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RobotModel Class Referenceabstract

Base class for all robot models, such as DifferentialRobotModel. More...

#include <robot/RobotModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for RobotModel:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef std::list< LinkPtrLinkList
typedef std::map< std::string, JointPtrJointMap
typedef std::map< std::string, MaterialPtrMaterialMap
typedef std::list< std::pair< GeometryPtr, RigidTransform3f >, Eigen::aligned_allocator< std::pair< GeometryPtr, RigidTransform3f > > > CollisionGeometries

Public Member Functions

virtual Pose2 localKinematics (const Velocity2 &v, float dt) const =0
 Computes the local movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt. More...
Pose2 globalKinematics (const Velocity2 &v, float dt, const Pose2 &p0) const
 Computes the movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt. More...
virtual float predictStandstillDistance (const Velocity2 &v) const =0
 Calculate the distance that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v. More...
virtual float predictStandstillRotation (const Velocity2 &v) const =0
 Calculate the rotation that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v. More...
virtual PoseVelocityTrajectory generateTrajectory (Velocity2 v, const Velocity2 &targetV, float lookAheadTime, int samples)=0
 Generates a trajectory by accelerating/decelerating starting at velocity v for lookAheadTime time up to the velocity targetV. More...
void reflect (Reflector &r)
void reflect (XMLDeserializer &r)
void clear ()
std::string getRootLink () const
CollisionGeometries getCollisionGeometries (std::string targetFrame="", const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &filter="") const
std::list< Box3fgetCollisionBoundingBoxes (std::string targetFrame="", const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &filter="") const
Footprint getFootprint (std::string targetFrame="", const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &filter="") const
void resolveAndPublishLinks (const std::string &ns, const Time &timestamp=Time::now())
void publishJoint (const std::string &name, float value, const Time &timestamp=Time::now()) const
Class const & getClass () const

Static Public Member Functions

static PseudoClass const & CLASS ()

Public Attributes

std::string name
LinkList links
JointMap joints
MaterialMap materials

Protected Member Functions

virtual Class const & internalGetClass () const=0

Detailed Description

Base class for all robot models, such as DifferentialRobotModel.

Each robot model is a RigidModel that provides geometric information for collision checks and visualization. Moreover, most robot models additionally provide kinematic information like max. velocities, etc.

Member Function Documentation

◆ localKinematics()

virtual Pose2 localKinematics ( const Velocity2 v,
float  dt 
) const
pure virtual

Computes the local movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt.

The movement is returned as relative pose in relation to the robots movement center, which is assumed to be (0,0,0).

[in]vThe measured velocity.
[in]dtThe time interval in [s]. It must be >= 0.0f.
The delta pose.

Implemented in DifferentialRobotModel, and GenericRobotModel.

◆ globalKinematics()

Pose2 globalKinematics ( const Velocity2 v,
float  dt,
const Pose2 p0 
) const

Computes the movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt.

The movement is returned as pose in relation to the specified pose p0.

[in]vThe velocity of the robot.
[in]dtThe delta time.
[in]p0The original pose.
The movement as a pose in relative to pose p0.

◆ predictStandstillDistance()

virtual float predictStandstillDistance ( const Velocity2 v) const
pure virtual

Calculate the distance that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v.

[in]vThe current velocity.
The estimated stopping distance.

Implemented in DifferentialRobotModel, and GenericRobotModel.

◆ predictStandstillRotation()

virtual float predictStandstillRotation ( const Velocity2 v) const
pure virtual

Calculate the rotation that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v.

[in]vThe current velocity.
The estimated stopping rotation.

Implemented in DifferentialRobotModel, and GenericRobotModel.

◆ generateTrajectory()

virtual PoseVelocityTrajectory generateTrajectory ( Velocity2  v,
const Velocity2 targetV,
float  lookAheadTime,
int  samples 
pure virtual

Generates a trajectory by accelerating/decelerating starting at velocity v for lookAheadTime time up to the velocity targetV.

The resulting trajectory will contain samples+1 trajectory samples starting at position 0,0 with velocity v. It uses the acceleration limits defined by the robot model.

Implemented in UnicycleBasedRobotModel, and GenericRobotModel.

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