER"/*.manifest") |
| Loads all manifest files that match the given file pattern within all paths that are specified in the MIRA_PATH environment variable. More...
| MIRA_MEMBER_DETECTOR (mNoPublicDefaultConstructor) |
template<typename T > |
TypeId | typeId () |
| Generates unique IDs for different types. More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | bresenham (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Rasterizes a Bresenham line point by point starting at coordinate (x0,y0) and ending in (x1,y1). More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | bresenham (Point2i p0, Point2i p1, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Different interface for standard Bresenham Algorithm. More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | bresenhamRunSlice (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Rasterizes a Bresenham line starting at coordinate (x0,y0) and ending in (x1,y1). More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | bresenhamRunSlice (Point2i p0, Point2i p1, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Different interface for Bresenham Run-Slice Algorithm. More...
template<typename PointType > |
boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > | createTriangle (const PointType &p1, const PointType &p2, const PointType &p3) |
| The polygon is essentially a sequence of points with an edge also connecting the first and last point. More...
template<typename LineType > |
boost::geometry::model::ring< typename LineType::PointType > | polygonFromLine (const LineType &line) |
| Converts a line into a polygon. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename PointType > |
void | reflect (Reflector &r, boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > &p) |
| non-intrusive reflect for boost::geometry::ring More...
template<class TransformationInRegion , class Visitor > |
void | rasterPolygon (const Polygon2f &polygon, const Rect2i ®ion, TransformationInRegion &&transformation, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Function for rasterising a polygon. More...
template<class TransformationInRegion , class Visitor > |
void | rasterPolygon (const Polygon2f &polygon, const Rect2i ®ion, TransformationInRegion &&transformation, Visitor &&visitor, uint precision) |
| Function for rasterising a polygon. More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | rasterRect (int xl, int yl, int xr, int yr, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Rasterizes an Rectangle (2D only). More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | rasterRect (const Rect2i &rect, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Rasters a rect (see description above), same as above, just additional interface. More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | rasterTriangle (Point2i p0, Point2i p1, Point2i p2, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Rasters a triangle scanline by scanline. More...
template<typename Visitor > |
void | rasterTriangle (const Polygon2i &polygon, Visitor &&visitor) |
| Same function as above, but with a nicer interface. More...
template<typename TPixel , int TChannels> |
Img< TPixel, TChannels > | img_cast (Img<> &other) |
| Casts an untyped Img<> into a typed image with the specified pixel type and channel count. More...
bool | operator== (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b) |
bool | operator!= (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b) |
bool | operator< (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b) |
bool | operator> (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b) |
bool | operator<= (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b) |
bool | operator>= (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b) |
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Img | loadTGA (const std::string &filename) |
| Loads an image from a TARGA tga file. More...
template<typename T > |
INTERNAL std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, T >::type | deg2rad (T value) |
| Convert degree to radian, for floating point arguments (return type = argument type) More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, double >::type | deg2rad (T value) |
| Convert degree to radian, for integral arguments (return type = double) More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type | deg2rad (T value) |
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, T >::type | rad2deg (T value) |
| Convert radian to degree, for floating point arguments (return type = argument type) More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, double >::type | rad2deg (T value) |
| Convert radian to degree, for integral arguments (return type = double) More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type | rad2deg (T value) |
template<typename T > |
T | smallestAngleDifference (const T &a, const T &b) |
| Returns the signed difference angle between the specified angles (in radian) that has the smallest absolute value. More...
template<typename T > |
bool | inAngleInterval (T value, T min, T max) |
template<typename T > |
bool | isInAngleInterval (T value, T min, T max) |
| Returns true, if the given angle (in radian) is in the given interval [min,max]. More...
template<typename T > |
Getter< T > | rad2degGetter (const T &cref) |
| Create a getter for serializing radians as degrees. More...
template<typename T > |
Setter< T > | deg2radSetter (T &ref) |
| Create setter for deserializing radians from degrees. See rad2degGetter. More...
template<typename T > |
Setter< T > | deg2radSetter (T &ref, Deg2RadNonNegativeType) |
| Create a setter for deserializing radians from degrees. More...
template<typename T > |
Accessor< Getter< T >, Setter< T > > | radAsDegAccessor (T &ref) |
| Create an accessor consisting of getter + setter for serializing radians as degrees. More...
template<typename T > |
Accessor< Getter< T >, Setter< T > > | radAsDegAccessor (T &ref, Deg2RadNonNegativeType) |
| Create a complete accessor consisting of getter + setter for serializing radians as degrees. More...
template<typename Derived > |
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::PlainObject | choleskyInverse (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &m) |
| Returns the inverse of m. More...
template<typename Derived > |
TEigenFormat< Derived > | format (Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix, Eigen::IOFormat format=EigenFormat::matlab()) |
| Function for formatting an Eigen matrix using a special format. More...
template<typename Derived > |
TEigenFormatReadOnly< Derived > | format (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix, Eigen::IOFormat format=EigenFormat::matlab()) |
| Same as above, provided for const correctness. More...
template<typename T , typename U > |
bool | isApprox (const T &a, const T &b, const U &tol) |
| Returns true, if the value a has approximately the same value as b. More...
template<typename T , typename S > |
T | lerp (const T &a, const T &b, S alpha) |
| Linear interpolation of different types like scalars, angles and rotations, vectors, etc. More...
template<typename T , typename UnitTag , typename Derived , typename S > |
Derived | lerpAngle (const AngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived > &a, const AngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
Degree< T > | lerp (const Degree< T > &a, const Degree< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
SignedDegree< T > | lerp (const SignedDegree< T > &a, const SignedDegree< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
Radian< T > | lerp (const Radian< T > &a, const Radian< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
SignedRadian< T > | lerp (const SignedRadian< T > &a, const SignedRadian< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
Angle< T > | lerp (const Angle< T > &a, const Angle< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
SignedAngle< T > | lerp (const SignedAngle< T > &a, const SignedAngle< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
Eigen::Rotation2D< T > | lerp (const Eigen::Rotation2D< T > &a, const Eigen::Rotation2D< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T , typename S > |
Eigen::Quaternion< T > | lerp (const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &a, const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &b, S alpha) |
template<typename T > |
T | modulo (T x, T y) |
| Computes x modulo y, i.e. More...
template<> |
float | modulo (float x, float y) |
template<> |
double | modulo (double x, double y) |
template<> |
long double | modulo (long double x, long double y) |
float | normcdf (float x, float mu=0.0, float sigma=1.0) |
| Computes the normal cumulative distribution function at the value x using the specified mean mu and standard deviation sigma. More...
template<int exponent, typename T > |
T | pow (T base) |
| Computes the power of 'base' with a constant integral exponent. More...
template<typename T > |
T | pow2 (T base) |
| Computes base^2. More...
template<typename T > |
T | pow3 (T base) |
| Computes base^3. More...
template<typename T , typename U > |
T | pow (T base, U exponent) |
template<typename T > |
T | pow (T base, T exponent) |
template<typename T > |
const T & | saturate (const T &value, const T &minValue, const T &maxValue) |
| Saturate a value by limiting it to a certain interval. More...
template<typename T > |
T | truncate (T value, uint32 decimals) |
| Truncates a floating point value to a given number of decimals. More...
template<typename Derived > |
Eigen::Matrix< typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Scalar, 3, 1 > | eulerAngles (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &mat, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index a0, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index a1, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index a2) |
| Returns the Euler-angles of the rotation matrix mat using the convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2) More...
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Quaternion< T > | quaternionFromYawPitchRoll (T yaw, T pitch, T roll) |
| Converts yaw, pitch and roll angles to a quaternion. More...
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Quaternion< T > | quaternionFromYawPitchRoll (const boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > &ypr) |
| Same as the above method, that takes the yaw, pitch, roll angles as 3-tuple. More...
template<typename T > |
void | quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &eulerCovariance, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, Eigen::Quaternion< T > &oOrientation, Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > &oCovariance) |
| Converts 6x6 dimensional covariance matrix (3D + yaw, pitch and roll) angles to a 7x7 dimensional quaternion covariance matrix (3D + Quaternion) Our convention for the order of rotations is as follows:
- yaw around the Z-Axis (pointing upwards)
- pitch around the Y-Axis (pointing left)
- roll around the X-Axis (pointing forward)
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > | quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &eulerCovariance, float yaw, float pitch, float roll) |
| Converts 6x6 dimensional covariance matrix (3D + yaw, pitch and roll) angles to a 7x7 dimensional quaternion covariance matrix (3D + Quaternion) Our convention for the order of rotations is as follows:
- yaw around the Z-Axis (pointing upwards)
- pitch around the Y-Axis (pointing left)
- roll around the X-Axis (pointing forward)
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > | quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &eulerCovariance, const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &rotation) |
| Same as the above method, that takes the orientation as yaw,pitch,roll angles. More...
template<typename T > |
boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > | quaternionToYawPitchRoll (const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &q) |
| Converts a quaternion back to yaw, pitch, roll angles. More...
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > | quaternionCovToYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > &covariance, const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &q) |
| Converts a 7x7 dimensional quaternion covariance (3D + Quaternion) back to a 6x6 dimensional euler covariance (3D + Yaw, Pitch, Roll). More...
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > | matrixFromYawPitchRoll (T yaw, T pitch, T roll) |
| Converts yaw, pitch and roll angles to a rotation matrix. More...
template<typename T > |
Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > | matrixFromYawPitchRoll (const boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > &ypr) |
| Same as the above method, that takes the yaw,pitch,roll angles as 3-tuple. More...
template<typename T > |
boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > | matrixToYawPitchRoll (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &r) |
| Converts a rotation matrix back to yaw, pitch, roll angles. More...
template<typename T > |
void | derivMatricesFromYawPitchRoll (T yaw, T pitch, T roll, Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &oR_dyaw, Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &oR_dpitch, Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &oR_droll) |
| Returns the 3 derivates of the above rotation matrix, i.e. More...
template<typename T > |
NetworkTypeTrait< T >::Type | hostToNetwork (const T &value) |
| Converts a value from host byte order to network byte order. More...
template<> |
NetworkTypeTrait< float >::Type | hostToNetwork< float > (const float &value) |
| Specialization for float. More...
template<> |
NetworkTypeTrait< double >::Type | hostToNetwork< double > (const double &value) |
| Specialization for double. More...
template<typename T > |
T | networkToHost (const typename NetworkTypeTrait< T >::Type &value) |
| Converts a value from network byte order to host byte order. More...
template<> |
float | networkToHost (const NetworkTypeTrait< float >::Type &value) |
| Specialization for float. More...
template<> |
double | networkToHost (const NetworkTypeTrait< double >::Type &value) |
| Specialization for double. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | resolveEnvironmentVariable (const std::string &envVar) |
| Resolves an environmental variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | resolveEnvironmentVariables (std::string envStr, bool ignoreErrors=true) |
| Resolves all environmental variables in a string: It replaces $VARIABLE ${VARIABLE} VARIABLE% by the content of the environment variable VARIABLE. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT MemoryUsage | getMemoryUsage () |
| Returns information about the memory used currently by this process. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT MemoryBlockInfoList | getDetailedMemoryBlockUsage () |
| Returns detailed information on memory blocks used by this process. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT int | executeProcess (const std::string &cmd, std::string *oStdOut=NULL, std::string *oErrOut=NULL) |
| Executes a given command/process. More...
template<typename T > |
Typename | typeName (bool cvqualify=true) |
| Returns a compiler and platform independent typename of T. More...
template<typename T > |
Typename | typeName (T &t, bool cvqualify=true) |
| Returns a compiler and platform independent typename of t (not necessarily type T). More...
template<typename Backend , typename R , typename... ARGS, typename Fn > |
Private::ConcreteRPCInvoker< Backend, typename std::decay< Fn >::type, R, ARGS... > * | make_RPCInvoker (Fn &&f) |
template<typename R , typename... ARGS> |
RPCSignature | makeRPCSignature (std::string name) |
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | base64Encode (const std::string &data) |
| Base 64 encodes a string. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Buffer< uint8 > | base64Encode (const Buffer< uint8 > &data) |
| Base 64 encodes data in a buffer. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | base64Decode (const std::string &base64) |
| Base 64 decodes a base 64 encoded string. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Buffer< uint8 > | base64Decode (const Buffer< uint8 > &base64) |
| Base 64 decodes base 64 encoded data in a buffer. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RSAKey &key) |
| The '<<' operator for RSAKey. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, RSAKey &key) |
| The '>>' operator for RSAKey. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RSASignature &signature) |
| The '<<' operator for RSASignature. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &stream, RSASignature &signature) |
| The '>>' operator for RSASignature. More...
template<typename Getter , typename Setter > |
Accessor< Getter, Setter > | makeAccessor (const Getter &getter, const Setter &setter) |
| Helper method that creates an accessor from a different combination of either direct access to a variable (i.e. More...
template<typename T > |
Getter< T > | getter (T(*f)()) |
| Creates a Getter for global or static class methods returning the result by value. More...
template<typename T > |
Getter< T > | getter (const T &(*f)()) |
| Creates a Getter for global or static class methods returning the result by const reference. More...
template<typename T , typename Class > |
Getter< T > | getter (T(Class::*f)(), Class *obj) |
| Creates a Getter for non-const class methods returning the result by value. More...
template<typename T , typename Class > |
Getter< T > | getter (const T &(Class::*f)(), Class *obj) |
| Creates a Getter for non-const class methods returning the value by const reference. More...
template<typename T , typename LambdaFn > |
Getter< T > | getter (LambdaFn fn) |
| Creates a Getter for a lambda function. More...
template<typename T > |
Getter< T > | getter (boost::function< T()> f) |
| Creates a Getter for boost function or boost bind. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Getter< T > | getter (T(*f)(const TObject &), const TObject &object) |
| Creates a Getter for a global function or static class method that additionally is assigned with a certain object of type TObject, i.e. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Getter< T > | getter (T(*f)(TObject), const TObject &object) |
| Creates a Getter for a global function or static class method that additionally is assigned with a certain object. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Getter< T > | getter (boost::function< T(const TObject &)> f, const TObject &object) |
| Creates a Getter for a boost bind function that additionally is assigned with a certain object. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Getter< T > | getter (boost::function< T(TObject)> f, const TObject &object) |
| Creates a Getter for a boost bind function that additionally is assigned with a certain object. More...
template<typename T > |
Setter< T > | setter (void(*f)(const T &)) |
| Creates a Setter for global or static class methods taking the argument by const reference. More...
template<typename T > |
Setter< T > | setter (void(*f)(T)) |
| Creates a Setter for global or static class methods taking the argument by value. More...
template<typename T , typename LambdaFn > |
Setter< T > | setter (LambdaFn fn) |
| Creates a Setter for lambda function. More...
template<typename T , typename Class > |
Setter< T > | setter (void(Class::*f)(const T &), Class *obj) |
| Creates a Setter for class methods taking the argument by const reference. More...
template<typename T , typename Class > |
Setter< T > | setter (void(Class::*f)(T), Class *obj) |
| Creates a Setter for class methods taking the argument by value. More...
template<typename T > |
Setter< T > | setter (boost::function< void(const T &)> f) |
| Creates a Setter for boost function or boost bind. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Setter< T > | setter (TObject(*f)(const T &), TObject &object) |
| Creates a Setter for a global function or static class method that additionally is assigned with a certain object of type TObject, i.e. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Setter< T > | setter (TObject(*f)(T), TObject &object) |
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Setter< T > | setter (boost::function< TObject(const T &)> f, TObject &object) |
template<typename T , typename TObject > |
Setter< T > | setter (boost::function< TObject(T)> f, TObject &object) |
template<typename T > |
Private::TPrintHelper< T > | print (const T &value, bool prettyPrint=true) |
| Convenient function for simple output of a serializable class to a stream. More...
template<typename T > |
Private::TPrintHelper< T > | print (const T &value, PrintFormat format, int precision=-1) |
| Convenient function for simple output of a serializable class to a stream. More...
template<typename T > |
Setter< T > | setterNotify (T &member, boost::function< void()> notifyFn) |
| Creates a setter that simply sets the value of the specified member to the given value AND calls a user defined notification method afterwards. More...
template<typename T , typename Class > |
Setter< T > | setterNotify (T &member, void(Class::*f)(), Class *obj) |
| Creates a setter that simply sets the value of the specified member to the given value AND calls a user defined notification method afterwards. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename Class > |
void | splitReflectMemberInvoke (Reflector &r, Class *This) |
template<typename Reflector , typename Class > |
void | splitReflectMember (mira::ReflectorInterface< Reflector > &r, Class *This) |
| This method is used to split reflection into a reflectRead() and reflectWrite() method. More...
BinaryIosBase & | net (BinaryIosBase &stream) |
| Manipulators: More...
BinaryIosBase & | host (BinaryIosBase &stream) |
| Manipulator that sets a binary input/output stream into host byte order mode and can be used to reset a previous set network byte order mode. More...
float MIRA_BASE_EXPORT | getCPUUsage () |
| Returns the CPU usage of the calling process in percent. More...
template<typename T , int D, typename S > |
RigidTransform< T, D > | lerp (const RigidTransform< T, D > &t1, const RigidTransform< T, D > &t2, S alpha) |
| Linearly interpolates between two transformations and returns the interpolated transform. More...
template<typename T , int D, typename S > |
RigidTransformCov< T, D > | lerp (const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &t1, const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &t2, S alpha) |
| Linearly interpolates between two transformations and returns the interpolated transform. More...
template<typename T , int D> |
bool | isWellDefined (const RigidTransform< T, D > &p) |
| Checks whether a RigidTransform is valid. More...
template<typename T , int D> |
bool | isWellDefined (const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &p) |
| Checks whether a RigidTransformCov is valid. More...
template<typename TargetTransform , typename OtherT , int OtherD> |
TargetTransform | transform_cast (const RigidTransform< OtherT, OtherD > &other) |
| Casts a RigidTransform or RigidTransformCov to a RigidTransform of a different type. More...
template<typename TargetTransform , typename OtherT , int OtherD> |
TargetTransform | transform_cast (const RigidTransformCov< OtherT, OtherD > &other) |
| Casts a RigidTransformCov to a RigidTransform of a different type. More...
bool | testSuiteHasCommandLineOption (const std::string &arg) |
| Tests whether a certain command line argument was passed to the unit test executable. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename T , typename Allocator > |
void | reflectRead (Reflector &r, Buffer< T, Allocator > &c) |
| Specialization of the non-intrusive reflect for Buffer. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename T , typename Allocator > |
void | reflectWrite (Reflector &r, Buffer< T, Allocator > &c) |
| Specialization of the non-intrusive reflect for Buffer. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename T , typename Allocator > |
void | reflect (Reflector &r, Buffer< T, Allocator > &c) |
| non-intrusive reflect for Buffer More...
uint32 MIRA_BASE_EXPORT | getMaxCompressedLength (uint32 uncompressedSize) |
| Determine the maximum size of the compressed data for uncompressed data with a given length. More...
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT | compressBuffer (const Buffer< uint8 > &src, Buffer< uint8 > &ioDest, int compressionLevel=-1) |
| Compress a given buffer into a second buffer using libzip. More...
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT | uncompressBuffer (const Buffer< uint8 > &src, Buffer< uint8 > &ioDest) |
| Uncompress a given buffer into a second buffer using libzip. More...
template<typename P , typename Op > |
Private::EvalFirstOf< P, Op > | evalFirstOf (const Op &iOp, const typename P::first_type &iValue) |
| Functor for using STL functions like find_if, erase_if... More...
template<typename P , typename Op > |
Private::EvalSecondOf< P, Op > | evalSecondOf (const Op &iOp, const typename P::second_type &iValue) |
| Functor for using stl functions like find_if, erase_if... More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT void | hexdump (std::ostream &stream, const uint8 *bytes, std::size_t length) |
| Prints a buffer as hexdump to the specified stream. More...
template<typename T > |
void | hexdump (std::ostream &stream, const Buffer< T > &buffer) |
| Prints a buffer as hexdump to the specified stream. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | findPackage (const std::string &package, Duration maxCacheAge=Duration::infinity()) |
| Finds a package with given name using an internal cache of packages. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::map< std::string, Path > | findPackages (Duration maxCacheAge=Duration::infinity()) |
| Finds all packages using an internal cache of packages. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | extractPaths (const std::string &env) |
| Extracts and resolves all paths contained in an environment variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | normalizePath (const Path &path) |
| Normalizes a path: it resolves all ".." in a path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | resolvePath (const Path &path, bool makeAbsolute=true) |
| Resolves a path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT bool | isRootOfPath (const Path &root, const Path &path) |
| The function takes two absolute paths and returns true if the given root path is part of the path given in the path argument. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | getExecutableDirectory () |
| Get the path of the current running application binary. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | getHomeDirectory () |
| Get the absolute path of the current user's home directory. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | getAppDataDirectory (const std::string &appName="mira") |
| Returns the absolute path for application-specific data. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | getTempDirectory () |
| Get the absolute path of the temporary directory. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | relativizePath (const Path &path, const Path &base) |
| Returns relative path from base to path. More...
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectRead (Reflector &r, Path &path) |
| Nonintrusive reflect method for Path. More...
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectWrite (Reflector &r, Path &path) |
| Nonintrusive reflect method for Path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT void | checkForMIRAPath () |
| Checks if environment variable(s) for MIRA is/are defined. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | getMIRAPaths () |
| Returns vector of all MIRA project paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | findFile (const PathVector &paths, const Path &file) |
| Find a file in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | findProjectFile (const Path &file) |
| Same as findFile above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | findFiles (const PathVector &paths, const Path &file, bool recursive=false) |
| Finds all files in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | findFiles (const Path &path, const Path &file, bool recursive=false) |
| Same as findFiles above, but using only one search path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | findProjectFiles (const Path &file, bool recursive=false) |
| Same as findFiles above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | findDirectory (const PathVector &paths, const Path &path) |
| Find a sub directory in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | findProjectDirectory (const Path &path) |
| Same as findDirectory above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | findContainingMIRAPath (const Path &path) |
| Returns the MIRA path that contains the given path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | chopMIRAPath (const Path &path) |
| Removes the root part of the given path that belongs to one of MIRA paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | findDirectories (const PathVector &paths, const Path &path, bool recursive=false) |
| Finds all sub directories in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | findDirectories (const Path &basePath, const Path &path, bool recursive=false) |
| Same as findDirectories above, but searching only in one path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector | findProjectDirectories (const Path &path, bool recursive=false) |
| Same as findDirectories above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | findProjectPath (const std::string &path) |
| Finds a file or directory searching in all paths contained in $MIRA_PATH. More...
constexpr std::string_view | findContainingMIRAPath (const std::string_view &path, const std::string_view &miraPaths) |
| Returns the MIRA path that contains the given path. More...
constexpr std::string_view | findContainingMIRAPath (const char *path, const char *miraPaths) |
| As above, overload for const char* path. More...
constexpr std::string_view | findContainingMIRAPath (const char *path) |
| With this overload the MIRA paths are not provided as argument, they are expected to be defined as a compiler definition MIRA_PATHS. More...
constexpr std::string_view | chopMIRAPath (const std::string_view &path, const std::string_view &miraPaths) |
| Removes the root part of the given path that belongs to one of MIRA paths. More...
constexpr const char * | chopMIRAPath (const char *path, const char *miraPaths) |
| As above, overload for const char* path. More...
constexpr const char * | chopMIRAPath (const char *path) |
| With this overload the MIRA paths are not provided as argument, they are expected to be defined as a compiler definition MIRA_PATHS. More...
void | printProgressBarHeader () |
| Prints the header part of a progress bar. More...
void | printProgressBar (int value, int maximum, const Time &startTime, int updateInterval=1) |
| Prints a progress bar in the console and shows the approximated time until the progress is finished. More...
void | printFinishedProgressBar () |
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | resolveVariables (std::string s, boost::function< std::string(const std::string &)> functor, bool ignoreErrors=true) |
| Resolves all variables in a string: It replaces
- VARIABLE% by calling the given functor for each found variable.
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | resolveSpecialVariables (std::string s, boost::function< std::string(const std::string &, const std::string &)> functor, bool ignoreErrors=true) |
| Resolves all occurrences of ${PATTERN variable} in a string by calling the given functor for each found pattern - variable combination. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string | resolveSpecialVariables (const std::string &pattern, std::string s, boost::function< std::string(const std::string &)> functor, bool ignoreErrors=true) |
| Like resolveSpecialVariables above but only resolves a special pattern. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path | resolveLibraryName (const Path &path) |
| Adds the system dependent library pre- and suffix to the given name if necessary. More...
template<typename T > |
Stamped< typename std::decay< T >::type > | makeStamped (T &&value, const Time ×tamp=Time::now(), const std::string &frameID=std::string(), uint32 sequenceID=0) |
| Declare stamped classes for all standard data types including std::string. More...
template<typename T > |
StampedHeader & | stampedHeader (Stamped< T > &data) |
| Helper to extract the header from stamped data. More...
template<typename T > |
const StampedHeader & | stampedHeader (const Stamped< T > &data) |
Duration | abs (const Duration &duration) |
| Get the absolute duration from a duration. More...
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectRead (Reflector &r, Date &date) |
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectWrite (Reflector &r, Date &date) |
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectRead (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsIsoString &date) |
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectRead (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsYMD &date) |
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectWrite (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsIsoString &date) |
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectWrite (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsYMD &date) |
void | reflect (PropertySerializer &r, DateSerializedAsYMD &date) |
Getter< DateSerializedAsIsoString > | humanReadableGetter (const Date &date) |
| In addition to classes which can replace Date/Duration/Time, there are getters/setters/accessors for objects of these plain types. More...
Setter< DateSerializedAsIsoString > | humanReadableSetter (Date &date) |
| Setter for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DateSerializedAsIsoString >, Setter< DateSerializedAsIsoString > > | humanReadableAccessor (Date &date) |
| Accessor for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Getter< DateSerializedAsYMD > | humanReadableGetter (const Date &date, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Getter for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy. More...
Setter< DateSerializedAsYMD > | humanReadableSetter (Date &date, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Setter for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DateSerializedAsYMD >, Setter< DateSerializedAsYMD > > | humanReadableAccessor (Date &date, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Accessor for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy. More...
Getter< DurationSerializedAsIsoString > | humanReadableGetter (const Duration &duration) |
| Getter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Setter< DurationSerializedAsIsoString > | humanReadableSetter (Duration &duration) |
| Setter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DurationSerializedAsIsoString >, Setter< DurationSerializedAsIsoString > > | humanReadableAccessor (Duration &duration) |
| Accessor for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Getter< DurationSerializedAsHMS > | humanReadableGetter (const Duration &duration, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Getter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy. More...
Setter< DurationSerializedAsHMS > | humanReadableSetter (Duration &duration, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Setter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DurationSerializedAsHMS >, Setter< DurationSerializedAsHMS > > | humanReadableAccessor (Duration &duration, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Accessor for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy. More...
Getter< TimeSerializedAsIsoString > | humanReadableGetter (const Time &time) |
| Getter for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Setter< TimeSerializedAsIsoString > | humanReadableSetter (Time &time) |
| Setter for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< TimeSerializedAsIsoString >, Setter< TimeSerializedAsIsoString > > | humanReadableAccessor (Time &time) |
| Accessor for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Getter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS > | humanReadableGetter (const Time &time, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Getter for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy. More...
Setter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS > | humanReadableSetter (Time &time, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Setter for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS >, Setter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS > > | humanReadableAccessor (Time &time, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements) |
| Accessor for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy. More...
template<typename T > |
std::string | toString (const T &value, int precision=-1) |
| Converts any data type to string (the data type must support the stream << operator). More...
template<typename T > |
T | fromString (const std::string &str) |
| Converts a string to any data type that supports the stream >> operator. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< char > (const char &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for char. More...
template<> |
char | fromString< char > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for char. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< signed char > (const signed char &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for signed char. More...
template<> |
signed char | fromString< signed char > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for signed char. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< unsigned char > (const unsigned char &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for unsigned char. More...
template<> |
unsigned char | fromString< unsigned char > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for unsigned char. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< std::string > (const std::string &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for string. More...
template<> |
std::string | fromString< std::string > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for string. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< float > (const float &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for float. More...
template<> |
float | fromString< float > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for float. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< double > (const double &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for double. More...
template<> |
double | fromString< double > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for double. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< long double > (const long double &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for long double. More...
template<> |
long double | fromString< long double > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for long double. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< bool > (const bool &value, int precision) |
| Specialization for bool. More...
template<> |
bool | fromString< bool > (const std::string &str) |
| Specialization for bool. More...
template<typename StreamUnderlay > |
BinaryOstream< StreamUnderlay > & | operator<< (BinaryOstream< StreamUnderlay > &s, const UUID &uuid) |
| binary stream operators More...
template<typename StreamUnderlay > |
BinaryIstream< StreamUnderlay > & | operator>> (BinaryIstream< StreamUnderlay > &s, UUID &uuid) |
| binary stream operators More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< UUID > (const UUID &value, int precision) |
| specialization for toString More...
template<> |
UUID | fromString< UUID > (const std::string &str) |
| specialization for fromString More...
void | annotateUri (XMLDom::iterator it, bool recursive=true) |
| If the xml node contains URI information, add an attribute 'uri' with the value '<uri>:<line>' (either part may be missing). More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &s, const XMLVariableValue &x) |
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT | preprocessXML (XMLDom &ioXml, XMLVariablesMap &ioVariables) |
| Shortcut for processing a XML document without creating a XMLDomPreprocessor yourself. More...
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectRead (Reflector &r, XMLDom &xml) |
| Non-intrusive reflect for XMLDom. More...
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflectWrite (Reflector &r, XMLDom &xml) |
| See the above reflect method. More...
void | reflect (XMLSerializer &r, XMLDom &xml) |
| Specialization for XMLSerializer. More...
void | reflect (XMLDeserializer &r, XMLDom &xml) |
| Specialization for XMLDeserializer. More...
template<> |
std::string | toString< FrameworkTransformerNode::Type > (const FrameworkTransformerNode::Type &value, int precision) |
template<typename Reflector > |
void | reflect (Reflector &r, Ogre::ColourValue &color) |
void | setLineEditTextFormat (QLineEdit *lineEdit, const QList< QTextLayout::FormatRange > &formats) |
| Allows to format the text of a QLineEdit. More...
void | clearLineEditTextFormat (QLineEdit *lineEdit) |
| Removes all formatting instructions, set by the above method. More...
MIRA_GUI_WIDGETS_EXPORT QDoubleSpinBox * | createDoubleSpinBox (QWidget *parent, double minRange, double maxRange, double step, double defvalue, const QString &suffix="", bool buttons=true, bool readonly=false, unsigned int decimals=2) |
MIRA_GUI_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSpinBox * | createSpinBox (QWidget *parent, int min, int max, int step, int defvalue, const QString &suffix="", bool buttons=true, bool readonly=false) |