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mira Namespace Reference

specialize cv::DataType for our ImgPixel and inherit from cv::DataType<Vec> More...


 The serialization of time-related types Time, Date and Duration is primarily aimed at efficiency and precision.
 Namespace to put all PropertyHint creation functions.


class  AbstractAuthority
 This is the abstract base class of local and remote authority classes. More...
class  AbstractChannel
class  AbstractChannelSubscriber
class  AbstractDeferredInvoker
 Abstract interface for DeferredInvoker which is a class to support different RPC backends. More...
class  AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandler
 Abstract interface for derived handler(s). More...
class  AbstractReflector
 Abstract base class for most Reflectors. More...
class  AbstractRemotePropertyNode
 Special derived class of PropertyNode, that allows to handle "remote properties" transparently. More...
class  AbstractRPCClient
 Abstract interface for RPCClient. More...
class  AbstractRPCHandler
 Abstract interface for derived RPCHandler(s). More...
class  AbstractTransformerNode
 Abstract base class where all other different types of transformation nodes must be derived from. More...
class  Accessor
 The Accessor class is used as an adapter to reduce the code bloat within the reflection and serialization implementations. More...
class  AccessorGetterPart
 Implements the "getter part" of an Accessor. More...
struct  AccessorGetterPart< Getter< T > >
class  AccessorGetterPartInternalRedirect
 This class is used as additional reflection redirect. More...
class  AccessorSetterPart
 Implements the "setter part" of an Accessor. More...
class  AccessorSetterPart< NullSetter< T > >
class  AccessorSetterPart< Setter< T > >
struct  AESConfiguration
 The AES configuration for encryption and decryption. More...
class  Angle
 Unsigned angle that is represented using radians. More...
class  AngleBase
 Base class template for derived Angle implementations. More...
class  ArrowObject
class  Authority
 Authorities act as a facade to the framework. More...
class  AuthorityDescription
 This is the descriptive part of an authority. More...
class  AuthorityManager
 Central instance that stores all created Authorities. More...
class  AuthorityRuntime
 This class contains threading functionality that can be shared among different authorities so that all of them use the same thread (dispatcher thread). More...
class  AxesCovObject
 Visualization of covariances for AxesObject. More...
class  AxesObject
class  AxesVisualization
class  BinaryBufferStreamBase
 Although this class is not a template we must keep its methods inline for performance reasons! write() and read() are called very often! More...
class  BinaryDeserializer
 Deserializer that uses BinaryIstream to deserialize the objects from binary format. More...
class  BinaryIosBase
 Helper class that is a base for binaryostream and binaryistream in the same way as ios_base is a base of ostream and istream. More...
class  BinaryIstream
 Input stream adapter that can be assigned to any input stream and allows binary input using the >> stream operators. More...
class  BinaryOstream
 Output stream adapter that can be assigned to any output stream and allows binary output using the << stream operators. More...
class  BinaryRPCBackendTempl
Provides binary client and server side requests and responses. More...
class  BinarySerializer
class  BinarySerializerCodec
 Abstract base class for codecs that can be used with BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer. More...
class  BinarySerializerMixin
 Used by BinarySerializer and BinaryDeserializer. More...
struct  BinarySerializerTag
 Serializer that uses BinaryOstream to serialize the objects in binary format. More...
class  BresenhamLineIterator
 Implements an iterator that is able to iterate over a Bresenham line point by point using the prefix ++operator and –operator. More...
class  Buffer
 Generic buffer class that can be used as a replacement for std::vector whenever copying and reallocation of internal array buffer needs to be avoided. More...
class  BufferStream
 A stream class for input and output of data to/from a wrapped Buffer. More...
class  CallStack
 Encapsulates unix call stack functionality. More...
class  CameraOrbitTool2D
class  CameraOrbitTool3D
class  Channel
 An exception that occurs whenever a channel has no data. More...
class  ChannelBuffer
 Typed ChannelBuffer. More...
class  ChannelBuffer< T * >
 Specialization for polymorphic types (only classes derived from mira::Object are supported!) More...
class  ChannelBuffer< void >
 Specialization for void (Untyped ChannelBuffer), which only holds the StampedHeader. More...
class  ChannelBufferBase
 Base class that manages the slots of channels by providing read and write access to them. More...
struct  ChannelBufferPromoter
 forward decl. More...
struct  ChannelBufferPromoter< U * >
 Specialization of ChannelBufferPromoter for polymorphic pointer channel buffers. More...
struct  ChannelBufferPromoterCommon
 forward decl. More...
class  ChannelContentChange
 Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback when the content of the channel changes. More...
class  ChannelHysteresis
 Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback when the state of the hysteresis trigger changes. More...
class  ChannelInterval
 Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to channels to only get a callback in a specified interval. More...
class  ChannelManager
 An exception that occurred whenever a channel does not exist. More...
class  ChannelProperty
 The concrete typed ChannelProperty template class. More...
class  ChannelPropertyBase
 Base class for ChannelProperty template class. More...
class  ChannelPropertyDelegateLineEdit
 Special LineEdit for ChannelProperty delegate for Property Editor. More...
class  ChannelPropertyProxy
 Proxy class that is returned/set by the getter and setter methods of ChannelProperty. More...
class  ChannelRead
 An object that allows read access to data of a channel. More...
class  ChannelReadCopy
 A special base class creating and keeping a copy of the channel slot instead of managing access and locking of the original slot. More...
class  ChannelReadInterval
 An object that allows read access to a whole interval of channel data. More...
struct  ChannelReadSelectCopy
struct  ChannelReadSelectCopy< Derived, T, true >
class  ChannelReadWriteBase
class  ChannelReadWriteBase< Derived, void >
 Specialization for untyped channels which just return the StampedHeader as data. More...
class  ChannelReadWriteCommonBase
class  ChannelReadWriteShared
 Internally used by ChannelReadWriteBase! It contains the information about the channel and slot that can be shared between different ChannelRead/Write objects. More...
struct  ChannelReadWriteTraits
struct  ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelRead< T > >
struct  ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelRead< void > >
struct  ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelWrite< T > >
struct  ChannelReadWriteTraits< ChannelWrite< void > >
class  ChannelSubscriber
 Implements AbstractChannelSubscriber for a concrete data type. More...
class  ChannelSynchronizer
class  ChannelSynchronizerBase
class  ChannelVectorSynchronizer1
 Class that can be registered as a filter when subscribing to more than one channel to only get a callback when all channels have data with a similar timestamp (differ only in the specified tolerance). More...
class  ChannelWrite
 An object that allows exclusive write access to data of a channel. More...
class  Circle
 Represents a circle with a center and a radius. More...
class  Class
 Class object which supports some kind of class reflection. More...
class  ClassFactory
 What should i say, the class factory. More...
class  ClassProxy
 The class proxy assures that the pointer to the class object is always valid. More...
class  CodecDialog
 A dialog for adding, removing and editing codecs. More...
class  CodecWidget
 Widget for displaying used codecs and changing them via a dialog. More...
class  CollapsibleTreeHeader
 Header for tree widgets with additional collapse/expand button in the first column. More...
class  ColorBase
 base interface for all colors in different color spaces The class provides a base interface for all color (space) classes. More...
class  Colormap
 Base class for color colormaps. More...
class  ColormapProperty
 A special property class that can be used as member, if you want to provide a ComboBox where the user is able to select the available and registered color colormaps. More...
class  ColormapPropertyComboBox
class  Complementary10Colormap
 A discrete colormap with 10 complementary colors. More...
class  Complementary6Colormap
 A discrete colormap with 6 complementary colors. More...
class  CompoundMeta
 Meta information for complex compounds, like classes and structs. More...
class  ConcreteBinaryDeserializer
class  ConcreteBinarySerializer
class  ConcreteChannel
class  ConcreteRemoteConnection
class  ConcreteRemoteOutgoingConnection
class  ConfigurationLoader
 Class for loading, parsing, modifying and interpreting application configuration files. More...
class  ConfigurationLoaderPlugin
 Base class for loader plugins. More...
class  ConfigurationPreparePlugin
 Base class for prepare plugins. More...
class  ContinuousColormap
 Base class for continuous color colormaps. More...
class  CovObject
 Visualization of covariances. More...
class  CRSplineInterpolator
 1D cubic Hermite spline interpolator. More...
class  CyclicRunnable
 This class extends threads by the ability to execute an operation repeatedly in an defined interval. More...
class  DefaultInitializer
 Reflector that visits the reflect method of objects in order to initialize them using the specified default values. More...
class  DefaultTextVisualizationBase
class  DeferredInvokerFinishHandler
 Handler that is called when a deferred RPC call was executed and finished and therefore when the response is available. More...
struct  Deg2RadNonNegativeType
 A tag type used as parameter type in deg2radSetter, signalling that negative values are not permitted. More...
class  Degree
 Unsigned angle that is represented using degrees. More...
class  DegreeBase
 Base class for angle classes that represent angles using degrees. More...
class  Deserializer
 Is a special reflector that is used for deserialization. More...
class  DeserializerFormatMixin
 Used by BinaryDeserializer, see SerializerFormatMixin above. More...
class  DeserializerFormatMixin01Base
class  DeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 0 >
class  DeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 1 >
class  DeserializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 2 >
class  DiagnosticRunnable
class  DiagnosticsModule
 Base class for modules that want to use diagnostics and set the current status. More...
class  DiscoverService
 Service that is used to discover other running frameworks in the same network using multicast on. More...
class  DiscreteColormap
 base class for discrete color colormaps More...
class  DispatcherThread
 Class that can be used whenever you want to have ONE thread where several handlers are assigned to. More...
class  DistanceLUT
 This class creates a look up table (LUT) to calculate the minimum and maximum Euclidean distance between a point and cells that are arranged in a regular grid. More...
class  Duration
 Use this class to represent time durations. More...
class  DurationDialog
 A dialog for selecting a duration. More...
class  DynamicPoints
class  DynamicRenderable
 Abstract base class for renderables based on dynamically growing vertex and index buffers. More...
class  EagerSingleton
 Provided for convenience. More...
class  EagerSingletonNoLock
 Provided for convenience. More...
class  EditorPart
 An editor is typically used to edit or browse data or objects. More...
class  EditorPartArea
 This is a replacement for QMdiArea. More...
class  EditorPartAreaTabBar
class  EditorPartTitleBar
class  EditorPartWindow
class  EigenFormat
 Base class for formatting eigen matrices. More...
class  ErrorService
 Class that allows to store errors persistently in a SQLite database. More...
class  Exception
 Base class for exceptions. More...
class  ExceptionCallStackSize
 ExceptionCallStackSize is a singleton that provides a mechanism to control the depth of the callstack that is stored with exceptions (e.g. More...
class  ExplicitSingleton
 Provided for convenience. More...
struct  ExtensibleEnum
 ExtensibleEnum is a base for derived classes that can be extensible 'replacements' for enum types. More...
struct  ExtensibleEnum< T, true, Counting, CountType, UseMutex >
class  FlowLayout
 Layout, where the items are first laid out horizontally and then vertically when each line in the layout runs out of space. More...
class  FormulaeColormap
 A class for creating formula based color maps. More...
class  FormulaeColormapBase
 Internal base class for formulae based color maps. More...
class  Framework
 This class represents the core element of a modular application. More...
class  FrameworkGraph
 Represents the whole computation graph with all known units/authorities and channels within their namespaces. More...
class  FrameworkGraphMixin
class  FrameworkGraphMixin< C, void >
struct  FrameworkMessageHeader
 Data that is sent as header in each message between remote frameworks. More...
class  FrameworkTransformer
class  FrameworkTransformerNode
struct  FrameworkTransformReadAccessor
struct  FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolator >
struct  FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorExtrapolationLimit >
struct  FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorNearestNeighbourExtrapolator >
struct  FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, LinearInterpolatorNoExtrapolation >
struct  FrameworkTransformReadAccessor< ChannelTransformType, NearestNeighborInterpolator >
struct  FrameworkTransformWriteAccessor
class  FrameworkWithGui
class  FromHex
 Can be used with fromString to convert hex strings into numbers. More...
class  FromOct
 Can be used with fromString to convert oct strings into numbers. More...
class  FunctionRunnable
 Runnable that wraps any function pointer. More...
class  GeneralBresenhamLineIterator
 This more general iterator basically follows the design of BresenhamLineIterator, but works on an arbitrary-dimensional line and handles real-valued start and end positions. More...
class  GeneralBresenhamLineIteratorBase
 Guaranteeing longest axis as drive axis allows some simplification/optimization in step. More...
class  GeneralBresenhamLineIteratorBase< Drive, false >
 Specialization for DrivenByLongestAxis=false (driving axis given explicitly: No need to determine the drive axis, but stepping is a little more complex. More...
class  GeneralBresenhamLineIteratorCommonBase
class  GenericTransformer
 A generic transformer base class that can be used with different types of actual transformation nodes. More...
class  Getter
 Holds a boost::function object to a special getter function that must meet the signature "T method()". More...
class  GradientColormap
 A class for creating continuous color maps based on linear gradients between predefined points. More...
class  GradientColormapBase
 Internal base class for linear gradient color maps. More...
class  GrayscaleColormap
 A continuous grayscale colormap. More...
class  GridObject
class  gzstreambase
class  gzstreambuf
class  has_assign
 Evaluates to std::true_type, if U can be assigned to T, i.e. More...
class  HashDigest
 A generic hash digest, which consists of an array of bytes. More...
class  HashStream
 A template base class for hash functions based on std::ostream. More...
class  HashStreamBuf
 A generic hash streambuf class. More...
class  HasPublicDefaultConstructor
 Type trait that indicates whether or not a type can be constructed using the public default constructor. More...
class  HSVColormap
 A continuous HSV colormap. More...
class  IAdaptable
 An interface for an adaptable object. More...
class  IAuthorityProvider
 Abstract interface for classes that can provide an authority via the getAuthority() method. More...
class  IFrameworkTransformer
 IFrameworkTransformer defines RPC methods provided by FrameworkTransformer. More...
class  IFrameworkTransformerLinkType
 Extension of IFrameworkTransformer supporting link types. More...
class  igzstream
 Use igzstream and ogzstream analogously to ifstream and ofstream respectively. More...
class  ImageObject
class  Img
 class for typed images. More...
class  Img< T, 1 >
 specialized typed image with 1 channel This template class provides convenient way to create an image with known type and only 1 channel by using Img<Type> More...
class  Img< void, 1 >
 untyped image class This class provides a fully dynamic image, where type and channels are not known at compile time. More...
class  ImgBase
 ImgBase class. More...
class  ImgConstIterator
 Const image iterator that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class  ImgIterator
 Image iterator that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class  ImgIteratorBase
class  ImgPixel
 dynamic ImgPixel class template ImgPixel class providing flexible types and channels. More...
class  ImgPixel< T, 1 >
 specialization of PixelBase class for 1 channel More...
class  ImgPixel< T, 2 >
 specialization of PixelBase class for 2 channels More...
class  ImgPixel< T, 3 >
 specialization of PixelBase class for 3 channels More...
class  ImgPixel< T, 4 >
 specialization of PixelBase class for 4 channels More...
class  ImgPixelBase
 base interface for ImgPixel classes This class wraps typed cv::Vect to represent an ImagePixel The Vect is typed by template parameter T and channels are set by template parameter Channels. More...
class  ImgTypedBase
 Base class for typed images. More...
class  ImgWidget
 A widget that visualizes an Img. More...
class  IncrementalMoments
 Incremental computation of one- and higher-dimensional statistical moments of first and higher orders (mean and variance, etc.). More...
class  IncrementalMoments< T, 1, 1 >
class  IncrementalMoments< T, 1, 2 >
class  IncrementalMoments< T, D, 1 >
class  IncrementalMoments< T, D, 2 >
class  IndexSelectorProperty
 A special property class that can be used to provide a mechanism for selecting an element by index from data representing a set of similar objects. More...
class  IndexSelectorProperty< false >
 Explicit specialization for Transparent=false (different reflect() method). More...
class  IndexSelectorPropertyBase
 Base for template class IndexSelectorProperty. More...
class  InteractionListener3D
 Listener for mouse events on movable objects in a 3D view. More...
class  IntervalFilter
 Concept and base class for all Interpolators and Filters. More...
struct  IntSignal
 Structure used in signal handlers to pass the signal and callstack. More...
class  IOService
 Wrapper class for boost::asio::io_service. More...
class  IPartListener
class  IRunnable
 Base for all runnable classes that can be signaled when they need to run again. More...
class  IsAtomicSerializable
 Type trait that indicates whether a type can be serialized as an atomic value. More...
class  IsAtomicSerializable< JSONValue >
class  IsAtomicSerializable< std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > >
class  IsAtomicSerializable< UUID >
class  IsBitwiseSerializable
 Type trait that indicates whether a type can be serialized bitwise by just copying the data buffer. More...
class  IsCheapToCopy
 By default, IsCheapToCopy<T>::value evaluates to true for fundamental types T, false for all other types. More...
class  IsCheapToCopy< Angled >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Anglef >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Box3d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Box3f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Box3i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Circled >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Circlef >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Circlei >
class  IsCheapToCopy< DateSerializedAsIsoString >
class  IsCheapToCopy< DateSerializedAsYMD >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Degreed >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Degreef >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Degreei >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Duration >
class  IsCheapToCopy< DurationSerializedAsHMS >
class  IsCheapToCopy< DurationSerializedAsIsoString >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Line2f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Line2i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Line3f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Line3i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Point2d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Point2f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Point2i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Point3d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Point3f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Point3i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Radiand >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Radianf >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Rect2d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Rect2f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Rect2i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform2d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform2f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform3d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransform3f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov2d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov2f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov3d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< RigidTransformCov3f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedAngled >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedAnglef >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedDegreed >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedDegreef >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedDegreei >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedRadiand >
class  IsCheapToCopy< SignedRadianf >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Size2d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Size2f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Size2i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Size3d >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Size3f >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Size3i >
class  IsCheapToCopy< Time >
class  IsCheapToCopy< TimeSerializedAsIsoString >
class  IsCheapToCopy< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS >
class  IsCheapToCopy< UUID >
class  IsCollection
 Type trait that indicates whether a type is a collection. More...
class  IsCollection< boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > >
class  IsCollection< Buffer< T, Allocator > >
class  IsCollection< MetaTypeDatabase >
class  IsCopyAssignable
 Type trait that evaluates to true if a type is copy assignable, false otherwise. More...
class  IsCopyAssignable< RemoteModule::ConnectionMap >
class  IsDefaultConstructible
 IsDefaultConstructible<T>::value evaluates to true, if T is default constructible, otherwise false. More...
class  IsNotMetaSerializable
 Type trait that indicates whether a type does not support to gather meta information about it, e.g. More...
class  IsNotMetaSerializable< Img< TPixel, TChannels > >
 Mark image classes as not meta-serializable. More...
class  IsObjectTrackable
 Type trait that indicates whether pointer tracking can be enabled for this type. More...
class  IsObjectTrackable< Buffer< T, Allocator > >
class  IsObjectTrackable< ChannelPropertyProxy >
class  IsObjectTrackable< TransformProperty >
class  IsPointerOrSharedPointer
 Type trait that indicates whether a type is a pointer type or a shared pointer. More...
class  IsPointerOrSharedPointer< boost::shared_ptr< T > >
class  IsPointerOrSharedPointer< std::shared_ptr< T > >
class  IsTransparentSerializable
 Type trait that indicates whether a type should be serialized "transparently", i.e. More...
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Accessor< Getter, Setter >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< AccessorGetterPartInternalRedirect< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Angle< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< ColormapProperty, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Date, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< DateSerializedAsIsoString, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Degree< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Duration, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< DurationSerializedAsIsoString, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Getter< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< IndexSelectorProperty< true >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< KnownFramework, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Path, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Radian< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< RemoteConnectionProxy, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< ResourceName, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< RSAKey, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< RSASignature, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Setter< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< SignedAngle< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< SignedDegree< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< SignedRadian< T >, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< Time, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< TimeSerializedAsIsoString, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< TransformProperty, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< XMLDom, SerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializable< XMLDom, XMLSerializerTag >
class  IsTransparentSerializableHelper
class  IteratablePriorityQueue
class  IteratorRangeContainer
 Wraps an STL conform container around a range of values within another container. More...
class  IVisualization2DSite
class  IVisualization3DSite
 The interface of a Visualization3DSite. More...
class  IVisualizationSite
 The primary interface between a Visualization and the container of the visualization (e.g. More...
class  IVisualizationSiteTransformable
 The interface between a Visualization and the container of the visualization (e.g. More...
class  IVisualizationTextItem
class  IVisualizationTextSite
class  IVisualizationTextTraceItem
class  IVisualizationTextTraceSite
class  IWorkbenchPart
class  IWorkbenchPartSite
 The primary interface between a workbench part and the workbench. More...
class  JetColormap
 A continuous Jet colormap. More...
class  JSONDeserializer
 Deserializer for serializing objects from JSON format. More...
class  JSONRPCBackend
 Provides JSON client and server side requests and responses. More...
class  JSONRPCResponse
 Wraps a JSON RPC call response. More...
class  JSONSerializer
 Serializer for serializing objects in JSON format. More...
struct  KnownFramework
 Information and settings for a known remote framework. More...
class  LazySingleton
 Provided for convenience. More...
class  LazySingletonNoLock
 Provided for convenience. More...
struct  LibraryInfo
class  LibraryRegistry
 A registry for shared libraries. More...
struct  LibraryVersion
class  Line
 Represents a line segment that is spanned by two given points. More...
class  LinearInterpolator
 1D linear interpolator. More...
class  LinearInterpolatorExtrapolationLimit
 1D linear interpolator. More...
class  LinearInterpolatorNearestNeighbourExtrapolator
 1D linear interpolator. More...
class  LinearInterpolatorNoExtrapolation
 1D linear interpolator. More...
class  LineEditClear
 Provides a QLineEdit widget that has a small button on its right side for clearing the content. More...
class  LineListObject
 Renders a line strip as billboard chain. More...
class  LineStripObject
 Renders one or more line strips. More...
class  LockedPropertyNodeAccess
class  LockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, false, true >
class  LockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, true, false >
class  LockedPropertyNodeAccess< NodeType, ValueType, true, true >
class  LockedPropertyNodeAccessCommon
class  LogConsoleSink
 Special class that uses LogTxtStreamSink as a base and cout as stream Provided for logging to console. More...
class  LogCore
 Single instance of the core logging class. More...
class  LogCustomizableFilter
 A customizable log filter to match the users needs. More...
class  LogCustomizableFormatter
 A customizable formatter. More...
class  LogFileSink
 A logging sink for file, which supports log file rotation and daily log files. More...
class  LogFilterBase
 Abstract base class for log filters. More...
class  LogFormatterBase
 Abstract base class for sink formatters. More...
class  Logger
 Helper class that is created to make one logging process atomic and thread safe. More...
struct  LogRecord
 Holds all the information about a log entry. More...
struct  LogRecordFunctionInfo
 Holds information about a log entry function. More...
class  LogSimpleFormatter
 Very simple log formatter logging the severity level, the time and the message. More...
class  LogSink
 Abstract base class for all log sinks. More...
class  LogTimer
 Class that can be used as a stop watch to measure execution time of operations. More...
class  LogTxtStreamSink
 Simple log sink for writing to streams like cout or file It uses the SimpleFormatter for output. More...
class  MakeString
 Class for in-place stream formatting Used for constructs like: More...
class  ManifestAgent
 Class for managing manifest files. More...
struct  ManifestClassInfo
 Simple class encapsulation parent and class information stored in a "real" class object. More...
class  MD5StreamBuf
 The MD5 hash function. More...
struct  MemoryBlockInfo
 Detailed information of used memory within a memory block. More...
struct  MemoryUsage
 Memory usage information in kB. More...
class  MeshFactory
 Singleton that allows to load arbitrary meshes from file in different formats. More...
class  MeshLoader
class  MeshObject
class  MetaSerializer
class  MetaTypeDatabase
 Database that stores all meta type information and provides additional functions for accessing the database. More...
struct  MethodMeta
 Meta information for RPC methods. More...
class  MicroUnit
 Units are basic modules of a complex application. More...
class  MulticastSender
 This class acts as a sender for multicast messages. More...
class  MultiInputDialog
class  NameRegistry
 Stores aliases for namespaces and allows to resolve local names to global fully qualified names. More...
class  NearestNeighborInterpolator
 1D nearest neighbor interpolator. More...
struct  NetworkTypeTrait
 Trait that specifies the conversion type of a given data type. More...
struct  NetworkTypeTrait< double >
 Specialization for double. More...
struct  NetworkTypeTrait< float >
 Specialization for float. More...
class  NormalRandomDistribution
 Random distribution for drawing samples from univariate or multivariate normal distributions. More...
class  NormalRandomDistribution< 1, T >
class  NormalRandomGenerator
 Random generator for drawing samples from univariate or multivariate normal distributions. More...
class  NullClass
 Marker class for marking an invalid "null" class. More...
class  NullSetter
 "Null-Setter" tag-class where the AccessorSetterPart does nothing. More...
class  NumericalIstream
 Numerical stream adapter that can be assigned to any input stream and allows streaming of numerical values. More...
class  NumericalOstream
 Numerical stream adapter that can be assigned to any output stream and allows streaming of numerical values. More...
class  Object
 The object class acts as a generic base class for classes which should be used with the classFactory. More...
class  OgreSingletonHelper
class  OgreWidget
class  OgreWidgetEx
 Extended version of OgreWidget that provides default setup of Ogre components (scene manager, light, camera, etc.) and hence provides a ready-to-use playground for 3D rendering. More...
class  ogzstream
 Use igzstream and ogzstream analogously to ifstream and ofstream respectively. More...
class  OpenSSLWrapperMD
 Base class for all message digest hash functions. More...
class  PageViewPart
 Special view part for multi-page workbench views. More...
class  PathPointItem
class  PerformanceStatistics
class  PerspectiveTabBar
class  PerspectiveTabWidget
class  Pm3dColormap
 The default pm3d gnuplot palette (black-blue-red-yellow) More...
class  Point
 General point class template. More...
class  Point< T, 2 >
 Specialization of Point for 2 dimensions with specialized constructors and converters. More...
class  Point< T, 3 >
 Specialization of Point for 3 dimensions with specialized constructors and converters. More...
class  PointBase
 The base template class of point, which covers the basic functionality of each point. More...
class  PointVectorObject
class  PolygonObject
class  PolygonTool
 Tool base class for selecting a polygon in the xy-plane of a 3D scene (in a Visualization3DView) More...
class  PolygonTool2D
class  PolymorphicChannelBuffer
 A channel buffer for polymorphic types (classes derived from mira::Object) More...
class  PoolAllocator
 Provides a pool allocator that is compatible to STL allocators. More...
class  Pose2LineEdit
class  PoseTool
 Tool base class for selecting a PoseCov2 pose in the xy-plane of a 3D scene (in a Visualization3DView) More...
class  PoseTool2D
struct  PoseVectorTrait
 Typetrait that returns the correct vector type, that depends on whether the Eigen-datatypes of the pose need an alignment or not. More...
struct  PoseVectorTrait< Pose3 >
struct  PoseVectorTrait< PoseCov3 >
class  Process
 Encapsulates a process, that was launched from the current process. More...
class  ProcessSpawnManager
 Implements manager that starts processes and keeps track of them in order to respawn them if required, etc. More...
class  Profiler
 The main Profiler class. More...
class  ProgramOptions
 A central singleton class for accessing command line parameters Underlying class is boost::program::options See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/program_options.html Usage: More...
class  PropertyEditor
 Provides display and editing facilities for property items in the editor. More...
class  PropertyHint
 A property hint gives optional instructions to the property editor, i.e. More...
class  PropertyItemEditor
class  PropertyManager
 The property manager maintains the properties of objects that are added to the manager. More...
class  PropertyNode
 Abstract base class for all derived property node classes. More...
class  PropertyNodeInfo
class  PropertyNodeListener
struct  PropertyQueryResult
 A structure used for returning the complete result of a (remote) property query, including potential info about a thrown exception. More...
class  PropertyReflector
 Base class for all Reflectors that take care of properties. More...
class  PropertySerializer
 A special PropertyReflector that creates a PropertyNode for each reflected property. More...
class  PropertyTree
 Helper class that is able to hold a complete property tree structure. More...
class  PropertyView
 This view part provides an editor/viewer for properties of other views. More...
class  PropertyViewPage
 PropertyViewPage page. More...
class  ProtecteeMixin
 Mixin class that can be used to add the Protectee concept used by ScopedAccess<Protectee(, void)> to an existing class. More...
class  PseudoClass
 This is an auxiliary to enable more verbose exception messages. More...
class  QConsole
 An abstract Qt console. More...
class  QConsolePopupCompleter
 Popup Completer class. More...
class  QtUnit
 A unit that processes its dispatcher within Qt's main thread. More...
class  Radian
 Unsigned angle that is represented using radians. More...
class  RadianBase
 Base class for angle classes that represent angles using radians. More...
class  RandomGenerator
 Template class to easily generate random generators using the boost::random distributions and generators. More...
class  RandomGeneratorSingleton
 Singleton class for generating random numbers. More...
class  RasterTransformation
 Map a rectangular area from one raster into another, with an arbitrary transformation (scale, translation, rotation) inbetween. More...
class  RecordedChannelInfo
 Contains all settings for a recorded channel like compression, codecs,... More...
class  Rect
 Rect class for defining rectangles. More...
class  Rect< T, 2 >
 Specialization for 2D. More...
class  Rect< T, 3 >
 Specialization for 3D. More...
class  RectBase
 The base class for rectangles. More...
class  RectObject
class  RectTool3D
 Tool base class for selecting a Rect2f rect in the yx-plane of a 3D scene (in a Visualization3DView) More...
class  RecursiveMemberReflector
 The RecursiveMemberReflector extents the RecursiveMemberReflectorBase class and implements the member() and property() methods of the ReflectorInterface class by calling the appropriate methods of RecursiveMemberReflectorBase. More...
class  RecursiveMemberReflectorBase
 The RecursiveMemberReflectorBase is a base class for all Reflectors that are used to visit the reflect methods of the classes recursively in order to collect information on the members of these classes. More...
class  RedBlueColormap
 A continuous Red-Blue colormap. More...
struct  ReflectMemberMeta
 Stores meta information for each member. More...
class  ReflectorInterface
 This is the public interface of all reflectors that are able to visit a class' reflect() method. More...
class  Registrar
 A template class that creates a static instance of TRegistrar. More...
class  RemoteAuthority
 A remote authority is located in another framework. More...
class  RemoteAuthorityPropertyUpdater
class  RemoteAuthorityRootPropertyNode
class  RemoteConnection
 Base class of connections between frameworks. More...
class  RemoteConnectionPool
 Owner of every RemoteConnection. More...
class  RemoteConnectionProxy
 A proxy object that represents a connection. More...
class  RemoteIncomingConnection
 Connection class for incoming connections. More...
class  RemoteModule
 Manages connections to other remote frameworks. More...
class  RemoteOutgoingConnectionBase
 Connection class for outgoing connections. More...
class  RemoteServer
 Server class handling incoming connections from remote frameworks. More...
class  ResourceName
 Class for storing/combining/managing resource names consisting of namespaces and names separated by '/' Resource names can be combined and normalized. More...
class  RigidTransform
 This class represents an affine transformation that supports a translation followed by a rotation (a so called rigid transform). More...
class  RigidTransform< T, 2 >
 Specialization of RigidTransform for 2 dimensions. More...
class  RigidTransform< T, 3 >
 Specialization of RigidTransform for 3 dimensions. More...
class  RigidTransformBase
 Implementation of RigidTransforms with different dimensionality D. More...
class  RigidTransformCov
 This class represents an affine transformation that supports a translation followed by a rotation (a so called rigid transform). More...
class  RigidTransformCov< T, 2 >
Specialization of RigidTransformCov for 2 dimensions. More...
class  RigidTransformCov< T, 3 >
Specialization of RigidTransformCov for 3 dimensions. More...
class  RootPropertyNode
 A special node that acts only as (empty) root node for a property tree. More...
struct  RPCCallDefinition
 Stores info required to call an RPC method - service name, method name, arguments. More...
class  RPCClient
 The RPCClient is responsible for handling the client-side of an rpc call. More...
class  RPCFuture
 An RPCFuture is a proxy for the result of an asynchronous RPC call. More...
class  RPCFuture< JSONRPCResponse >
 This is a specialization for JSON RPC calls. More...
class  RPCFuture< void >
 This is a specialization for RPC calls with the return type of void, where the get() method does not return a value. More...
class  RPCFutureCommon
 Wrapper for boost::unique_future that is specialized for RPC processing. More...
class  RPCHandler
 RPCHandler implements an AbstractRPCHandler. More...
class  RPCInvoker
 Base of all TRPCInvoker classes which are templates to support different RPC backends. More...
class  RPCManager
 This class is for internal use only. More...
class  RPCServer
 The RPCServer is responsible for handling the server-side of an rpc call. More...
struct  RPCSignature
 Stores the signature of an RPC method including the methods name and its parameter types. More...
class  RSAKey
 Definition of a RSA key (public or private) More...
class  RSASignature
 A class for signing and verifying messages using a RSA key pair. More...
class  SceneQueryTool
class  SchmittTriggerHysteresis
 Class realizing a Schmitt trigger. More...
class  ScopedAccess
 Grants thread-safe access to an object (the Protectee) that should be protected from concurrent access. More...
class  ScopedAccess< Protectee, void >
 Specialization for Mutex=void, i.e. More...
class  ScopedAccessBase
 base class for ScopedAccess with external or Protectee-internal mutex More...
class  ScrollView
 ScrollView extends the QAbstractScrollArea by features like automatic scaling of scrollbars, signals when the visible are was moved and so on. More...
class  SelectionListDialog
 A dialog for providing the a list, where the items can be grouped in categories. More...
class  SerializableException
class  Serializer
 Is a special reflector that is used for serialization. More...
class  SerializerFormatMixin
 Used by BinarySerializer, defines the binary format in particular for class versioning information: 0 = version numbers are stored inline in binary data when version() is called; 1 = same as version 0, except that version 1 (as all following versions) explicitly stores version number at the beginning of serialized data; 2 = the positions in binary data are fixed where each object part stores its version number (or a placeholder if not versioned [yet]!). More...
class  SerializerFormatMixin01Base
class  SerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 0, Buffered, StreamType >
class  SerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 1, Buffered, StreamType >
class  SerializerFormatMixin< BinaryStream, 2, Buffered, StreamType >
class  SerialPort
 This class acts as a wrapper to boost::asio::serial_port. More...
class  ServiceCall
class  ServiceCall< Ret(ARGS...)>
 A ServiceCall is a proxy for a specific method of a specific service, providing a functor-like interface to that method, and encapsulation for checking the availability of the service and method (name, signature). More...
class  ServiceInterfaceHandler
 ServiceInterfaceHandler implements a AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandler. More...
class  ServiceLevel
 ServiceLevel by channel name. More...
class  ServiceLevelBase
 QoS management information for channels. More...
class  ServiceProperty
 Use this class instead of a string property whenever your module has a service as property. More...
class  ServiceSelectorBox
 This is a combobox with a method to populate it with names of services providing one of a set of specified interfaces. More...
class  Setter
 Holds a boost::function object to a special setter function that must meet the signature "void method(T)". More...
class  SHA1StreamBuf
 The SHA1 hash function. More...
class  SHA256StreamBuf
 The SHA256 hash function. More...
class  SharedAuthority
 A wrapper providing locked/shared access to an AbstractAuthority pointer (used by AuthorityManager::getAuthority()) The lifetime of the AbstractAuthority object the pointer points to is ensured as long as one wrapper instance exists that wraps the same AbstractAuthority pointer. More...
class  SharedLibrary
 Class for loading a single shared library. More...
class  SharedLibraryLoader
 Class for loading multiple shared libraries. More...
class  SignalBinder
 Class that provides different slots with different parameters. More...
class  SignedAngle
 Signed angle that is represented using radians. More...
class  SignedDegree
 Signed angle that is represented using degrees. More...
class  SignedRadian
 Signed angle that is represented using radians. More...
class  SingleSelectionListDialog
 A dialog for providing the a list, where the items can be grouped in categories. More...
class  Singleton
 A singleton template class that can be freely configured using policies that control the instantiation, creation, lifetime and thread-safety. More...
class  Size
 Size class for defining sizes with different data types. More...
class  Size< T, 2 >
 Specialization for 2D with special members width() and height(). More...
class  Size< T, 3 >
 Specialization for 3D with special members width(),height() and depth(). More...
class  SpinBoxDelegate
 Delegate for a QTableWidgetItem (or any model-view item for that matter). More...
class  Spinlock
 A spinlock is similar to a mutex and allows thread synchronization of critical sections. More...
class  SplashScreen
 Widget provides a splash screen that can be shown during application startup. More...
class  SQLiteCachedQuery
 A cached SQLite query object that supports serialization. More...
class  SQLiteDB
 An exception that occurs whenever accessing the SQLite db results in an error. More...
class  SQLiteQuery
 Class representing a result of a SQLite database query. More...
class  Stamped
 Mix in for adding a time stamp, an optional frame id and an optional sequence id to data types like Pose, RangeScan, etc. More...
class  Stamped< T * >
 Stamped class specialization for polymorphic pointers. More...
class  StampedDataQueue
 Implements a queue where Stamped data can be added. More...
class  StampedHeader
 The common header for all stamped data. More...
class  StampedPrimitive
 Stamped class for primitive types like int, float, etc. More...
class  Status
 Status entry class. More...
class  StatusManager
 Manages the status of one or multiple modules inheriting from DiagnosticsModule. More...
class  StreamAccessMixin
 Direct stream access. More...
class  StreamAccessMixin< BinaryStream, true >
 Stream access buffered through BinaryBufferOstream, can be used to work around limitations of underlying stream (in particular, missing support of tellp/seekp). More...
class  StreamAccessMixinBase
 Base for buffered/unbuffered stream access. More...
class  StripedStorageBase
class  StripedStorageBinary
class  StripedStorageXML
 Stores data sequentially into different files (striped) providing a reliable way to retrieve data later from one of the files even if some of the files are corrupted (e.g. More...
class  TabularColormap
 Base class for tabular color colormaps. More...
class  Tape
 A tape is a binary file that contains recorded/serialized data of one or multiple channels. More...
class  TapeFileDialog
class  TapePlayer
 Class for playing back tape files. More...
class  TapePlayerWidget
class  TapeRecorder
 Class for recording channel data to tape. More...
class  TapeRecorderConfig
 A config that can be passed to the TapeRecorder which contains all settings that should be used for recording. More...
class  TapeRecorderWidget
 The recorder widget. More...
class  TapeVisitor
 Visitor class to inspect tapes by channels and/or time interval. More...
class  TClass
 The TClass object is the implementation of the class class for classes which are available since the corresponding library is loaded. More...
class  TEigenFormat
 Template class wrapping the serializing functionality of eigen to support stream operators using a given format. More...
class  TEigenFormatReadOnly
 Template class wrapping the serializing functionality of eigen to support stream operators using a given format. More...
class  TemplateClass
 The TemplateClass object is the implementation of the Class class for template classes. More...
class  TextEditAutoCompletion
class  TextObject
class  ThreadMonitor
 A thread monitor class. More...
class  Time
 Wrapper class for boost::posix_time::ptime for adding more functionality to it. More...
class  TimeOffsetCompensation
struct  TimeTypesSerializedAsElements
 A tag type used as parameter type in humanReadableGetter, humanReadableSetter, humanReadableAccessor to select serialization as individual components (year/month/day etc.) More...
class  TitleBar
 Base class for all window title bars (EditorPartTitleBar, ViewPartTitleBar). More...
class  ToHex
 Can be used with toString to convert values to their string hex representation. More...
class  ToOct
 Can be used with toString to convert values to their string oct representation. More...
struct  TPower
 Computes the power base^exponent at compile time. More...
struct  TPower< base, 0 >
struct  TransformDesc
 Describes a path of transformations through the transformation tree. More...
class  Transformer
 A full features transformer class based on GenericTransformer. More...
class  TransformerBase
 Base class for Transformer to decouple base functionality that is type independent from type dependent Transformer class template. More...
class  TransformerNode
 Basic reference implementation of an AbstractTransformerNode that stores the transformation data internally in a StampedDataQueue that allows to query the transformation at specific time stamps. More...
class  TransformProperty
 Use this class instead of a string property whenever your module has a transform frame as property. More...
class  TreeViewFilter
class  TRPCInvoker
 Invoker that is used to invoke an RPC method call for a special backend. More...
class  TypedChannelBufferBase
 Base class for typed channel buffers. More...
class  TypedDefaultTextVisualizationBase
class  TypedPropertyNode
 Abstract base class for all typed property nodes. More...
class  TypedPropertyNodeImpl
 Implementation of TypedPropertyNode. More...
class  TypedPropertyNodeImpl< Accessor< Getter, Setter > >
 Implementation of TypedPropertyNode for Accessors, i.e. More...
class  TypedPropertyNodeImpl< T * >
 Implementation of TypedPropertyNode for pointers. More...
class  TypedPropertyNodeImplGetSetMixin
 Partial Implementations of the get/set of TypedPropertyNode specialized for normal classes / for classes that are not copyable. More...
class  TypedPropertyNodeImplGetSetMixin< T, false >
class  TypedPropertyNodeImplGetSetMixinBase
class  TypedRemotePropertyNode
 Special TypedPropertyNode for remote properties. More...
class  TypedVoidConstPtr
 Same as TypedVoidPtr but const. More...
class  TypedVoidPtr
 Class that allows to maintain type-safety when passing void pointers. More...
class  TypeMeta
 Meta Type information. More...
class  TypeServiceLevel
 ServiceLevel by channel type. More...
class  UniformRandomGenerator
 A random generator that samples random numbers within the interval that is passed to the constructor. More...
class  Unit
 A more complex unit that adds a default timer to the thread dispatcher of the authority that acts as a worker thread (process()). More...
class  UnitManager
 Class managing micro units and units. More...
class  UntypedImgConstIterator
 Untyped const image iterator, that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class  UntypedImgIterator
 Untyped image iterator, that allows to iterate over images or image regions pixel by pixel similar to iterators of containers. More...
class  UntypedImgIteratorValue
class  VacantClass
 The VacantClass object is the implementation of the Class class for classes which are NOT available since the corresponding library is NOT loaded. More...
class  ViewPart
 A view is typically used to display information or properties. More...
class  ViewPartTitleBar
class  Visualization
 Abstract base class for all derived visualizations, namely Visualization3D and Visualization2D. More...
class  Visualization2D
 Abstract base class for all 2D visualization that are used by Visualization2DView. More...
class  Visualization2DBasic
 Inherit from this class if you want to implement a simple 2D visualization. More...
class  Visualization2DContainer
class  Visualization2DView
 2D view of a scene that may contain different visualization objects which show the actual content of the scene. More...
class  Visualization3D
 Abstract base class for all 3D visualization that are used by Visualization3DView. More...
class  Visualization3DBasic
 Inherit from this class if you want to implement a simple 3D visualization. More...
class  Visualization3DContainer
 A standalone container for 3D visualizations, similar to Visualization3DView but as lightweight standalone widget instead of a view within the RCP framework. More...
class  Visualization3DView
 3D view of a scene that may contain different visualization objects which show the actual content of the scene. More...
class  VisualizationControl
 View part for managing (adding, removing and editing properties) visualizations of the currently focused visualization view. More...
class  VisualizationControlPage
 VisualizationControl page. More...
class  VisualizationObject
class  VisualizationRegistry
 Stores mappings from type names to Visualization classes of Visualizations that are able to show the data. More...
class  VisualizationText
 Abstract base class for all text visualization. More...
class  VisualizationTextBase
class  VisualizationTextBasic
class  VisualizationTextItem
class  VisualizationTextJSONBase
class  VisualizationTextTrace
 Abstract base class for a text visualization tracing the data history. More...
class  VisualizationTextTraceBasic
class  VisualizationTool
class  VisualizationTool2D
class  VisualizationTool3D
class  VisualizationView
 Abstract base class for 2D, 3D, text and plot visualization views (namely Visualization2DView and Visualization3DView...). More...
class  VisualizationViewTransformable
 Abstract base class for 2D, 3D, text and plot visualization views (namely Visualization2DView and Visualization3DView...) that support a target frame. More...
class  WidgetResizeHandler
class  Workbench
class  WorkbenchPart
 A workbench part is a component within the workbench. More...
class  XMemberNotFound_NoDefault
 Can be thrown by subclasses of RecursiveMemberReflectorBase to indicate that they did not find a certain member, e.g. More...
class  XMLDeserializer
 Deserializer for serializing objects from XML format. More...
class  XMLDom
 A STL conform wrapper for libxml2 to read XML files as DOM. More...
class  XMLDomPreprocessor
 Preprocesses XML documents and resolves all special tags like , <if>, <warning> and so on. More...
class  XMLSerializer
struct  XMLSerializerTag
 Serializer for serializing objects in XML format. More...
struct  XMLVariableValue
 Variables defined in xml documents. More...
class  XRPC
 An exception that is thrown by the RPCServer if an RPC call fails. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr< boost::asio::io_service > ServicePtr
 A shared pointer wrapper for class boost::asio::io_service. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< IOServiceIOServicePtr
 A shared pointer wrapper for class IOService. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MulticastSenderMulticastSenderPtr
 A shared pointer wrapper for class MulticastSender. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SerializableExceptionSerializableExceptionPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LogFormatterBaseLogFormatterPtr
 A shared pointer for a log formatter. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LogFilterBaseLogFilterPtr
 A shared pointer for a log filter. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LogSinkLogSinkPtr
 A shared pointer for a log sink. More...
typedef ClassProxy ClassPtr
typedef int TypeId
 The type of the integral TypeId, that can be retrieved by typeId<T>() More...
typedef Circle< int > Circlei
 A integer circle. More...
typedef Circle< float > Circlef
 A float circle. More...
typedef Circle< double > Circled
 A double circle. More...
typedef Line< int, 2 > Line2i
 A 2D integer line. More...
typedef Line< int, 3 > Line3i
 A 3D integer line. More...
typedef Line< float, 2 > Line2f
 A 2D 32 bit floating precision line. More...
typedef Line< float, 3 > Line3f
 A 3D 32 bit floating precision line. More...
typedef Point< int, 2 > Point2i
 a 2D integer point More...
typedef Point< float, 2 > Point2f
 a 2D 32 bit floating precision point More...
typedef Point< double, 2 > Point2d
 a 2D 64 bit floating precision point More...
typedef Point< int, 3 > Point3i
 a 3D integer point More...
typedef Point< float, 3 > Point3f
 a 3D 32 bit floating precision point More...
typedef Point< double, 3 > Point3d
 a 3D 64 bit floating precision point More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point2iPolygon2i
 A 2D polygon with integer precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point2fPolygon2f
 A 2D polygon with 32 bit floating precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point2dPolygon2d
 A 2D polygon with 64 bit floating precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point3iPolygon3i
 A 3D polygon with integer precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point3fPolygon3f
 A 3D polygon with 32 bit floating precision. More...
typedef boost::geometry::model::ring< Point3dPolygon3d
 A 3D polygon with 64 bit floating precision. More...
typedef Rect< int, 2 > Rect2i
 A 2D rect with integer precision. More...
typedef Rect< float, 2 > Rect2f
 A 2D rect with floating point precision. More...
typedef Rect< double, 2 > Rect2d
 A 2D rect with 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Rect< int, 3 > Box3i
 A 3D box with integer precision. More...
typedef Rect< float, 3 > Box3f
 A 3D box with floating point precision. More...
typedef Rect< double, 3 > Box3d
 A 3D box with 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< int, 2 > Size2i
 The size type for 2D objects in integer precision. More...
typedef Size< float, 2 > Size2f
 The size type for 2D objects in floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< double, 2 > Size2d
 The size type for 2D objects in 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< int, 3 > Size3i
 The size type for 3D objects in integer precision. More...
typedef Size< float, 3 > Size3f
 The size type for 3D objects in floating point precision. More...
typedef Size< double, 3 > Size3d
 The size type for 3D objects in 64 bit floating point precision. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 1 > Img8U1
 Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 2 > Img8U2
 Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 2 channels. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 3 > Img8U3
 Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint8, 4 > Img8U4
 Image: unsigned 8-bit integers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 1 > Img16U1
 Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 2 > Img16U2
 Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 3 > Img16U3
 Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< uint16, 4 > Img16U4
 Image: unsigned 16-bit integers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 1 > Img16S1
 Image: 16-bit integers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 2 > Img16S2
 Image: 16-bit integers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 3 > Img16S3
 Image: 16-bit integers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< int16, 4 > Img16S4
 Image: 16-bit integers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 1 > Img32F1
 Image: floating-point numbers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 2 > Img32F2
 Image: floating-point numbers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 3 > Img32F3
 Image: floating-point numbers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< float, 4 > Img32F4
 Image: floating-point numbers, 4 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 1 > Img64F1
 Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 1 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 2 > Img64F2
 Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 2 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 3 > Img64F3
 Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 3 channel. More...
typedef Img< double, 4 > Img64F4
 Image: double precision floating-point numbers, 4 channel. More...
typedef json::Value JSONValue
 Imports the json::Value type into mira namespace. More...
typedef json::Object JSONObject
 Imports the json::Object type into mira namespace. More...
typedef json::Array JSONArray
 Imports the json::Array type into mira namespace. More...
typedef SignedDegree< int > SignedDegreei
 Integer precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedDegree< float > SignedDegreef
 Float precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedDegree< double > SignedDegreed
 Double precision signed angle. More...
typedef Degree< int > Degreei
 Integer precision angle. More...
typedef Degree< float > Degreef
 Float precision angle. More...
typedef Degree< double > Degreed
 Double precision angle. More...
typedef SignedRadian< float > SignedRadianf
 Float precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedRadian< double > SignedRadiand
 Double precision signed angle. More...
typedef Radian< float > Radianf
 Float precision angle. More...
typedef Radian< double > Radiand
 Double precision angle. More...
typedef SignedAngle< float > SignedAnglef
 Float precision signed angle. More...
typedef SignedAngle< double > SignedAngled
 Double precision signed angle. More...
typedef Angle< float > Anglef
 Float precision angle. More...
typedef Angle< double > Angled
 Double precision angle. More...
typedef std::list< MemoryBlockInfoMemoryBlockInfoList
typedef std::string Typename
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractDeferredInvokerAbstractDeferredInvokerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandlerAbstractInterfaceCallbackHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractRPCHandlerAbstractRPCHandlerPtr
typedef BinaryRPCBackendTempl< 0 > BinaryRPCBackendLegacy
typedef BinaryRPCBackendTempl< 2 > BinaryRPCBackend
typedef std::vector< RPCCallDefinitionRPCCallDefinitions
template<typename F , typename... Description>
using ValidRPCDescription = typename std::enable_if< Private::rpc::isValid< F, Description... >()>::type
template<typename F , typename... Description>
using InvalidRPCDescription = typename std::enable_if<!Private::rpc::isValid< F, Description... >()>::type
typedef BasicAESEncryptionFilter AESEncryptionFilter
 A AES public encryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef BasicAESDecryptionFilter AESDecryptionFilter
 A AES private decryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef HashStream< MD5StreamBufMD5
 A simple MD5 hash stream. More...
typedef BasicRSAPublicEncryptionFilter RSAPublicEncryptionFilter
 A RSA public encryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef BasicRSAPrivateDecryptionFilter RSAPrivateDecryptionFilter
 A RSA private decryption filter for boost::iostreams. More...
typedef HashStream< SHA1StreamBufSHA1
 A simple SHA1 hash stream. More...
typedef HashStream< SHA256StreamBufSHA256
 A simple SHA256 hash stream. More...
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryBufferOstream, 2 > BinaryBufferSerializer
 Typedef for BinarySerializer based on a Buffer. More...
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryBufferOstream, 0 > BinaryBufferSerializerLegacy
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStlOstream, 2 > BinaryStreamSerializer
 Typedef for BinarySerializer based on STL streams. More...
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStlOstream, 2, true > BufferedBinaryStreamSerializer
typedef ConcreteBinarySerializer< BinaryStlOstream, 0 > BinaryStreamSerializerLegacy
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, 2 > BinaryBufferDeserializer
 Typedef for BinaryDeserializer based on a Buffer. More...
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, 1 > BinaryBufferDeserializerLegacyMarked
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryBufferIstream, 0 > BinaryBufferDeserializerLegacy
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStlIstream, 2 > BinaryStreamDeserializer
 Typedef for BinaryDeserializer based on a stl stream. More...
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStlIstream, 1 > BinaryStreamDeserializerLegacyMarked
typedef ConcreteBinaryDeserializer< BinaryStlIstream, 0 > BinaryStreamDeserializerLegacy
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BinarySerializerCodecBinarySerializerCodecPtr
 Shared pointer of BinarySerializerCodec. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TypeMetaTypeMetaPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MethodMetaMethodMetaPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CompoundMetaCompoundMetaPtr
typedef std::set< PropertyNodeListener * > PropertyNodeListenerList
typedef BinaryOstream< std::basic_ostream< char, std::char_traits< char > > > BinaryStlOstream
 Typedef for binary output streams based on STL streams. More...
typedef BinaryOstream< BinaryBufferStreamBaseBinaryBufferOstream
 Typedef for binary output streams based on a Buffer. More...
typedef BinaryIstream< std::basic_istream< char, std::char_traits< char > > > BinaryStlIstream
 Typedef for binary input streams based on STL streams. More...
typedef BinaryIstream< BinaryBufferStreamBaseBinaryBufferIstream
 Typedef for binary input streams based on a Buffer. More...
typedef uint32 ThreadID
 Platform independent thread ID. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 2 > Pose2
 A 2D pose consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 3 > Pose3
 A 3D pose consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 2 > PoseCov2
 A 2D pose with covariance consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 3 > PoseCov3
 A 3D pose with covariance consisting of a translation and rotation. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< Pose2 >::VectorType Pose2Vector
 Vector of Pose2. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< Pose3 >::VectorType Pose3Vector
 Vector of Pose3. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< PoseCov2 >::VectorType PoseCov2Vector
 Vector of PoseCov2. More...
typedef PoseVectorTrait< PoseCov3 >::VectorType PoseCov3Vector
 Vector of PoseCov3. More...
typedef PoseCov2Vector Pose2CovVector
 deprecated, use PoseCov2Vector instead More...
typedef PoseCov3Vector Pose3CovVector
 deprecated, use PoseCov3Vector instead More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 2 > RigidTransform2f
 Typedef for 2D float transform. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 3 > RigidTransform3f
 Typedef for 3D float transform. More...
typedef RigidTransform< double, 2 > RigidTransform2d
 Typedef for 2D double transform. More...
typedef RigidTransform< double, 3 > RigidTransform3d
 Typedef for 3D double transform. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 2 > RigidTransformCov2f
 Typedef for 2D float transform with covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 3 > RigidTransformCov3f
 Typedef for 3D float transform with covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< double, 2 > RigidTransformCov2d
 Typedef for 2D double transform with covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< double, 3 > RigidTransformCov3d
 Typedef for 3D double transform with covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 2 > Transformer2f
 Typedef for a transformer with 2D floating point transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 3 > Transformer3f
 Typedef for a transformer with 3D floating point transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 2 > Transformer2d
 Typedef for a transformer with 2D double precision transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 3 > Transformer3d
 Typedef for a transformer with 3D double precision transforms. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 2, RigidTransformCovTransformerCov2f
 Typedef for a transformer with 2D floating point transforms and covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< float, 3, RigidTransformCovTransformerCov3f
 Typedef for a transformer with 3D floating point transforms and covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 2, RigidTransformCovTransformerCov2d
 Typedef for a transformer with 2D double precision transforms and covariance. More...
typedef Transformer< double, 3, RigidTransformCovTransformerCov3d
 Typedef for a transformer with 3D double precision transforms and covariance. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 2 > Velocity2
 A 2D velocity consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef RigidTransform< float, 3 > Velocity3
 A 3D velocity consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 2 > VelocityCov2
 A 2D velocity with covariance consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef RigidTransformCov< float, 3 > VelocityCov3
 A 3D velocity with covariance consisting of a translational and rotational part. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity2, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Velocity2 > > Velocity2Vector
 Vector of Velocity2. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity3, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Velocity3 > > Velocity3Vector
 Vector of Velocity3. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity2, Eigen::aligned_allocator< VelocityCov2 > > VelocityCov2Vector
 Vector of VelocityCov2. More...
typedef std::vector< Velocity3, Eigen::aligned_allocator< VelocityCov3 > > VelocityCov3Vector
 Vector of VelocityCov3. More...
typedef boost::filesystem::path Path
 Typedef of a Path (shorter version for boost::filesystem::path) More...
typedef std::vector< PathPathVector
 Typedef for vector of Paths. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SharedLibrarySharedLibraryPtr
typedef boost::gregorian::date Date
 Typedef for the boost Gregorian calendar date. More...
typedef boost::gregorian::date_duration DateDuration
using DateSerializedAsIsoString = HumanReadableSerialization::Date< true >
 Derivation of mira::Date with serialization as string. More...
using DateSerializedAsYMD = HumanReadableSerialization::Date< false >
 Derivation of mira::Date with serialization as year/month/day members. More...
using DurationSerializedAsIsoString = HumanReadableSerialization::Duration< true >
 Derivation of mira::Duration with serialization as string. More...
using DurationSerializedAsHMS = HumanReadableSerialization::Duration< false >
 Derivation of mira::Duration with serialization as hours/minutes/seconds/milli-/microseconds members. More...
using TimeSerializedAsIsoString = HumanReadableSerialization::Time< true >
 Derivation of mira::Time with serialization as string. More...
using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS = HumanReadableSerialization::Time< false >
 Derivation of mira::Time with serialization as year/month/day/hour/... members. More...
typedef boost::uuids::uuid UUID
 Shorter name for boost uuid. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, XMLVariableValueXMLVariablesMap
typedef AbstractChannelAbstractChannelPtr
 Typedef for abstract channel pointers. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractChannelSubscriberAbstractChannelSubscriberPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AuthorityAuthorityPtr
 Typedef for Authority pointers. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AuthorityRuntimeAuthorityRuntimePtr
 Pointer of AuthorityRuntime. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DiscoverServiceDiscoverServicePtr
typedef DispatcherThread::Timer Timer
typedef DispatcherThread::TimerPtr TimerPtr
typedef DispatcherThread::TimerCallback TimerCallback
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MicroUnitMicroUnitPtr
typedef ConcreteRemoteOutgoingConnection< 2 > RemoteOutgoingConnection
typedef ConcreteRemoteOutgoingConnection< 0 > RemoteOutgoingConnectionLegacy
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RemoteModuleRemoteModulePtr
 Typedef for a pointer to RemoteModule. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RPCHandlerRPCHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< IRunnableIRunnablePtr
 a runnable pointer More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DiagnosticRunnableDiagnosticRunnablePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ServiceInterfaceHandlerServiceInterfaceHandlerPtr
typedef DiagnosticsModuleDiagnosticsModulePtr
 Typedef of a DiagnosticsModule pointer. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, RecordedChannelInfoRecordedChannelInfoMap
 A map of recorded channel settings. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ConfigurationPreparePluginConfigurationPreparePluginPtr
 typedef for ConfigurationPreparePlugin pointer More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ConfigurationLoaderPluginConfigurationLoaderPluginPtr
 typedef for ConfigurationLoaderPlugin pointer More...


enum  SeverityLevel {
  DEBUG = 4, TRACE = 5
 Severity levels to graduate between different log outputs. More...
 Enum that specifies the endianness of the host system. More...
 enumeration of possible reasons for errors/exceptions while performing an RPC call More...
enum  AESBitLength { AES_128 = 1, AES_192, AES_256 }
 The supported AES bit lengths. More...
enum  AESBlockCipherMode {
 The supported block cipher modes for the AES encryption/decryption. More...
enum  AESMessageDigestAlgo { AES_MD_MD5, AES_MD_SHA1, AES_MD_SHA256, AES_MD_SHA512 }
 The supported message digest algorithm for key generation. More...
 used in print() More...
 Control Flags that can modify the behavior of certain reflectors. More...
enum  ChannelAccessFlags { CHANNEL_ACCESS_NONE = 0x00, CHANNEL_ACCESS_READ = 0x01, CHANNEL_ACCESS_WRITE = 0x02 }
 Flags specifying the access rights of an authority to a channel Can be combined. More...
enum  SlotQueryMode { OLDER_SLOT = 0, NEWER_SLOT, NEAREST_SLOT }
 Mode that is used to determine the slot obtained from a channel when no slot exists at the exact timestamp requested. More...
enum  IntervalFillMode { PREFER_OLDER = 0, PREFER_NEWER }
 Mode that is used to determine what slots should be added to the interval when not enough slots are available. More...
enum  FrameworkMessageType {
 Remote framework message types. More...


template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 >
LogCustomizableFilter::AndOperator< Derived1, Derived2 > operator & (const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived1 > &f1, const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived2 > &f2)
 Operator to combine filters by and. More...
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 >
LogCustomizableFilter::OrOperator< Derived1, Derived2 > operator| (const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived1 > &f1, const LogCustomizableFilter::CustomFilter< Derived2 > &f2)
 Operator to combine filters by or. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT SeverityLevel stringToSeverityLevel (const std::string &levelString)
 Converts the specified string into a numeric severity level. More...
template<typename Reflector >
void reflect (Reflector &r, LogRecord &record)
 Non-intrusive reflector for LogRecord. More...
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT installSignalHandler (int sig, boost::function< void(const IntSignal &)> function)
 Registers a function for the specified interrupt signal. More...
template<typename CLASS >
CLASS * mira_factoryDynamicCast (Object *base)
 Auxiliary function which throws an XFactoryBadCast exception if the cast fails and deletes the object. More...
std::string mira_stripNameFromIdentifier (std::string const &identifier)
 Auxiliary function to extract the class name from the given identifier. More...
std::string replaceTemplateGeneric (std::string const &genericIdent, std::string const &specialIdent)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const LibraryVersion &version)
void loadManifests (const Path &pattern=MIRA_LIB_FOLDER"/*.manifest")
 Loads all manifest files that match the given file pattern within all paths that are specified in the MIRA_PATH environment variable. More...
 MIRA_MEMBER_DETECTOR (mNoPublicDefaultConstructor)
template<typename T >
TypeId typeId ()
 Generates unique IDs for different types. More...
template<typename Visitor >
void bresenham (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Visitor &&visitor)
 Rasterizes a Bresenham line point by point starting at coordinate (x0,y0) and ending in (x1,y1). More...
template<typename Visitor >
void bresenham (Point2i p0, Point2i p1, Visitor &&visitor)
 Different interface for standard Bresenham Algorithm. More...
template<typename Visitor >
void bresenhamRunSlice (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Visitor &&visitor)
 Rasterizes a Bresenham line starting at coordinate (x0,y0) and ending in (x1,y1). More...
template<typename Visitor >
void bresenhamRunSlice (Point2i p0, Point2i p1, Visitor &&visitor)
 Different interface for Bresenham Run-Slice Algorithm. More...
template<typename PointType >
boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > createTriangle (const PointType &p1, const PointType &p2, const PointType &p3)
 The polygon is essentially a sequence of points with an edge also connecting the first and last point. More...
template<typename LineType >
boost::geometry::model::ring< typename LineType::PointType > polygonFromLine (const LineType &line)
 Converts a line into a polygon. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename PointType >
void reflect (Reflector &r, boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > &p)
 non-intrusive reflect for boost::geometry::ring More...
template<class TransformationInRegion , class Visitor >
void rasterPolygon (const Polygon2f &polygon, const Rect2i &region, TransformationInRegion &&transformation, Visitor &&visitor)
 Function for rasterising a polygon. More...
template<class TransformationInRegion , class Visitor >
void rasterPolygon (const Polygon2f &polygon, const Rect2i &region, TransformationInRegion &&transformation, Visitor &&visitor, uint precision)
 Function for rasterising a polygon. More...
template<typename Visitor >
void rasterRect (int xl, int yl, int xr, int yr, Visitor &&visitor)
 Rasterizes an Rectangle (2D only). More...
template<typename Visitor >
void rasterRect (const Rect2i &rect, Visitor &&visitor)
 Rasters a rect (see description above), same as above, just additional interface. More...
template<typename Visitor >
void rasterTriangle (Point2i p0, Point2i p1, Point2i p2, Visitor &&visitor)
 Rasters a triangle scanline by scanline. More...
template<typename Visitor >
void rasterTriangle (const Polygon2i &polygon, Visitor &&visitor)
 Same function as above, but with a nicer interface. More...
template<typename TPixel , int TChannels>
Img< TPixel, TChannels > img_cast (Img<> &other)
 Casts an untyped Img<> into a typed image with the specified pixel type and channel count. More...
bool operator== (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b)
bool operator!= (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b)
bool operator< (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b)
bool operator> (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b)
bool operator<= (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b)
bool operator>= (const ImgIteratorBase &a, const ImgIteratorBase &b)
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Img loadTGA (const std::string &filename)
 Loads an image from a TARGA tga file. More...
template<typename T >
INTERNAL std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, T >::type deg2rad (T value)
 Convert degree to radian, for floating point arguments (return type = argument type) More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, double >::type deg2rad (T value)
 Convert degree to radian, for integral arguments (return type = double) More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type deg2rad (T value)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, T >::type rad2deg (T value)
 Convert radian to degree, for floating point arguments (return type = argument type) More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, double >::type rad2deg (T value)
 Convert radian to degree, for integral arguments (return type = double) More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type rad2deg (T value)
template<typename T >
smallestAngleDifference (const T &a, const T &b)
 Returns the signed difference angle between the specified angles (in radian) that has the smallest absolute value. More...
template<typename T >
bool inAngleInterval (T value, T min, T max)
template<typename T >
bool isInAngleInterval (T value, T min, T max)
 Returns true, if the given angle (in radian) is in the given interval [min,max]. More...
template<typename T >
Getter< T > rad2degGetter (const T &cref)
 Create a getter for serializing radians as degrees. More...
template<typename T >
Setter< T > deg2radSetter (T &ref)
 Create setter for deserializing radians from degrees. See rad2degGetter. More...
template<typename T >
Setter< T > deg2radSetter (T &ref, Deg2RadNonNegativeType)
 Create a setter for deserializing radians from degrees. More...
template<typename T >
Accessor< Getter< T >, Setter< T > > radAsDegAccessor (T &ref)
 Create an accessor consisting of getter + setter for serializing radians as degrees. More...
template<typename T >
Accessor< Getter< T >, Setter< T > > radAsDegAccessor (T &ref, Deg2RadNonNegativeType)
 Create a complete accessor consisting of getter + setter for serializing radians as degrees. More...
template<typename Derived >
Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::PlainObject choleskyInverse (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &m)
 Returns the inverse of m. More...
template<typename Derived >
TEigenFormat< Derived > format (Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix, Eigen::IOFormat format=EigenFormat::matlab())
 Function for formatting an Eigen matrix using a special format. More...
template<typename Derived >
TEigenFormatReadOnly< Derived > format (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix, Eigen::IOFormat format=EigenFormat::matlab())
 Same as above, provided for const correctness. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
bool isApprox (const T &a, const T &b, const U &tol)
 Returns true, if the value a has approximately the same value as b. More...
template<typename T , typename S >
lerp (const T &a, const T &b, S alpha)
 Linear interpolation of different types like scalars, angles and rotations, vectors, etc. More...
template<typename T , typename UnitTag , typename Derived , typename S >
Derived lerpAngle (const AngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived > &a, const AngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
Degree< T > lerp (const Degree< T > &a, const Degree< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
SignedDegree< T > lerp (const SignedDegree< T > &a, const SignedDegree< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
Radian< T > lerp (const Radian< T > &a, const Radian< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
SignedRadian< T > lerp (const SignedRadian< T > &a, const SignedRadian< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
Angle< T > lerp (const Angle< T > &a, const Angle< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
SignedAngle< T > lerp (const SignedAngle< T > &a, const SignedAngle< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
Eigen::Rotation2D< T > lerp (const Eigen::Rotation2D< T > &a, const Eigen::Rotation2D< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T , typename S >
Eigen::Quaternion< T > lerp (const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &a, const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &b, S alpha)
template<typename T >
modulo (T x, T y)
 Computes x modulo y, i.e. More...
float modulo (float x, float y)
double modulo (double x, double y)
long double modulo (long double x, long double y)
float normcdf (float x, float mu=0.0, float sigma=1.0)
 Computes the normal cumulative distribution function at the value x using the specified mean mu and standard deviation sigma. More...
template<int exponent, typename T >
pow (T base)
 Computes the power of 'base' with a constant integral exponent. More...
template<typename T >
pow2 (T base)
 Computes base^2. More...
template<typename T >
pow3 (T base)
 Computes base^3. More...
template<typename T , typename U >
pow (T base, U exponent)
template<typename T >
pow (T base, T exponent)
template<typename T >
const T & saturate (const T &value, const T &minValue, const T &maxValue)
 Saturate a value by limiting it to a certain interval. More...
template<typename T >
truncate (T value, uint32 decimals)
 Truncates a floating point value to a given number of decimals. More...
template<typename Derived >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Scalar, 3, 1 > eulerAngles (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &mat, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index a0, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index a1, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index a2)
 Returns the Euler-angles of the rotation matrix mat using the convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2) More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::Quaternion< T > quaternionFromYawPitchRoll (T yaw, T pitch, T roll)
 Converts yaw, pitch and roll angles to a quaternion. More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::Quaternion< T > quaternionFromYawPitchRoll (const boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > &ypr)
 Same as the above method, that takes the yaw, pitch, roll angles as 3-tuple. More...
template<typename T >
void quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &eulerCovariance, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, Eigen::Quaternion< T > &oOrientation, Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > &oCovariance)
 Converts 6x6 dimensional covariance matrix (3D + yaw, pitch and roll) angles to a 7x7 dimensional quaternion covariance matrix (3D + Quaternion) Our convention for the order of rotations is as follows:

  1. yaw around the Z-Axis (pointing upwards)
  2. pitch around the Y-Axis (pointing left)
  3. roll around the X-Axis (pointing forward)
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &eulerCovariance, float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
 Converts 6x6 dimensional covariance matrix (3D + yaw, pitch and roll) angles to a 7x7 dimensional quaternion covariance matrix (3D + Quaternion) Our convention for the order of rotations is as follows:

  1. yaw around the Z-Axis (pointing upwards)
  2. pitch around the Y-Axis (pointing left)
  3. roll around the X-Axis (pointing forward)
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &eulerCovariance, const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &rotation)
 Same as the above method, that takes the orientation as yaw,pitch,roll angles. More...
template<typename T >
boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > quaternionToYawPitchRoll (const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &q)
 Converts a quaternion back to yaw, pitch, roll angles. More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > quaternionCovToYawPitchRollCov (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 7, 7 > &covariance, const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &q)
 Converts a 7x7 dimensional quaternion covariance (3D + Quaternion) back to a 6x6 dimensional euler covariance (3D + Yaw, Pitch, Roll). More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > matrixFromYawPitchRoll (T yaw, T pitch, T roll)
 Converts yaw, pitch and roll angles to a rotation matrix. More...
template<typename T >
Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > matrixFromYawPitchRoll (const boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > &ypr)
 Same as the above method, that takes the yaw,pitch,roll angles as 3-tuple. More...
template<typename T >
boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > matrixToYawPitchRoll (const Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &r)
 Converts a rotation matrix back to yaw, pitch, roll angles. More...
template<typename T >
void derivMatricesFromYawPitchRoll (T yaw, T pitch, T roll, Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &oR_dyaw, Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &oR_dpitch, Eigen::Matrix< T, 3, 3 > &oR_droll)
 Returns the 3 derivates of the above rotation matrix, i.e. More...
template<typename T >
NetworkTypeTrait< T >::Type hostToNetwork (const T &value)
 Converts a value from host byte order to network byte order. More...
NetworkTypeTrait< float >::Type hostToNetwork< float > (const float &value)
 Specialization for float. More...
NetworkTypeTrait< double >::Type hostToNetwork< double > (const double &value)
 Specialization for double. More...
template<typename T >
networkToHost (const typename NetworkTypeTrait< T >::Type &value)
 Converts a value from network byte order to host byte order. More...
float networkToHost (const NetworkTypeTrait< float >::Type &value)
 Specialization for float. More...
double networkToHost (const NetworkTypeTrait< double >::Type &value)
 Specialization for double. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string resolveEnvironmentVariable (const std::string &envVar)
 Resolves an environmental variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string resolveEnvironmentVariables (std::string envStr, bool ignoreErrors=true)
 Resolves all environmental variables in a string: It replaces $VARIABLE ${VARIABLE} VARIABLE% by the content of the environment variable VARIABLE. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT MemoryUsage getMemoryUsage ()
 Returns information about the memory used currently by this process. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT MemoryBlockInfoList getDetailedMemoryBlockUsage ()
 Returns detailed information on memory blocks used by this process. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT int executeProcess (const std::string &cmd, std::string *oStdOut=NULL, std::string *oErrOut=NULL)
 Executes a given command/process. More...
template<typename T >
Typename typeName (bool cvqualify=true)
 Returns a compiler and platform independent typename of T. More...
template<typename T >
Typename typeName (T &t, bool cvqualify=true)
 Returns a compiler and platform independent typename of t (not necessarily type T). More...
template<typename Backend , typename R , typename... ARGS, typename Fn >
Private::ConcreteRPCInvoker< Backend, typename std::decay< Fn >::type, R, ARGS... > * make_RPCInvoker (Fn &&f)
template<typename R , typename... ARGS>
RPCSignature makeRPCSignature (std::string name)
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string base64Encode (const std::string &data)
 Base 64 encodes a string. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Buffer< uint8 > base64Encode (const Buffer< uint8 > &data)
 Base 64 encodes data in a buffer. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string base64Decode (const std::string &base64)
 Base 64 decodes a base 64 encoded string. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Buffer< uint8 > base64Decode (const Buffer< uint8 > &base64)
 Base 64 decodes base 64 encoded data in a buffer. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RSAKey &key)
 The '<<' operator for RSAKey. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, RSAKey &key)
 The '>>' operator for RSAKey. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RSASignature &signature)
 The '<<' operator for RSASignature. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &stream, RSASignature &signature)
 The '>>' operator for RSASignature. More...
template<typename Getter , typename Setter >
Accessor< Getter, SettermakeAccessor (const Getter &getter, const Setter &setter)
 Helper method that creates an accessor from a different combination of either direct access to a variable (i.e. More...
template<typename T >
Getter< T > getter (T(*f)())
 Creates a Getter for global or static class methods returning the result by value. More...
template<typename T >
Getter< T > getter (const T &(*f)())
 Creates a Getter for global or static class methods returning the result by const reference. More...
template<typename T , typename Class >
Getter< T > getter (T(Class::*f)(), Class *obj)
 Creates a Getter for non-const class methods returning the result by value. More...
template<typename T , typename Class >
Getter< T > getter (const T &(Class::*f)(), Class *obj)
 Creates a Getter for non-const class methods returning the value by const reference. More...
template<typename T , typename LambdaFn >
Getter< T > getter (LambdaFn fn)
 Creates a Getter for a lambda function. More...
template<typename T >
Getter< T > getter (boost::function< T()> f)
 Creates a Getter for boost function or boost bind. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Getter< T > getter (T(*f)(const TObject &), const TObject &object)
 Creates a Getter for a global function or static class method that additionally is assigned with a certain object of type TObject, i.e. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Getter< T > getter (T(*f)(TObject), const TObject &object)
 Creates a Getter for a global function or static class method that additionally is assigned with a certain object. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Getter< T > getter (boost::function< T(const TObject &)> f, const TObject &object)
 Creates a Getter for a boost bind function that additionally is assigned with a certain object. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Getter< T > getter (boost::function< T(TObject)> f, const TObject &object)
 Creates a Getter for a boost bind function that additionally is assigned with a certain object. More...
template<typename T >
Setter< T > setter (void(*f)(const T &))
 Creates a Setter for global or static class methods taking the argument by const reference. More...
template<typename T >
Setter< T > setter (void(*f)(T))
 Creates a Setter for global or static class methods taking the argument by value. More...
template<typename T , typename LambdaFn >
Setter< T > setter (LambdaFn fn)
 Creates a Setter for lambda function. More...
template<typename T , typename Class >
Setter< T > setter (void(Class::*f)(const T &), Class *obj)
 Creates a Setter for class methods taking the argument by const reference. More...
template<typename T , typename Class >
Setter< T > setter (void(Class::*f)(T), Class *obj)
 Creates a Setter for class methods taking the argument by value. More...
template<typename T >
Setter< T > setter (boost::function< void(const T &)> f)
 Creates a Setter for boost function or boost bind. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Setter< T > setter (TObject(*f)(const T &), TObject &object)
 Creates a Setter for a global function or static class method that additionally is assigned with a certain object of type TObject, i.e. More...
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Setter< T > setter (TObject(*f)(T), TObject &object)
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Setter< T > setter (boost::function< TObject(const T &)> f, TObject &object)
template<typename T , typename TObject >
Setter< T > setter (boost::function< TObject(T)> f, TObject &object)
template<typename T >
Private::TPrintHelper< T > print (const T &value, bool prettyPrint=true)
 Convenient function for simple output of a serializable class to a stream. More...
template<typename T >
Private::TPrintHelper< T > print (const T &value, PrintFormat format, int precision=-1)
 Convenient function for simple output of a serializable class to a stream. More...
template<typename T >
Setter< T > setterNotify (T &member, boost::function< void()> notifyFn)
 Creates a setter that simply sets the value of the specified member to the given value AND calls a user defined notification method afterwards. More...
template<typename T , typename Class >
Setter< T > setterNotify (T &member, void(Class::*f)(), Class *obj)
 Creates a setter that simply sets the value of the specified member to the given value AND calls a user defined notification method afterwards. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename Class >
void splitReflectMemberInvoke (Reflector &r, Class *This)
template<typename Reflector , typename Class >
void splitReflectMember (mira::ReflectorInterface< Reflector > &r, Class *This)
 This method is used to split reflection into a reflectRead() and reflectWrite() method. More...
BinaryIosBasenet (BinaryIosBase &stream)
 Manipulators: More...
BinaryIosBasehost (BinaryIosBase &stream)
 Manipulator that sets a binary input/output stream into host byte order mode and can be used to reset a previous set network byte order mode. More...
float MIRA_BASE_EXPORT getCPUUsage ()
 Returns the CPU usage of the calling process in percent. More...
template<typename T , int D, typename S >
RigidTransform< T, D > lerp (const RigidTransform< T, D > &t1, const RigidTransform< T, D > &t2, S alpha)
 Linearly interpolates between two transformations and returns the interpolated transform. More...
template<typename T , int D, typename S >
RigidTransformCov< T, D > lerp (const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &t1, const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &t2, S alpha)
 Linearly interpolates between two transformations and returns the interpolated transform. More...
template<typename T , int D>
bool isWellDefined (const RigidTransform< T, D > &p)
 Checks whether a RigidTransform is valid. More...
template<typename T , int D>
bool isWellDefined (const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &p)
 Checks whether a RigidTransformCov is valid. More...
template<typename TargetTransform , typename OtherT , int OtherD>
TargetTransform transform_cast (const RigidTransform< OtherT, OtherD > &other)
 Casts a RigidTransform or RigidTransformCov to a RigidTransform of a different type. More...
template<typename TargetTransform , typename OtherT , int OtherD>
TargetTransform transform_cast (const RigidTransformCov< OtherT, OtherD > &other)
 Casts a RigidTransformCov to a RigidTransform of a different type. More...
bool testSuiteHasCommandLineOption (const std::string &arg)
 Tests whether a certain command line argument was passed to the unit test executable. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename T , typename Allocator >
void reflectRead (Reflector &r, Buffer< T, Allocator > &c)
 Specialization of the non-intrusive reflect for Buffer. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename T , typename Allocator >
void reflectWrite (Reflector &r, Buffer< T, Allocator > &c)
 Specialization of the non-intrusive reflect for Buffer. More...
template<typename Reflector , typename T , typename Allocator >
void reflect (Reflector &r, Buffer< T, Allocator > &c)
 non-intrusive reflect for Buffer More...
uint32 MIRA_BASE_EXPORT getMaxCompressedLength (uint32 uncompressedSize)
 Determine the maximum size of the compressed data for uncompressed data with a given length. More...
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT compressBuffer (const Buffer< uint8 > &src, Buffer< uint8 > &ioDest, int compressionLevel=-1)
 Compress a given buffer into a second buffer using libzip. More...
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT uncompressBuffer (const Buffer< uint8 > &src, Buffer< uint8 > &ioDest)
 Uncompress a given buffer into a second buffer using libzip. More...
template<typename P , typename Op >
Private::EvalFirstOf< P, Op > evalFirstOf (const Op &iOp, const typename P::first_type &iValue)
 Functor for using STL functions like find_if, erase_if... More...
template<typename P , typename Op >
Private::EvalSecondOf< P, Op > evalSecondOf (const Op &iOp, const typename P::second_type &iValue)
 Functor for using stl functions like find_if, erase_if... More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT void hexdump (std::ostream &stream, const uint8 *bytes, std::size_t length)
 Prints a buffer as hexdump to the specified stream. More...
template<typename T >
void hexdump (std::ostream &stream, const Buffer< T > &buffer)
 Prints a buffer as hexdump to the specified stream. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path findPackage (const std::string &package, Duration maxCacheAge=Duration::infinity())
 Finds a package with given name using an internal cache of packages. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::map< std::string, PathfindPackages (Duration maxCacheAge=Duration::infinity())
 Finds all packages using an internal cache of packages. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector extractPaths (const std::string &env)
 Extracts and resolves all paths contained in an environment variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path normalizePath (const Path &path)
 Normalizes a path: it resolves all ".." in a path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path resolvePath (const Path &path, bool makeAbsolute=true)
 Resolves a path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT bool isRootOfPath (const Path &root, const Path &path)
 The function takes two absolute paths and returns true if the given root path is part of the path given in the path argument. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path getExecutableDirectory ()
 Get the path of the current running application binary. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path getHomeDirectory ()
 Get the absolute path of the current user's home directory. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path getAppDataDirectory (const std::string &appName="mira")
 Returns the absolute path for application-specific data. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path getTempDirectory ()
 Get the absolute path of the temporary directory. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path relativizePath (const Path &path, const Path &base)
 Returns relative path from base to path. More...
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectRead (Reflector &r, Path &path)
 Nonintrusive reflect method for Path. More...
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectWrite (Reflector &r, Path &path)
 Nonintrusive reflect method for Path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT void checkForMIRAPath ()
 Checks if environment variable(s) for MIRA is/are defined. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector getMIRAPaths ()
 Returns vector of all MIRA project paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path findFile (const PathVector &paths, const Path &file)
 Find a file in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path findProjectFile (const Path &file)
 Same as findFile above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector findFiles (const PathVector &paths, const Path &file, bool recursive=false)
 Finds all files in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector findFiles (const Path &path, const Path &file, bool recursive=false)
 Same as findFiles above, but using only one search path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector findProjectFiles (const Path &file, bool recursive=false)
 Same as findFiles above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path findDirectory (const PathVector &paths, const Path &path)
 Find a sub directory in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path findProjectDirectory (const Path &path)
 Same as findDirectory above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path findContainingMIRAPath (const Path &path)
 Returns the MIRA path that contains the given path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path chopMIRAPath (const Path &path)
 Removes the root part of the given path that belongs to one of MIRA paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector findDirectories (const PathVector &paths, const Path &path, bool recursive=false)
 Finds all sub directories in a vector of paths. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector findDirectories (const Path &basePath, const Path &path, bool recursive=false)
 Same as findDirectories above, but searching only in one path. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT PathVector findProjectDirectories (const Path &path, bool recursive=false)
 Same as findDirectories above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string findProjectPath (const std::string &path)
 Finds a file or directory searching in all paths contained in $MIRA_PATH. More...
constexpr std::string_view findContainingMIRAPath (const std::string_view &path, const std::string_view &miraPaths)
 Returns the MIRA path that contains the given path. More...
constexpr std::string_view findContainingMIRAPath (const char *path, const char *miraPaths)
 As above, overload for const char* path. More...
constexpr std::string_view findContainingMIRAPath (const char *path)
 With this overload the MIRA paths are not provided as argument, they are expected to be defined as a compiler definition MIRA_PATHS. More...
constexpr std::string_view chopMIRAPath (const std::string_view &path, const std::string_view &miraPaths)
 Removes the root part of the given path that belongs to one of MIRA paths. More...
constexpr const char * chopMIRAPath (const char *path, const char *miraPaths)
 As above, overload for const char* path. More...
constexpr const char * chopMIRAPath (const char *path)
 With this overload the MIRA paths are not provided as argument, they are expected to be defined as a compiler definition MIRA_PATHS. More...
void printProgressBarHeader ()
 Prints the header part of a progress bar. More...
void printProgressBar (int value, int maximum, const Time &startTime, int updateInterval=1)
 Prints a progress bar in the console and shows the approximated time until the progress is finished. More...
void printFinishedProgressBar ()
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string resolveVariables (std::string s, boost::function< std::string(const std::string &)> functor, bool ignoreErrors=true)
 Resolves all variables in a string: It replaces

  2. ${VARIABLE}
  3. VARIABLE% by calling the given functor for each found variable.
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string resolveSpecialVariables (std::string s, boost::function< std::string(const std::string &, const std::string &)> functor, bool ignoreErrors=true)
 Resolves all occurrences of ${PATTERN variable} in a string by calling the given functor for each found pattern - variable combination. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string resolveSpecialVariables (const std::string &pattern, std::string s, boost::function< std::string(const std::string &)> functor, bool ignoreErrors=true)
 Like resolveSpecialVariables above but only resolves a special pattern. More...
MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path resolveLibraryName (const Path &path)
 Adds the system dependent library pre- and suffix to the given name if necessary. More...
template<typename T >
Stamped< typename std::decay< T >::type > makeStamped (T &&value, const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &frameID=std::string(), uint32 sequenceID=0)
 Declare stamped classes for all standard data types including std::string. More...
template<typename T >
StampedHeaderstampedHeader (Stamped< T > &data)
 Helper to extract the header from stamped data. More...
template<typename T >
const StampedHeaderstampedHeader (const Stamped< T > &data)
Duration abs (const Duration &duration)
 Get the absolute duration from a duration. More...
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectRead (Reflector &r, Date &date)
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectWrite (Reflector &r, Date &date)
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectRead (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsIsoString &date)
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectRead (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsYMD &date)
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectWrite (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsIsoString &date)
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectWrite (Reflector &r, DateSerializedAsYMD &date)
void reflect (PropertySerializer &r, DateSerializedAsYMD &date)
Getter< DateSerializedAsIsoStringhumanReadableGetter (const Date &date)
 In addition to classes which can replace Date/Duration/Time, there are getters/setters/accessors for objects of these plain types. More...
Setter< DateSerializedAsIsoStringhumanReadableSetter (Date &date)
 Setter for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DateSerializedAsIsoString >, Setter< DateSerializedAsIsoString > > humanReadableAccessor (Date &date)
 Accessor for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Getter< DateSerializedAsYMDhumanReadableGetter (const Date &date, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Getter for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy. More...
Setter< DateSerializedAsYMDhumanReadableSetter (Date &date, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Setter for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DateSerializedAsYMD >, Setter< DateSerializedAsYMD > > humanReadableAccessor (Date &date, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Accessor for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy. More...
Getter< DurationSerializedAsIsoStringhumanReadableGetter (const Duration &duration)
 Getter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Setter< DurationSerializedAsIsoStringhumanReadableSetter (Duration &duration)
 Setter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DurationSerializedAsIsoString >, Setter< DurationSerializedAsIsoString > > humanReadableAccessor (Duration &duration)
 Accessor for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Getter< DurationSerializedAsHMShumanReadableGetter (const Duration &duration, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Getter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy. More...
Setter< DurationSerializedAsHMShumanReadableSetter (Duration &duration, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Setter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< DurationSerializedAsHMS >, Setter< DurationSerializedAsHMS > > humanReadableAccessor (Duration &duration, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Accessor for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy. More...
Getter< TimeSerializedAsIsoStringhumanReadableGetter (const Time &time)
 Getter for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Setter< TimeSerializedAsIsoStringhumanReadableSetter (Time &time)
 Setter for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< TimeSerializedAsIsoString >, Setter< TimeSerializedAsIsoString > > humanReadableAccessor (Time &time)
 Accessor for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy. More...
Getter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMShumanReadableGetter (const Time &time, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Getter for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy. More...
Setter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMShumanReadableSetter (Time &time, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Setter for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy. More...
Accessor< Getter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS >, Setter< TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS > > humanReadableAccessor (Time &time, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements)
 Accessor for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy. More...
template<typename T >
std::string toString (const T &value, int precision=-1)
 Converts any data type to string (the data type must support the stream << operator). More...
template<typename T >
fromString (const std::string &str)
 Converts a string to any data type that supports the stream >> operator. More...
std::string toString< char > (const char &value, int precision)
 Specialization for char. More...
char fromString< char > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for char. More...
std::string toString< signed char > (const signed char &value, int precision)
 Specialization for signed char. More...
signed char fromString< signed char > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for signed char. More...
std::string toString< unsigned char > (const unsigned char &value, int precision)
 Specialization for unsigned char. More...
unsigned char fromString< unsigned char > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for unsigned char. More...
std::string toString< std::string > (const std::string &value, int precision)
 Specialization for string. More...
std::string fromString< std::string > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for string. More...
std::string toString< float > (const float &value, int precision)
 Specialization for float. More...
float fromString< float > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for float. More...
std::string toString< double > (const double &value, int precision)
 Specialization for double. More...
double fromString< double > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for double. More...
std::string toString< long double > (const long double &value, int precision)
 Specialization for long double. More...
long double fromString< long double > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for long double. More...
std::string toString< bool > (const bool &value, int precision)
 Specialization for bool. More...
bool fromString< bool > (const std::string &str)
 Specialization for bool. More...
template<typename StreamUnderlay >
BinaryOstream< StreamUnderlay > & operator<< (BinaryOstream< StreamUnderlay > &s, const UUID &uuid)
 binary stream operators More...
template<typename StreamUnderlay >
BinaryIstream< StreamUnderlay > & operator>> (BinaryIstream< StreamUnderlay > &s, UUID &uuid)
 binary stream operators More...
std::string toString< UUID > (const UUID &value, int precision)
 specialization for toString More...
UUID fromString< UUID > (const std::string &str)
 specialization for fromString More...
void annotateUri (XMLDom::iterator it, bool recursive=true)
 If the xml node contains URI information, add an attribute 'uri' with the value '<uri>:<line>' (either part may be missing). More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const XMLVariableValue &x)
void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT preprocessXML (XMLDom &ioXml, XMLVariablesMap &ioVariables)
 Shortcut for processing a XML document without creating a XMLDomPreprocessor yourself. More...
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectRead (Reflector &r, XMLDom &xml)
 Non-intrusive reflect for XMLDom. More...
template<typename Reflector >
void reflectWrite (Reflector &r, XMLDom &xml)
 See the above reflect method. More...
void reflect (XMLSerializer &r, XMLDom &xml)
 Specialization for XMLSerializer. More...
void reflect (XMLDeserializer &r, XMLDom &xml)
 Specialization for XMLDeserializer. More...
std::string toString< FrameworkTransformerNode::Type > (const FrameworkTransformerNode::Type &value, int precision)
template<typename Reflector >
void reflect (Reflector &r, Ogre::ColourValue &color)
void setLineEditTextFormat (QLineEdit *lineEdit, const QList< QTextLayout::FormatRange > &formats)
 Allows to format the text of a QLineEdit. More...
void clearLineEditTextFormat (QLineEdit *lineEdit)
 Removes all formatting instructions, set by the above method. More...
MIRA_GUI_WIDGETS_EXPORT QDoubleSpinBox * createDoubleSpinBox (QWidget *parent, double minRange, double maxRange, double step, double defvalue, const QString &suffix="", bool buttons=true, bool readonly=false, unsigned int decimals=2)
MIRA_GUI_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSpinBox * createSpinBox (QWidget *parent, int min, int max, int step, int defvalue, const QString &suffix="", bool buttons=true, bool readonly=false)


const std::string severityLevelStr []
 String conversion for the enum severity types. More...
constexpr Deg2RadNonNegativeType Deg2RadNonNegative
 Use this constant as second parameter when calling deg2radSetter, in order to prohibit negative values. More...
 forward declaration More...
 forward declaration More...

Detailed Description

specialize cv::DataType for our ImgPixel and inherit from cv::DataType<Vec>

The namespace mira is the top level namespace for all core and framework classes and functions as well as gui components.

Domains and Toolboxes must use their own or sub namespaces to avoid ambiguities of names.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ServicePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> ServicePtr

A shared pointer wrapper for class boost::asio::io_service.

◆ IOServicePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<IOService> IOServicePtr

A shared pointer wrapper for class IOService.

◆ MulticastSenderPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<MulticastSender> MulticastSenderPtr

A shared pointer wrapper for class MulticastSender.

◆ SerializableExceptionPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<SerializableException> SerializableExceptionPtr

◆ LogFormatterPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<LogFormatterBase> LogFormatterPtr

A shared pointer for a log formatter.

◆ LogFilterPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<LogFilterBase> LogFilterPtr

A shared pointer for a log filter.

◆ LogSinkPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<LogSink> LogSinkPtr

A shared pointer for a log sink.

◆ ClassPtr

◆ Circlei

typedef Circle<int> Circlei

A integer circle.

◆ Circlef

typedef Circle<float> Circlef

A float circle.

◆ Circled

typedef Circle<double> Circled

A double circle.

◆ Line2i

typedef Line<int, 2> Line2i

A 2D integer line.

◆ Line3i

typedef Line<int, 3> Line3i

A 3D integer line.

◆ Line2f

typedef Line<float, 2> Line2f

A 2D 32 bit floating precision line.

◆ Line3f

typedef Line<float, 3> Line3f

A 3D 32 bit floating precision line.

◆ Point2i

typedef Point<int,2> Point2i

a 2D integer point

◆ Point2f

typedef Point<float,2> Point2f

a 2D 32 bit floating precision point

◆ Point2d

typedef Point<double,2> Point2d

a 2D 64 bit floating precision point

◆ Point3i

typedef Point<int,3> Point3i

a 3D integer point

◆ Point3f

typedef Point<float,3> Point3f

a 3D 32 bit floating precision point

◆ Point3d

typedef Point<double,3> Point3d

a 3D 64 bit floating precision point

◆ Polygon2i

typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<Point2i> Polygon2i

A 2D polygon with integer precision.

◆ Polygon2f

typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<Point2f> Polygon2f

A 2D polygon with 32 bit floating precision.

◆ Polygon2d

typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<Point2d> Polygon2d

A 2D polygon with 64 bit floating precision.

◆ Polygon3i

typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<Point3i> Polygon3i

A 3D polygon with integer precision.

◆ Polygon3f

typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<Point3f> Polygon3f

A 3D polygon with 32 bit floating precision.

◆ Polygon3d

typedef boost::geometry::model::ring<Point3d> Polygon3d

A 3D polygon with 64 bit floating precision.

◆ Rect2i

typedef Rect<int, 2> Rect2i

A 2D rect with integer precision.

◆ Rect2f

typedef Rect<float, 2> Rect2f

A 2D rect with floating point precision.

◆ Rect2d

typedef Rect<double, 2> Rect2d

A 2D rect with 64 bit floating point precision.

◆ Box3i

typedef Rect<int, 3> Box3i

A 3D box with integer precision.

◆ Box3f

typedef Rect<float, 3> Box3f

A 3D box with floating point precision.

◆ Box3d

typedef Rect<double, 3> Box3d

A 3D box with 64 bit floating point precision.

◆ Size2i

typedef Size<int, 2> Size2i

The size type for 2D objects in integer precision.

◆ Size2f

typedef Size<float, 2> Size2f

The size type for 2D objects in floating point precision.

◆ Size2d

typedef Size<double, 2> Size2d

The size type for 2D objects in 64 bit floating point precision.

◆ Size3i

typedef Size<int, 3> Size3i

The size type for 3D objects in integer precision.

◆ Size3f

typedef Size<float, 3> Size3f

The size type for 3D objects in floating point precision.

◆ Size3d

typedef Size<double, 3> Size3d

The size type for 3D objects in 64 bit floating point precision.

◆ JSONValue

Imports the json::Value type into mira namespace.

◆ JSONObject

Imports the json::Object type into mira namespace.

◆ JSONArray

Imports the json::Array type into mira namespace.

◆ MemoryBlockInfoList

◆ Typename

typedef std::string Typename

◆ AbstractDeferredInvokerPtr

◆ AbstractInterfaceCallbackHandlerPtr

◆ AbstractRPCHandlerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<AbstractRPCHandler> AbstractRPCHandlerPtr

◆ BinaryRPCBackendLegacy

◆ BinaryRPCBackend

◆ RPCCallDefinitions

typedef std::vector<RPCCallDefinition> RPCCallDefinitions

◆ ValidRPCDescription

using ValidRPCDescription = typename std::enable_if<Private::rpc::isValid<F, Description...>()>::type

◆ InvalidRPCDescription

using InvalidRPCDescription = typename std::enable_if<!Private::rpc::isValid<F, Description...>()>::type

◆ BinaryBufferSerializerLegacy

◆ BufferedBinaryStreamSerializer

◆ BinaryStreamSerializerLegacy

◆ BinaryBufferDeserializerLegacyMarked

◆ BinaryBufferDeserializerLegacy

◆ BinaryStreamDeserializerLegacyMarked

◆ BinaryStreamDeserializerLegacy

◆ BinarySerializerCodecPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<BinarySerializerCodec> BinarySerializerCodecPtr

Shared pointer of BinarySerializerCodec.

◆ TypeMetaPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<TypeMeta> TypeMetaPtr

◆ MethodMetaPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<MethodMeta> MethodMetaPtr

◆ CompoundMetaPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<CompoundMeta> CompoundMetaPtr

◆ PropertyNodeListenerList

◆ Pose2CovVector

deprecated, use PoseCov2Vector instead

◆ Pose3CovVector

deprecated, use PoseCov3Vector instead

◆ Velocity2

typedef RigidTransform<float,2> Velocity2

A 2D velocity consisting of a translational and rotational part.

◆ Velocity3

typedef RigidTransform<float,3> Velocity3

A 3D velocity consisting of a translational and rotational part.

◆ VelocityCov2

typedef RigidTransformCov<float,2> VelocityCov2

A 2D velocity with covariance consisting of a translational and rotational part.

◆ VelocityCov3

typedef RigidTransformCov<float,3> VelocityCov3

A 3D velocity with covariance consisting of a translational and rotational part.

◆ Velocity2Vector

Vector of Velocity2.

◆ Velocity3Vector

Vector of Velocity3.

◆ VelocityCov2Vector

Vector of VelocityCov2.

◆ VelocityCov3Vector

Vector of VelocityCov3.

◆ SharedLibraryPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<SharedLibrary> SharedLibraryPtr

◆ DateDuration

typedef boost::gregorian::date_duration DateDuration

◆ DateSerializedAsIsoString

Derivation of mira::Date with serialization as string.

◆ DateSerializedAsYMD

Derivation of mira::Date with serialization as year/month/day members.

◆ DurationSerializedAsIsoString

Derivation of mira::Duration with serialization as string.

◆ DurationSerializedAsHMS

Derivation of mira::Duration with serialization as hours/minutes/seconds/milli-/microseconds members.

◆ TimeSerializedAsIsoString

Derivation of mira::Time with serialization as string.

: Time (based on boost::posix_time::ptime) is timezone-agnostic, i.e. the represented time is a time point in a continuous time frame, but it has no knowledge/makes no assumption about the reference time zone. Therefore, serialization does not produce and deserialization does not recognize/interpret any time zone information.

◆ TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS

Derivation of mira::Time with serialization as year/month/day/hour/... members.


typedef boost::uuids::uuid UUID

Shorter name for boost uuid.

◆ XMLVariablesMap

typedef std::map<std::string, XMLVariableValue> XMLVariablesMap

◆ AbstractChannelPtr

Typedef for abstract channel pointers.

◆ AbstractChannelSubscriberPtr

◆ AuthorityPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Authority> AuthorityPtr

Typedef for Authority pointers.

◆ AuthorityRuntimePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<AuthorityRuntime> AuthorityRuntimePtr

Pointer of AuthorityRuntime.

◆ DiscoverServicePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DiscoverService> DiscoverServicePtr

◆ Timer

◆ TimerPtr

◆ TimerCallback

◆ MicroUnitPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<MicroUnit> MicroUnitPtr

◆ RemoteOutgoingConnection

◆ RemoteOutgoingConnectionLegacy

◆ RemoteModulePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<RemoteModule> RemoteModulePtr

Typedef for a pointer to RemoteModule.

◆ RPCHandlerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<RPCHandler> RPCHandlerPtr

◆ IRunnablePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<IRunnable> IRunnablePtr

a runnable pointer

◆ DiagnosticRunnablePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DiagnosticRunnable> DiagnosticRunnablePtr

◆ ServiceInterfaceHandlerPtr

◆ DiagnosticsModulePtr

Typedef of a DiagnosticsModule pointer.

◆ RecordedChannelInfoMap

typedef std::map<std::string, RecordedChannelInfo> RecordedChannelInfoMap

A map of recorded channel settings.

◆ ConfigurationPreparePluginPtr

typedef for ConfigurationPreparePlugin pointer

◆ ConfigurationLoaderPluginPtr

typedef for ConfigurationLoaderPlugin pointer

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Endian

enum Endian

Enum that specifies the endianness of the host system.


◆ AESBitLength

The supported AES bit lengths.


◆ AESBlockCipherMode

The supported block cipher modes for the AES encryption/decryption.


Electronic codebook.


Cipher-block chaining.


Cipher feedback (1 feedback bit)


Cipher feedback (8 feedback bits)


Cipher feedback (128 feedback bits)


Output feedback.

◆ AESMessageDigestAlgo

The supported message digest algorithm for key generation.


Use MD5 as message digest.


Use SHA1 as message digest.


Use SHA256 as message digest.


Use SHA512 as message digest.

◆ PrintFormat

used in print()


Compact, one line total.


Structure elements start on new line each, primitive type arrays as one line only.


Structure elements and array items start on new line each.

◆ ChannelAccessFlags

Flags specifying the access rights of an authority to a channel Can be combined.


No access at all (Authority is not a publisher nor a subscriber)


Read access (Authority is a subscriber)


Write access (Authority is a publisher)

◆ SlotQueryMode

Mode that is used to determine the slot obtained from a channel when no slot exists at the exact timestamp requested.


The first slot with timestamp < requested will be chosen.


The first slot with timestamp > requested will be chosen.


The slot with smallest time difference to the requested will be chosen.

◆ IntervalFillMode

Mode that is used to determine what slots should be added to the interval when not enough slots are available.


Prefer filling the interval with slots with timestamp < requested.


Prefer filling the interval with slots with timestamp > requested.

◆ FrameworkMessageType

Remote framework message types.


Function Documentation

◆ reflect() [1/7]

void mira::reflect ( Reflector &  r,
LogRecord record 

◆ mira_factoryDynamicCast()

CLASS * mira_factoryDynamicCast ( Object base)

Auxiliary function which throws an XFactoryBadCast exception if the cast fails and deletes the object.

◆ mira_stripNameFromIdentifier()

std::string mira::mira_stripNameFromIdentifier ( std::string const &  identifier)

Auxiliary function to extract the class name from the given identifier.

If '::' is found within the given string, the function will stripe all leading namespace identifiers (identified by '::')

◆ replaceTemplateGeneric()

std::string mira::replaceTemplateGeneric ( std::string const &  genericIdent,
std::string const &  specialIdent 

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream& mira::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const LibraryVersion version 

◆ loadManifests()

void mira::loadManifests ( const Path pattern = MIRA_LIB_FOLDER"/*.manifest")

Loads all manifest files that match the given file pattern within all paths that are specified in the MIRA_PATH environment variable.


mira::MIRA_MEMBER_DETECTOR ( mNoPublicDefaultConstructor  )

◆ polygonFromLine()

boost::geometry::model::ring<typename LineType::PointType> mira::polygonFromLine ( const LineType &  line)

Converts a line into a polygon.

◆ reflect() [2/7]

void mira::reflect ( Reflector &  r,
boost::geometry::model::ring< PointType > &  p 

non-intrusive reflect for boost::geometry::ring

◆ img_cast()

Img<TPixel,TChannels> mira::img_cast ( Img<> &  other)

Casts an untyped Img<> into a typed image with the specified pixel type and channel count.

XBadCastexception, if the bit depth and number of channels of the untyped image do not correspond to the specified target type and target channel count.

◆ operator==()

bool mira::operator== ( const ImgIteratorBase a,
const ImgIteratorBase b 

◆ operator!=()

bool mira::operator!= ( const ImgIteratorBase a,
const ImgIteratorBase b 

◆ operator<()

bool mira::operator< ( const ImgIteratorBase a,
const ImgIteratorBase b 

◆ operator>()

bool mira::operator> ( const ImgIteratorBase a,
const ImgIteratorBase b 

◆ operator<=()

bool mira::operator<= ( const ImgIteratorBase a,
const ImgIteratorBase b 

◆ operator>=()

bool mira::operator>= ( const ImgIteratorBase a,
const ImgIteratorBase b 

◆ deg2rad() [1/3]

INTERNAL std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, T>::type mira::deg2rad ( value)

Convert degree to radian, for floating point arguments (return type = argument type)

◆ deg2rad() [2/3]

std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, double>::type mira::deg2rad ( value)

Convert degree to radian, for integral arguments (return type = double)

◆ deg2rad() [3/3]

std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type mira::deg2rad ( value)

◆ rad2deg() [1/3]

std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, T>::type mira::rad2deg ( value)

Convert radian to degree, for floating point arguments (return type = argument type)

◆ rad2deg() [2/3]

std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, double>::type mira::rad2deg ( value)

Convert radian to degree, for integral arguments (return type = double)

◆ rad2deg() [3/3]

std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type mira::rad2deg ( value)

◆ inAngleInterval()

bool mira::inAngleInterval ( value,

◆ choleskyInverse()

Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>::PlainObject mira::choleskyInverse ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  m)

Returns the inverse of m.

Note, that m must be a self-adjoint, positive-definite matrix (e.g. covariance matrices, etc). For other matrix types, the returned inverse is invalid.

The inverse is computed using the cholesky (LLT) decomposition:

M = L*L'
K = inv(L)
inv(M) = K'*K

This is computationally more stable for matrices that are close to being singular.

◆ format()

TEigenFormatReadOnly<Derived> mira::format ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  matrix,
Eigen::IOFormat  format = EigenFormat::matlab() 

Same as above, provided for const correctness.

◆ lerpAngle()

Derived mira::lerpAngle ( const AngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived > &  a,
const AngleBase< T, UnitTag, Derived > &  b,

◆ lerp() [1/8]

Degree<T> mira::lerp ( const Degree< T > &  a,
const Degree< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [2/8]

SignedDegree<T> mira::lerp ( const SignedDegree< T > &  a,
const SignedDegree< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [3/8]

Radian<T> mira::lerp ( const Radian< T > &  a,
const Radian< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [4/8]

SignedRadian<T> mira::lerp ( const SignedRadian< T > &  a,
const SignedRadian< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [5/8]

Angle<T> mira::lerp ( const Angle< T > &  a,
const Angle< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [6/8]

SignedAngle<T> mira::lerp ( const SignedAngle< T > &  a,
const SignedAngle< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [7/8]

Eigen::Rotation2D<T> mira::lerp ( const Eigen::Rotation2D< T > &  a,
const Eigen::Rotation2D< T > &  b,

◆ lerp() [8/8]

Eigen::Quaternion<T> mira::lerp ( const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &  a,
const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &  b,

◆ modulo() [1/3]

float mira::modulo ( float  x,
float  y 

◆ modulo() [2/3]

double mira::modulo ( double  x,
double  y 

◆ modulo() [3/3]

long double mira::modulo ( long double  x,
long double  y 

◆ pow() [1/2]

T mira::pow ( base,

◆ pow() [2/2]

T mira::pow ( base,

◆ eulerAngles()

Eigen::Matrix<typename Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>::Scalar,3,1> mira::eulerAngles ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  mat,
typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index  a0,
typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index  a1,
typename Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::Index  a2 

Returns the Euler-angles of the rotation matrix mat using the convention defined by the triplet (a0,a1,a2)

Each of the three parameters a0,a1,a2 represents the respective rotation axis as an integer in {0,1,2}. For instance, in:

Vector3f ea = eulerAngles(mat, 2, 0, 2);

"2" represents the z axis and "0" the x axis, etc. The returned angles are such that we have the following equality:

mat == AngleAxisf(ea[0], Vector3f::UnitZ())
* AngleAxisf(ea[1], Vector3f::UnitX())
* AngleAxisf(ea[2], Vector3f::UnitZ());

This corresponds to the right-multiply conventions (with right hand side frames).

This method is the original implementation from Eigen 3.1.2. In later releases of Eigen the behavior of Eigen's eulerAngles method has been changed considerably. We stick with the previous implementation which ensures that conversions Angles->Quaternion->Matrix->Angles result in the same angles before and after the conversations.

◆ quaternionFromYawPitchRoll()

Eigen::Quaternion<T> mira::quaternionFromYawPitchRoll ( const boost::tuples::tuple< T, T, T > &  ypr)

Same as the above method, that takes the yaw, pitch, roll angles as 3-tuple.

◆ quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov()

Eigen::Matrix<T,7,7> mira::quaternionCovFromYawPitchRollCov ( const Eigen::Matrix< T, 6, 6 > &  eulerCovariance,
const Eigen::Quaternion< T > &  rotation 

Same as the above method, that takes the orientation as yaw,pitch,roll angles.

◆ hostToNetwork()

NetworkTypeTrait<T>::Type mira::hostToNetwork ( const T &  value)

Converts a value from host byte order to network byte order.

valueThe value to convert.
The value in network byte order

◆ hostToNetwork< float >()

NetworkTypeTrait<float>::Type mira::hostToNetwork< float > ( const float &  value)

Specialization for float.

◆ hostToNetwork< double >()

NetworkTypeTrait<double>::Type mira::hostToNetwork< double > ( const double &  value)

Specialization for double.

◆ networkToHost() [1/3]

T mira::networkToHost ( const typename NetworkTypeTrait< T >::Type &  value)

Converts a value from network byte order to host byte order.

valueThe value to convert.
The value in host byte order

◆ networkToHost() [2/3]

float mira::networkToHost ( const NetworkTypeTrait< float >::Type &  value)

Specialization for float.

◆ networkToHost() [3/3]

double mira::networkToHost ( const NetworkTypeTrait< double >::Type &  value)

Specialization for double.

◆ resolveEnvironmentVariable()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::resolveEnvironmentVariable ( const std::string &  envVar)

Resolves an environmental variable.

The variable must not contain $, ${} or %%. e.g. for resolving $MY_VAR just pass "MY_VAR" as envVar.

XInvalidConfigif envVar is not a valid environmental variable
[in]envVarThe environment variable to be resolved (the plain name)
The resolved string

◆ resolveEnvironmentVariables()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::resolveEnvironmentVariables ( std::string  envStr,
bool  ignoreErrors = true 

Resolves all environmental variables in a string: It replaces $VARIABLE ${VARIABLE} VARIABLE% by the content of the environment variable VARIABLE.

[in]envStrThe string to be resolved
[in]ignoreErrorsIf true resolving will be continued even if one variable can not be resolved.
The resolved string

◆ getMemoryUsage()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT MemoryUsage mira::getMemoryUsage ( )

Returns information about the memory used currently by this process.

◆ getDetailedMemoryBlockUsage()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT MemoryBlockInfoList mira::getDetailedMemoryBlockUsage ( )

Returns detailed information on memory blocks used by this process.

Currently supported on Linux operating systems only.

◆ executeProcess()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT int mira::executeProcess ( const std::string &  cmd,
std::string *  oStdOut = NULL,
std::string *  oErrOut = NULL 

Executes a given command/process.

[in]cmdThe command to execute
[out]oStdOutOptional pointer to string where console output is stored
[out]oErrOutOptional pointer to string where error output is stored
-1 on error.

◆ typeName() [1/2]

Typename mira::typeName ( bool  cvqualify = true)

Returns a compiler and platform independent typename of T.

Typename of T

◆ typeName() [2/2]

Typename mira::typeName ( T &  t,
bool  cvqualify = true 

Returns a compiler and platform independent typename of t (not necessarily type T).

  • Returns
    Typename of t

◆ make_RPCInvoker()

Private::ConcreteRPCInvoker<Backend,typename std::decay<Fn>::type, R, ARGS...>* mira::make_RPCInvoker ( Fn &&  f)

◆ makeRPCSignature()

RPCSignature mira::makeRPCSignature ( std::string  name)

◆ base64Encode() [1/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::base64Encode ( const std::string &  data)

Base 64 encodes a string.

[in]dataData to be encoded
base 64 encoded string

◆ base64Encode() [2/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Buffer<uint8> mira::base64Encode ( const Buffer< uint8 > &  data)

Base 64 encodes data in a buffer.

[in]dataData to be encoded
base 64 encoded data

◆ base64Decode() [1/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::base64Decode ( const std::string &  base64)

Base 64 decodes a base 64 encoded string.

[in]base64Data to be decoded
decoded string

◆ base64Decode() [2/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Buffer<uint8> mira::base64Decode ( const Buffer< uint8 > &  base64)

Base 64 decodes base 64 encoded data in a buffer.

[in]base64Data to be decoded
decoded data

◆ makeAccessor()

Accessor<Getter,Setter> mira::makeAccessor ( const Getter getter,
const Setter setter 

Helper method that creates an accessor from a different combination of either direct access to a variable (i.e.

the reference of the variable itself) and getters and setters that may be used to access the variable.

◆ setter() [1/3]

Setter<T> mira::setter ( TObject(*)(T)  f,
TObject &  object 

◆ setter() [2/3]

Setter<T> mira::setter ( boost::function< TObject(const T &)>  f,
TObject &  object 

◆ setter() [3/3]

Setter<T> mira::setter ( boost::function< TObject(T)>  f,
TObject &  object 

◆ splitReflectMemberInvoke()

void mira::splitReflectMemberInvoke ( Reflector &  r,
Class This 

◆ isWellDefined() [1/2]

bool mira::isWellDefined ( const RigidTransform< T, D > &  p)

Checks whether a RigidTransform is valid.

Template Parameters
Tnumeric type of that transform
true if transform does not contain nan values

◆ isWellDefined() [2/2]

bool mira::isWellDefined ( const RigidTransformCov< T, D > &  p)

Checks whether a RigidTransformCov is valid.

Template Parameters
Tnumeric type of that transform
true if RigidTransform is valid and covariance is valid

◆ testSuiteHasCommandLineOption()

bool mira::testSuiteHasCommandLineOption ( const std::string &  arg)

Tests whether a certain command line argument was passed to the unit test executable.

◆ reflectRead() [1/6]

void mira::reflectRead ( Reflector &  r,
Buffer< T, Allocator > &  c 

Specialization of the non-intrusive reflect for Buffer.

◆ reflectWrite() [1/6]

void mira::reflectWrite ( Reflector &  r,
Buffer< T, Allocator > &  c 

Specialization of the non-intrusive reflect for Buffer.

◆ reflect() [3/7]

void mira::reflect ( Reflector &  r,
Buffer< T, Allocator > &  c 

non-intrusive reflect for Buffer

◆ getMaxCompressedLength()

uint32 MIRA_BASE_EXPORT mira::getMaxCompressedLength ( uint32  uncompressedSize)

Determine the maximum size of the compressed data for uncompressed data with a given length.

◆ compressBuffer()

void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT mira::compressBuffer ( const Buffer< uint8 > &  src,
Buffer< uint8 > &  ioDest,
int  compressionLevel = -1 

Compress a given buffer into a second buffer using libzip.

The dest buffer can be resized (e.g. by determining the maximum size of the compressed data by calling getMaxCompressedLength()) before calling this method to speed up compression. The buffer will be resized if the compressed data does not fit in.

[in]srcThe data to be compressed
[in,out]ioDestThe compressed data
[in]compressionLevelranges from (-1..9) -1 = default, 0 = no compression, 1 = best speed 9 = best compression

◆ uncompressBuffer()

void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT mira::uncompressBuffer ( const Buffer< uint8 > &  src,
Buffer< uint8 > &  ioDest 

Uncompress a given buffer into a second buffer using libzip.

To speed up decompression when the size of the uncompressed buffer is know the dest buffer can be resized to the known size. The buffer will be resized if the uncompressed data does not fit in.

◆ evalFirstOf()

Private::EvalFirstOf<P, Op> mira::evalFirstOf ( const Op &  iOp,
const typename P::first_type &  iValue 

Functor for using STL functions like find_if, erase_if...

with STL collections of pairs.

typedef std::pair<int, float> MyPair;
std::vector<MyPair> v;
// find entry in vector where v[x].first == 3
std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
evalFirstOf<MyPair>(std::equal_to<int>(), 3));
[in]iOpThe compare functor
[in]iValueThe value to compare to
An EvalFirstOf functor

◆ evalSecondOf()

Private::EvalSecondOf<P, Op> mira::evalSecondOf ( const Op &  iOp,
const typename P::second_type &  iValue 

Functor for using stl functions like find_if, erase_if...

with stl collections of pairs.

typedef std::pair<int, float> MyPair;
std::vector<MyPair> v;
// find entry in vector where v[x].second == 1.5f
std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
evalSecondOf<MyPair>(std::equal_to<float>(), 1.5f));
[in]iOpThe compare functor
[in]iValueThe value to compare to
An EvalSecondOf functor

◆ hexdump() [1/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT void mira::hexdump ( std::ostream &  stream,
const uint8 *  bytes,
std::size_t  length 

Prints a buffer as hexdump to the specified stream.

The buffer is specified by the pointer 'bytes' that points to the beginning of the data buffer, and 'length' which specifies its length.

◆ hexdump() [2/2]

void mira::hexdump ( std::ostream &  stream,
const Buffer< T > &  buffer 

Prints a buffer as hexdump to the specified stream.

◆ findPackage()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path mira::findPackage ( const std::string &  package,
Duration  maxCacheAge = Duration::infinity() 

Finds a package with given name using an internal cache of packages.

XInvalidConfigif no such package exists
[in]packageName of package to find
[in]maxCacheAgeMaximum age of cache. If cache is too old all packages will be reindexed (To force reindexing set to 0)
path to package

◆ findPackages()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::map<std::string, Path> mira::findPackages ( Duration  maxCacheAge = Duration::infinity())

Finds all packages using an internal cache of packages.

[in]maxCacheAgeMaximum age of cache. If cache is too old all packages will be reindexed (To force reindexing set to 0)
map of package name , path to package pairs

◆ reflectRead() [2/6]

void mira::reflectRead ( Reflector &  r,
Path path 

Nonintrusive reflect method for Path.

◆ reflectWrite() [2/6]

void mira::reflectWrite ( Reflector &  r,
Path path 

Nonintrusive reflect method for Path.

◆ findProjectFile()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path mira::findProjectFile ( const Path file)

Same as findFile above, but using all of the paths contained in $MIRA_PATH variable.

◆ printProgressBarHeader()

void mira::printProgressBarHeader ( )

Prints the header part of a progress bar.

See printProgressBar() for more information.

◆ printProgressBar()

void mira::printProgressBar ( int  value,
int  maximum,
const Time startTime,
int  updateInterval = 1 

Prints a progress bar in the console and shows the approximated time until the progress is finished.

valueThe current progress value
maximumThe maximum value that corresponds to 100%
startTimeThe time stamp of the start of the whole operation (needed to estimate remaining time)
updateIntervalOptional parameter that controls how often the progress bar is updated


Time start=Time::now();
for(int i=0; i<1000; ++i)
printProgressBar(i,1000,start, 100);
... // do something

◆ printFinishedProgressBar()

void mira::printFinishedProgressBar ( )

◆ resolveVariables()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::resolveVariables ( std::string  s,
boost::function< std::string(const std::string &)>  functor,
bool  ignoreErrors = true 

Resolves all variables in a string: It replaces

  2. ${VARIABLE}
  3. VARIABLE% by calling the given functor for each found variable.

[in]sThe string to be resolved
functorFunction that is called for each found variable, returning a value for the variable
ignoreErrorsIf true exceptions thrown by the functor call are catched and ignored
The resolved string

◆ resolveSpecialVariables() [1/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::resolveSpecialVariables ( std::string  s,
boost::function< std::string(const std::string &, const std::string &)>  functor,
bool  ignoreErrors = true 

Resolves all occurrences of ${PATTERN variable} in a string by calling the given functor for each found pattern - variable combination.

The functor must resolve the variable according to the pattern (e.g. s="${ENV variable}" calls functor with (ENV, variable))

sThe string to be resolved
functorFunction that is called for each found pattern-variable combination
ignoreErrorsIf true exceptions thrown by the functor call are catched and ignored
The resolved string

◆ resolveSpecialVariables() [2/2]

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT std::string mira::resolveSpecialVariables ( const std::string &  pattern,
std::string  s,
boost::function< std::string(const std::string &)>  functor,
bool  ignoreErrors = true 

Like resolveSpecialVariables above but only resolves a special pattern.

Resolves all occurrences of ${PATTERN variable} in a string by calling the given functor for each found variable. The functor must resolve the variable.

patternThe pattern (e.g. pattern = ENV finds all ${ENV variable})
sThe string to be resolved
functorFunction that is called for each found variable
ignoreErrorsIf true exceptions thrown by the functor call are catched and ignored
The resolved string

◆ resolveLibraryName()

MIRA_BASE_EXPORT Path mira::resolveLibraryName ( const Path path)

Adds the system dependent library pre- and suffix to the given name if necessary.

[in]pathThe path to be resolved
The path with system dependent library pre and suffix

◆ makeStamped()

Stamped<typename std::decay<T>::type> mira::makeStamped ( T &&  value,
const Time timestamp = Time::now(),
const std::string &  frameID = std::string(),
uint32  sequenceID = 0 

Declare stamped classes for all standard data types including std::string.

Helper function to create stamped data.

◆ stampedHeader() [1/2]

StampedHeader& mira::stampedHeader ( Stamped< T > &  data)

Helper to extract the header from stamped data.

◆ stampedHeader() [2/2]

const StampedHeader& mira::stampedHeader ( const Stamped< T > &  data)

◆ reflectRead() [3/6]

void mira::reflectRead ( Reflector &  r,
Date date 

◆ reflectWrite() [3/6]

void mira::reflectWrite ( Reflector &  r,
Date date 

◆ reflectRead() [4/6]

void mira::reflectRead ( Reflector &  r,
DateSerializedAsIsoString date 

◆ reflectRead() [5/6]

void mira::reflectRead ( Reflector &  r,
DateSerializedAsYMD date 

◆ reflectWrite() [4/6]

void mira::reflectWrite ( Reflector &  r,
DateSerializedAsIsoString date 

◆ reflectWrite() [5/6]

void mira::reflectWrite ( Reflector &  r,
DateSerializedAsYMD date 

◆ reflect() [4/7]

void mira::reflect ( PropertySerializer r,
DateSerializedAsYMD date 

◆ humanReadableGetter() [1/6]

Getter<DateSerializedAsIsoString> mira::humanReadableGetter ( const Date date)

In addition to classes which can replace Date/Duration/Time, there are getters/setters/accessors for objects of these plain types.

Usage example:

struct MyClass
template<typename Reflector>
void reflect(Reflector& r) {
auto acc1 = humanReadableAccessor(time1);
r.member("TimeString", acc1, "");
auto acc2 = humanReadableAccessor(time2, TimeTypesSerializedAsElements());
r.member("TimeVerbose", acc2, "");
Time time1;
Time time2;

Getter for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy

◆ humanReadableSetter() [1/6]

Setter<DateSerializedAsIsoString> mira::humanReadableSetter ( Date date)

Setter for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableAccessor() [1/6]

Accessor<Getter<DateSerializedAsIsoString>, Setter<DateSerializedAsIsoString> > mira::humanReadableAccessor ( Date date)

Accessor for Date using DateSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableGetter() [2/6]

Getter<DateSerializedAsYMD> mira::humanReadableGetter ( const Date date,

Getter for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy.

◆ humanReadableSetter() [2/6]

Setter<DateSerializedAsYMD> mira::humanReadableSetter ( Date date,

Setter for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy.

◆ humanReadableAccessor() [2/6]

Accessor for Date using DateSerializedAsYMD proxy.

◆ humanReadableGetter() [3/6]

Getter<DurationSerializedAsIsoString> mira::humanReadableGetter ( const Duration duration)

Getter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableSetter() [3/6]

Setter<DurationSerializedAsIsoString> mira::humanReadableSetter ( Duration duration)

Setter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableAccessor() [3/6]

Accessor for Duration using DurationSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableGetter() [4/6]

Getter<DurationSerializedAsHMS> mira::humanReadableGetter ( const Duration duration,

Getter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy.

◆ humanReadableSetter() [4/6]

Setter<DurationSerializedAsHMS> mira::humanReadableSetter ( Duration duration,

Setter for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy.

◆ humanReadableAccessor() [4/6]

Accessor for Duration using DurationSerializedAsHMS proxy.

◆ humanReadableGetter() [5/6]

Getter<TimeSerializedAsIsoString> mira::humanReadableGetter ( const Time time)

Getter for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableSetter() [5/6]

Setter<TimeSerializedAsIsoString> mira::humanReadableSetter ( Time time)

Setter for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableAccessor() [5/6]

Accessor<Getter<TimeSerializedAsIsoString>, Setter<TimeSerializedAsIsoString> > mira::humanReadableAccessor ( Time time)

Accessor for Time using TimeSerializedAsIsoString proxy.

◆ humanReadableGetter() [6/6]

Getter<TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS> mira::humanReadableGetter ( const Time time,

Getter for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy.

◆ humanReadableSetter() [6/6]

Setter<TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS> mira::humanReadableSetter ( Time time,

Setter for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy.

◆ humanReadableAccessor() [6/6]

Accessor for Time using TimeSerializedAsYMDHMS proxy.

◆ toString()

std::string mira::toString ( const T &  value,
int  precision = -1 

Converts any data type to string (the data type must support the stream << operator).

Supports precision parameter.

XIOwhen conversion fails.

◆ fromString()

T mira::fromString ( const std::string &  str)

Converts a string to any data type that supports the stream >> operator.

XIOwhen conversion failed.
On some systems an XIO exception is thrown when converting an negative value to an unsigned data type e.g. fromString<uint16>("-1"). On some systems this exception is not thrown and the value may overflow.

◆ toString< char >()

std::string mira::toString< char > ( const char &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for char.

◆ fromString< char >()

char mira::fromString< char > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for char.

◆ toString< signed char >()

std::string mira::toString< signed char > ( const signed char &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for signed char.

◆ fromString< signed char >()

signed char mira::fromString< signed char > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for signed char.

◆ toString< unsigned char >()

std::string mira::toString< unsigned char > ( const unsigned char &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for unsigned char.

◆ fromString< unsigned char >()

unsigned char mira::fromString< unsigned char > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for unsigned char.

◆ toString< std::string >()

std::string mira::toString< std::string > ( const std::string &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for string.

◆ fromString< std::string >()

std::string mira::fromString< std::string > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for string.

◆ toString< float >()

std::string mira::toString< float > ( const float &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for float.

◆ fromString< float >()

float mira::fromString< float > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for float.

◆ toString< double >()

std::string mira::toString< double > ( const double &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for double.

◆ fromString< double >()

double mira::fromString< double > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for double.

◆ toString< long double >()

std::string mira::toString< long double > ( const long double &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for long double.

◆ fromString< long double >()

long double mira::fromString< long double > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for long double.

◆ toString< bool >()

std::string mira::toString< bool > ( const bool &  value,
int  precision 

Specialization for bool.

◆ fromString< bool >()

bool mira::fromString< bool > ( const std::string &  str)

Specialization for bool.

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

BinaryOstream<StreamUnderlay>& mira::operator<< ( BinaryOstream< StreamUnderlay > &  s,
const UUID uuid 

binary stream operators

◆ operator>>()

BinaryIstream<StreamUnderlay>& mira::operator>> ( BinaryIstream< StreamUnderlay > &  s,
UUID uuid 

binary stream operators

◆ toString< UUID >()

std::string mira::toString< UUID > ( const UUID value,
int  precision 

specialization for toString

◆ fromString< UUID >()

UUID mira::fromString< UUID > ( const std::string &  str)

specialization for fromString

◆ annotateUri()

void mira::annotateUri ( XMLDom::iterator  it,
bool  recursive = true 

If the xml node contains URI information, add an attribute 'uri' with the value '<uri>:<line>' (either part may be missing).

The uri information is typically created in the DOM when loading e.g. from a file, and preserved by MIRA's XMLDom processing. Adding an explicit attribute will make this origin information visible when saving the DOM to a file/string.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

std::ostream& mira::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const XMLVariableValue x 

◆ preprocessXML()

void MIRA_BASE_EXPORT mira::preprocessXML ( XMLDom ioXml,
XMLVariablesMap ioVariables 

Shortcut for processing a XML document without creating a XMLDomPreprocessor yourself.

It internally creates a XMLDomPreprocessor and calls its preprocessXML method.

◆ reflectRead() [6/6]

void mira::reflectRead ( Reflector &  r,
XMLDom xml 

Non-intrusive reflect for XMLDom.

This will (de)serialize the XMLDom to/from its string representation.

◆ reflectWrite() [6/6]

void mira::reflectWrite ( Reflector &  r,
XMLDom xml 

See the above reflect method.

◆ reflect() [5/7]

void mira::reflect ( XMLSerializer r,
XMLDom xml 

Specialization for XMLSerializer.

This will copy XMLDom nodes directly to the XML document written by the serializer.

◆ reflect() [6/7]

void mira::reflect ( XMLDeserializer r,
XMLDom xml 

Specialization for XMLDeserializer.

This will copy XMLDom nodes directly from the XML document read by the deserializer.

◆ toString< FrameworkTransformerNode::Type >()

std::string mira::toString< FrameworkTransformerNode::Type > ( const FrameworkTransformerNode::Type value,
int  precision 

◆ reflect() [7/7]

void mira::reflect ( Reflector &  r,
Ogre::ColourValue &  color 

◆ setLineEditTextFormat()

void mira::setLineEditTextFormat ( QLineEdit *  lineEdit,
const QList< QTextLayout::FormatRange > &  formats 

Allows to format the text of a QLineEdit.

Usage example:

QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> formats;
QTextCharFormat f;
QTextLayout::FormatRange fr;
fr.start = 3;
fr.length = 4;
fr.format = f;
setLineEditTextFormat(lineEdit, formats);

◆ clearLineEditTextFormat()

void mira::clearLineEditTextFormat ( QLineEdit *  lineEdit)

Removes all formatting instructions, set by the above method.

◆ createDoubleSpinBox()

MIRA_GUI_WIDGETS_EXPORT QDoubleSpinBox* mira::createDoubleSpinBox ( QWidget *  parent,
double  minRange,
double  maxRange,
double  step,
double  defvalue,
const QString &  suffix = "",
bool  buttons = true,
bool  readonly = false,
unsigned int  decimals = 2 

◆ createSpinBox()

MIRA_GUI_WIDGETS_EXPORT QSpinBox* mira::createSpinBox ( QWidget *  parent,
int  min,
int  max,
int  step,
int  defvalue,
const QString &  suffix = "",
bool  buttons = true,
bool  readonly = false 

Variable Documentation

◆ severityLevelStr

const std::string severityLevelStr[]
Initial value:
= {

String conversion for the enum severity types.

◆ Deg2RadNonNegative

constexpr Deg2RadNonNegativeType Deg2RadNonNegative

Use this constant as second parameter when calling deg2radSetter, in order to prohibit negative values.

◆ StatusManager

◆ Unit

forward declaration


◆ Authority

forward declaration

◆ MicroUnit

◆ MeshObject

◆ ArrowObject