Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
mira::robot Namespace Reference


class  BatteryState
class  CANPowerSupply
 Base class for SCITOS modules that act as power supply. More...
class  DifferentialProbabilisticMotionModel
class  DifferentialRobotModel
class  DriveView
class  ErrorMemory
class  FixedVoltageOutput_v0_2
 Function block for fixed voltage v0.2 (0x01010002) More...
class  FixedVoltageOutput_v0_3
 Function block for fixed voltage v0.3 (since 0x01010003) More...
class  FixedVoltageOutput_v0_4
 Function block for fixed voltage v0.4 (0x01010004) More...
class  FixedVoltageOutput_v1_1
 Function block for fixed voltage v1.1 (since 0x01010101) More...
class  FixedVoltageOutput_v2
 Function block for fixed voltage v2.0 (0x01010200) More...
class  FunctionBlock
class  GenericRobotModel
class  IDrive
class  IgnoreInterval
class  IMotorController
class  IPTU
class  IRobotModelProvider
class  Odometry
class  OdometryCorrectionDifferentialDrive
class  PersistentError
 A persistent stored (hardware) error. More...
class  PoseTrajectory
class  PoseTrajectorySample
class  PoseVelocityTrajectorySample
class  PowerSupplyPort_v0
 Function block for charger power supply ports (0x02010001) More...
class  PowerSupplyPort_v01
 Function block for charger power supply ports (0x01040001) More...
class  PowerSupplyPort_v1
 Function block for charger power supply ports (since 0x01040101) More...
class  PowerSupplyPort_v2
 Function block for charger power supply ports (since 0x01040201) More...
class  PowerSupplyPort_v3
 Function block for charger power supply ports, v3.0. More...
class  PowerSupplyPort_v4
 Function block for charger power supply ports, v4.0. More...
class  ProbabilisticMotionModel
class  RangeScan
class  RangeScanInfo
class  RobotModel
class  RobotModelProvider
class  SCITOSManager
 The SCITOSManager manages all driver modules of a SCITOS robot. More...
class  SCITOSModule
 Base class for all driver modules of a SCITOS robot. More...
class  UnicycleBasedRobotModel
class  Wrench2
class  Wrench3


typedef boost::shared_ptr< DifferentialRobotModelDifferentialRobotModelPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GenericRobotModelGenericRobotModelPtr
typedef Odometry< 2 > Odometry2
typedef Odometry< 3 > Odometry3
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ProbabilisticMotionModelProbabilisticMotionModelPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RobotModelRobotModelPtr
typedef std::vector< PoseVelocityTrajectorySample, Eigen::aligned_allocator< PoseVelocityTrajectorySample > > PoseVelocityTrajectory
typedef PoseTrajectory< 2 > PoseTrajectory2
typedef PoseTrajectory< 3 > PoseTrajectory3
typedef boost::shared_ptr< UnicycleBasedRobotModelUnicycleBasedRobotModelPtr
typedef Wrench2< float > Wrench2f
typedef Wrench2< double > Wrench2d
typedef Wrench3< float > Wrench3f
typedef Wrench3< double > Wrench3d
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SCITOSModuleSCITOSModulePtr


Wrench3< ScalarType > operator* (const Pose3 &trans, const Wrench3< ScalarType > &w)
Wrench3< ScalarType > operator^ (const Pose3 &trans, const Wrench3< ScalarType > &w)


 forward decl More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ SCITOSModulePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<SCITOSModule> SCITOSModulePtr

Variable Documentation

◆ SCITOSManager

forward decl