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DifferentialRobotModel Class Referenceabstract

A robot model for robot with a differential drive (2 wheels on an axis, fixed orientation). More...

#include <robot/DifferentialRobotModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for DifferentialRobotModel:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef std::list< LinkPtrLinkList
typedef std::map< std::string, JointPtrJointMap
typedef std::map< std::string, MaterialPtrMaterialMap
typedef std::list< std::pair< GeometryPtr, RigidTransform3f >, Eigen::aligned_allocator< std::pair< GeometryPtr, RigidTransform3f > > > CollisionGeometries

Public Member Functions

template<typename Reflector >
void reflectDegrees (Reflector &r, const char *name, float &member, const char *comment)
void reflectDegrees (PropertySerializer &r, const char *name, float &member, const char *comment)
void reflect (XMLDeserializer &r)
float getMaxTransVelocity () const
virtual PoseVelocityTrajectory generateTrajectory (Velocity2 v, const Velocity2 &targetV, float lookAheadTime, int samples)
 Generates a trajectory by accelerating/decelerating starting at velocity v for lookAheadTime time up to the velocity targetV. More...
Pose2 globalKinematics (const Velocity2 &v, float dt, const Pose2 &p0) const
 Computes the movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt. More...
void clear ()
std::string getRootLink () const
CollisionGeometries getCollisionGeometries (std::string targetFrame="", const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &filter="") const
std::list< Box3fgetCollisionBoundingBoxes (std::string targetFrame="", const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &filter="") const
Footprint getFootprint (std::string targetFrame="", const Time &timestamp=Time::now(), const std::string &filter="") const
void resolveAndPublishLinks (const std::string &ns, const Time &timestamp=Time::now())
void publishJoint (const std::string &name, float value, const Time &timestamp=Time::now()) const
Class const & getClass () const
MotionParameters calculateMotionParameters (const Pose2 &p0, const Pose2 &p1) const
 Calculate the motion model parameters. More...
Pose2 sampleMotion (const Pose2 &startPose, const MotionParameters &parameters) const
 Samples motion using parameters for odometric drift and the odometry motion model from Thrun, Burgard, Fox in Probabilistic Robotics. More...
PoseCov2 gaussianMotion (const PoseCov2 &startPose, const MotionParameters &parameters) const
 Applies a gaussian motion model to the initial pose at startPose. More...
Constructors and reflect
 DifferentialRobotModel ()
template<typename Reflector >
void reflect (Reflector &r)
Implementation of RobotModel
virtual Pose2 localKinematics (const Velocity2 &v, float dt) const
 Computes the local movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt. More...
virtual float predictStandstillDistance (const Velocity2 &v) const
 Calculate the distance that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v. More...
virtual float predictStandstillRotation (const Velocity2 &v) const
 Calculate the rotation that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v. More...
Specific operations for a differential drive
SignedAnglef angleFromTotalDistance (float totalLeft, float totalRight) const
 Calculates the view direction of the robot from given traveled distance of left and right wheel and the wheel distance of the model. More...
Velocity2 convert2Velocity (float vLeft, float vRight) const
 Convert wheel speeds of left and right wheel to velocity (trans, rot) More...
std::pair< float, float > convert2LRWheelSpeed (const Velocity2 &v) const
 Converts velocity into left and right wheel speeds. More...
float getMaxVelocity () const
 Returns the absolute max. More...
Implementation of ProbabilisticMotionModel
virtual Pose2 sampleMotion (const Pose2 &startPose, const Pose2 &p0, const Pose2 &p1) const
virtual void sampleMotion (const std::vector< Pose2 > &startPoses, const Pose2 &p0, const Pose2 &p1, std::vector< Pose2 > &sampledPoses) const
 Like the above sampleMotion but samples multiple poses at once. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static PseudoClass const & CLASS ()

Public Attributes

float wheelDist
 The distance of both wheels. Must be greater than zero. More...
float maxBackwardVelocity
 The maximum velocity for driving backward (both wheels) [m/s]. More...
float maxForwardVelocity
 The maximum velocity for driving forward (both wheels) [m/s]. More...
float maxRotVelocity
 The maximum velocity for rotating [deg/s]. More...
float transEpsilonVelocity
 the min. More...
float rotEpsilonVelocity
float maxTransAcceleration
 Max. acceleration. More...
float maxTransDeceleration
 Max. deceleration. Must be greater than zero. More...
float maxEmergencyDeceleration
 Max. deceleration in case of an emergency. Must be greater than zero. More...
float maxRotAcceleration
 Max. acceleration. More...
float maxRotDeceleration
 Max. deceleration. Must be greater than zero. More...
std::string name
LinkList links
JointMap joints
MaterialMap materials
float alphaRotRot
 Odometry motion parameters for modeling drift. More...
float alphaRotTrans
float alphaTransTrans
float alphaTransRot

Protected Member Functions

virtual Class const & internalGetClass () const=0

Detailed Description

A robot model for robot with a differential drive (2 wheels on an axis, fixed orientation).

For generic robots with more wheels or non fixed castor wheels please use the GenericRobotModel.

This class only uses the x-component of Velocity2. The y-component is totally ignored.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DifferentialRobotModel()

Member Function Documentation

◆ reflect()

void reflect ( Reflector &  r)

◆ localKinematics()

Pose2 localKinematics ( const Velocity2 v,
float  dt 
) const

Computes the local movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt.

The movement is returned as relative pose in relation to the robots movement center, which is assumed to be (0,0,0).

[in]vThe measured velocity.
[in]dtThe time interval in [s]. It must be >= 0.0f.
The delta pose.

Implements RobotModel.

◆ predictStandstillDistance()

float predictStandstillDistance ( const Velocity2 v) const

Calculate the distance that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v.

[in]vThe current velocity.
The estimated stopping distance.

Implements RobotModel.

◆ predictStandstillRotation()

float predictStandstillRotation ( const Velocity2 v) const

Calculate the rotation that is needed for braking to stand still, if the robot moves with the specified velocity v.

[in]vThe current velocity.
The estimated stopping rotation.

Implements RobotModel.

◆ angleFromTotalDistance()

SignedAnglef angleFromTotalDistance ( float  totalLeft,
float  totalRight 
) const

Calculates the view direction of the robot from given traveled distance of left and right wheel and the wheel distance of the model.

[in]totalLeftThe traveled distance of the left wheel in [m].
[in]totalRightThe traveled distance of the right wheel in [m].
The delta of the view direction as a signed angle.

◆ convert2Velocity()

Velocity2 convert2Velocity ( float  vLeft,
float  vRight 
) const

Convert wheel speeds of left and right wheel to velocity (trans, rot)

[in]vLeftThe velocity of the left wheel in [m/s].
[in]vRightThe velocity of the right wheel in [m/s].
The translational and rotational velocity.

◆ convert2LRWheelSpeed()

std::pair< float, float > convert2LRWheelSpeed ( const Velocity2 v) const

Converts velocity into left and right wheel speeds.

[in]vThe velocity.
A pair for left (first value) and right (second value) wheel speeds.

◆ getMaxVelocity()

float getMaxVelocity ( ) const

Returns the absolute max.

speed of the robot, i.e. the max of the forward or backward velocity.

◆ reflectDegrees() [1/2]

void reflectDegrees ( Reflector &  r,
const char *  name,
float &  member,
const char *  comment 

◆ reflectDegrees() [2/2]

void reflectDegrees ( PropertySerializer r,
const char *  name,
float &  member,
const char *  comment 

◆ getMaxTransVelocity()

float getMaxTransVelocity ( ) const

◆ generateTrajectory()

virtual PoseVelocityTrajectory generateTrajectory ( Velocity2  v,
const Velocity2 targetV,
float  lookAheadTime,
int  samples 

Generates a trajectory by accelerating/decelerating starting at velocity v for lookAheadTime time up to the velocity targetV.

The resulting trajectory will contain samples+1 trajectory samples starting at position 0,0 with velocity v. It uses the acceleration limits given in the robot model.

Implements RobotModel.

◆ globalKinematics()

Pose2 globalKinematics ( const Velocity2 v,
float  dt,
const Pose2 p0 
) const

Computes the movement of the robot if it moves with the specified velocity v for the specified time dt.

The movement is returned as pose in relation to the specified pose p0.

[in]vThe velocity of the robot.
[in]dtThe delta time.
[in]p0The original pose.
The movement as a pose in relative to pose p0.

◆ calculateMotionParameters()

MotionParameters calculateMotionParameters ( const Pose2 p0,
const Pose2 p1 
) const

Calculate the motion model parameters.

This method computes the motion parameters for odometric drift based on the odometry motion model from Thrun, Burgard, Fox in "Probabilistic Robotics", 2005.

See also
Y / _
^ /\ rot2_ -
| / |_ -
| /_ -
| _ -P1
| _ -
| trans _ - \
| _ - | rot1
| _ - |
P0............... /...........................> X

x,y,phi denote the last estimated pose P0 at t-1 and x',y',phi' the new estimated pose P1 at t. Compute the relative motion parameters:

trans = sqrt((x-x')^2+(y-y')^2) rot1 = atan2(y'-y, x'-x) - phi rot2 = phi' - phi - d_rot1

If (x,y) and (x',y') are very nearby (< 0.005m), rot1 is set to zero.

transStddev = alphaTransTrans * trans + alphaTransRot * (rot1 + rot2) rot1Stddev = alphaRotRot * rot1 + alphaRotTrans * trans rot2Stddev = alphaRotRot * rot2 + alphaRotTrans * trans

[in]p0The last observed pose
[in]p1The current observed pose
The computed motion parameters.

◆ sampleMotion() [1/3]

virtual Pose2 sampleMotion ( const Pose2 startPose,
const Pose2 p0,
const Pose2 p1 
) const
[in]startPoseThe starting position for applying the sampled motion
[in]p0The last observed pose
[in]p1The current observed pose
Starting position updated by the sampled motion

Implements ProbabilisticMotionModel.

◆ sampleMotion() [2/3]

virtual void sampleMotion ( const std::vector< Pose2 > &  startPoses,
const Pose2 p0,
const Pose2 p1,
std::vector< Pose2 > &  sampledPoses 
) const

Like the above sampleMotion but samples multiple poses at once.

Default implementation uses a naive approach by calling the above sampleMotion for each start pose. However you should re-implement this method in a derived class to speed up the sampling process.

[in]startPosesThe starting positions for applying the sampled motion
[in]p0The last observed pose
[in]p1The current observed pose
[out]sampledPosesStarting positions updated by the sampled motion

Reimplemented from ProbabilisticMotionModel.

◆ sampleMotion() [3/3]

Pose2 sampleMotion ( const Pose2 startPose,
const MotionParameters parameters 
) const

Samples motion using parameters for odometric drift and the odometry motion model from Thrun, Burgard, Fox in Probabilistic Robotics.

This method takes motion model parameters that can be calculate by the method calculateMotionParameters(). A new pose is sampled based on the starting pose startPose.

Calculation of a motion sample:

trans^ = trans - N(0, transStddev * transStddev) rot1^ = rot1 - N(0, rot1Stddev * rot1Stddev) rot2^ = rot2 - N(0, rot2Stddev * rot2Stddev)

x = trans^ * cos(startPhi + rot1^) y = trans^ * sin(startPhi + rot1^) phi = rot1^ + rot2^

The sampled motion can be used to adapt a pose of a particle:

x' = startX + x y' = startY + y phi' = startPhi + phi

If parameters are known and many motion samples need to be computed (e.g for a particle filter) this method can be used to save some performance.

[in]startPoseThe starting position for applying the sampled motion
[in]parametersThe motion model parameters (can be obtained via calculateMotionParameters())
Starting position updated by the sampled motion

◆ gaussianMotion()

PoseCov2 gaussianMotion ( const PoseCov2 startPose,
const MotionParameters parameters 
) const

Applies a gaussian motion model to the initial pose at startPose.

[in]startPoseThe starting position for applying the sampled motion
[in]parametersThe motion model parameters (can be obtained via calculateMotionParameters())
Returns the new robot pose with the updated covariance.

Member Data Documentation

◆ wheelDist

float wheelDist

The distance of both wheels. Must be greater than zero.

◆ maxBackwardVelocity

float maxBackwardVelocity

The maximum velocity for driving backward (both wheels) [m/s].

Use negative values, if the robot is allowed to drive backward.

◆ maxForwardVelocity

float maxForwardVelocity

The maximum velocity for driving forward (both wheels) [m/s].

◆ maxRotVelocity

float maxRotVelocity

The maximum velocity for rotating [deg/s].

◆ transEpsilonVelocity

float transEpsilonVelocity

the min.

speed that the robot platform can do, lower velocities result in standing still.

◆ rotEpsilonVelocity

float rotEpsilonVelocity

◆ maxTransAcceleration

float maxTransAcceleration

Max. acceleration.

◆ maxTransDeceleration

float maxTransDeceleration

Max. deceleration. Must be greater than zero.

◆ maxEmergencyDeceleration

float maxEmergencyDeceleration

Max. deceleration in case of an emergency. Must be greater than zero.

◆ maxRotAcceleration

float maxRotAcceleration

Max. acceleration.

◆ maxRotDeceleration

float maxRotDeceleration

Max. deceleration. Must be greater than zero.

◆ alphaRotRot

float alphaRotRot

Odometry motion parameters for modeling drift.

See also

◆ alphaRotTrans

float alphaRotTrans

◆ alphaTransTrans

float alphaTransTrans

◆ alphaTransRot

float alphaTransRot

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