Classes | Typedefs | Functions
mira::model Namespace Reference


class  ArrowMarker
 Arrow marker. More...
class  AxesMarker
 Axes marker consisting of 3 orthogonal arrows. More...
class  Box
 Box representation The box is axis aligned and its origin is at the center of the box. More...
class  BoxMarker
 Box marker. More...
class  Collision
 Collision representation of rigid model parts (links) used for collision detection and avoidance. More...
class  CollisionTest
 Class that provides several methods for running collision tests of a rigid models footprint with images. More...
class  Cone
 Cone representation The origin of the cone is located at the center of its base circle. More...
class  ConeMarker
 Cone marker. More...
class  Cylinder
 Cylinder representation The origin is in the center of the cylinder. More...
class  CylinderMarker
 Cylinder marker. More...
class  Geometry
 Base class for all geometric representations of a rigid model part (link). More...
class  Inertial
 Class for representing the inertial properties of a rigid model part (link). More...
class  IRigidModelConsumer
 IRigidModelConsumer is a unit that has a ServiceProperty 'ModelProvider' for an IRigidModelProvider service. More...
class  IRigidModelProvider
 Interface for rigid model provider services. More...
class  Joint
 A joint class that connects two links. More...
class  JointPublisherView
 View plugin for miracenter for modifying joints of rigid models. More...
class  LineListMarker
 Line list marker. More...
class  LineStripMarker
 Line strip marker. More...
class  Link
 A link is a part of a rigid model that is described by a transformation frame, intertia properties, a visual representation used for visualization purpose and a collision representation used for collision detection and avoidance. More...
struct  Marker
 Marker message. More...
class  MarkerBase
 Base class for all marker types. More...
class  Material
 Material class used for coloring and texturing rigid model parts (links) More...
class  Mesh
 Mesh representation The vertices of the mesh are given relative to its origin. More...
class  MeshMarker
 Mesh marker. More...
class  PointedArrowMarker
 Arrow marker that points from start to end point. More...
class  Polygon
 Polygon representation The vertices of the polygon are given relative to its origin. More...
class  PolygonMarker
 Polygon marker. More...
class  RigidModel
 Class representing a named rigid model. More...
class  RigidModelObserver
 Class that acts as an observer for rigid models. More...
class  RigidModelProvider
 Inherit from this class by specifying a ModelType that is inherited from RigidModel to build your own model provider. More...
class  Sphere
 Spherical representation The origin of the sphere is at its center. More...
class  SphereMarker
 Sphere marker. More...
class  TextMarker
 Text marker. More...
class  Visual
 Visual representation of rigid model parts (links) used for visualizing a rigid model. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr< CollisionCollisionPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GeometryGeometryPtr
 pointer to a geometric representation More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BoxBoxPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ConeConePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CylinderCylinderPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SphereSpherePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MeshMeshPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PolygonPolygonPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< InertialInertialPtr
 Pointer to an interial. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointJointPtr
 Pointer to a joint. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LinkLinkPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MarkerBaseMarkerBasePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BoxMarkerBoxMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SphereMarkerSphereMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CylinderMarkerCylinderMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ConeMarkerConeMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TextMarkerTextMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ArrowMarkerArrowMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PointedArrowMarkerPointedArrowMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AxesMarkerAxesMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PolygonMarkerPolygonMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LineListMarkerLineListMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LineStripMarkerLineStripMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MeshMarkerMeshMarkerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MaterialMaterialPtr
 Pointer to a material. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RigidModelRigidModelPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RigidModelObserverRigidModelObserverPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< VisualVisualPtr


Buffer< uint8 > findAndLoadResourceFile (const std::string &filename, bool compress, uint32 maxFileSize)
MIRA_RIGID_MODEL_EXPORT void loadModelFromRMDF (const XMLDom::const_iterator &rmdf, RigidModel &oModel)
 Loads a rigid model from an rmdf file. More...
MIRA_RIGID_MODEL_EXPORT void loadModelFromURDF (const XMLDom::const_iterator &urdf, RigidModel &oModel)
 Loads a rigid model from an urdf file. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ CollisionPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Collision> CollisionPtr

◆ GeometryPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Geometry> GeometryPtr

pointer to a geometric representation

◆ BoxPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Box> BoxPtr

◆ ConePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Cone> ConePtr

◆ CylinderPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Cylinder> CylinderPtr

◆ SpherePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Sphere> SpherePtr

◆ MeshPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Mesh> MeshPtr

◆ PolygonPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Polygon> PolygonPtr

◆ InertialPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Inertial> InertialPtr

Pointer to an interial.

◆ JointPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Joint> JointPtr

Pointer to a joint.

◆ LinkPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Link> LinkPtr

◆ MarkerBasePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<MarkerBase> MarkerBasePtr

◆ BoxMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<BoxMarker> BoxMarkerPtr

◆ SphereMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<SphereMarker> SphereMarkerPtr

◆ CylinderMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<CylinderMarker> CylinderMarkerPtr

◆ ConeMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ConeMarker> ConeMarkerPtr

◆ TextMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<TextMarker> TextMarkerPtr

◆ ArrowMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ArrowMarker> ArrowMarkerPtr

◆ PointedArrowMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<PointedArrowMarker> PointedArrowMarkerPtr

◆ AxesMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<AxesMarker> AxesMarkerPtr

◆ PolygonMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<PolygonMarker> PolygonMarkerPtr

◆ LineListMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<LineListMarker> LineListMarkerPtr

◆ LineStripMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<LineStripMarker> LineStripMarkerPtr

◆ MeshMarkerPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<MeshMarker> MeshMarkerPtr

◆ MaterialPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Material> MaterialPtr

Pointer to a material.

◆ RigidModelPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<RigidModel> RigidModelPtr

◆ RigidModelObserverPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<RigidModelObserver> RigidModelObserverPtr

◆ VisualPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Visual> VisualPtr

Function Documentation

◆ findAndLoadResourceFile()

Buffer<uint8> mira::model::findAndLoadResourceFile ( const std::string &  filename,
bool  compress,
uint32  maxFileSize 

◆ loadModelFromRMDF()

MIRA_RIGID_MODEL_EXPORT void mira::model::loadModelFromRMDF ( const XMLDom::const_iterator rmdf,
RigidModel oModel 

Loads a rigid model from an rmdf file.

◆ loadModelFromURDF()

MIRA_RIGID_MODEL_EXPORT void mira::model::loadModelFromURDF ( const XMLDom::const_iterator urdf,
RigidModel oModel 

Loads a rigid model from an urdf file.