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DriveView Class Referenceabstract

A view plugin for steering a robot using arrow keys or button clicks. More...

#include <gui/views/DriveView.h>

Inheritance diagram for DriveView:
Inheritance graph


void viewClosed (ViewPart *view)
void viewDestroyed (ViewPart *view)
void viewActivated (ViewPart *view)
void minimizedRequested (ViewPart *view)
void currentDockLocationChanged (Qt::DockWidgetArea area)

Public Member Functions

virtual void init (IWorkbenchPartSite *site)
IWorkbenchPartSitegetSite ()
virtual void activate ()
virtual void deactivate ()
virtual Qt::DockWidgetArea getDefaultDockArea () const
bool isVisible () const
Qt::DockWidgetArea getDockArea () const
bool isActivated () const
Class const & getClass () const

Static Public Member Functions

static PseudoClass const & CLASS ()

Protected Slots

virtual void onVisibilityChanged (bool visible)
void onMinimizeRequested ()
void onDockLocationChanged (Qt::DockWidgetArea area)
void onTopLevelChanged (bool topLevel)

Protected Member Functions

virtual QWidget * createPartControl ()
 Implementation of mira::ViewPart. More...
void driveServiceChanged ()
virtual void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *)
virtual void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)
QMenu * getViewMenu ()
ViewPartTitleBargetTitleBar ()
void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event)
virtual Class const & internalGetClass () const=0

Protected Attributes

float velocityIncrement
 The velocity increment, default: 0.1f [m/s]. More...
Duration watchdogTimeout
 Watchdog interval for stopping when no commands are signaled. default: 5sec. More...
ServiceProperty driveService
 The service name used for sending driving commands. More...
ChannelProperty< bool > motorstopChannel
 The channel used for listening to the motorstop status. More...

Detailed Description

A view plugin for steering a robot using arrow keys or button clicks.

Using the keyboard the robot can be steered with:

The keyboard control only works, if the drive view window has the current keyboard input focus!

If the robot has a current rotation velocity of non-zero and Up or Down is pressed, the translation is not changed but the rotation velocity is set to zero. So the robot stops turning and continues to move straight forward or backward.

The drive view uses RPCs of a service object, which can be configured by the member driveService. To be able to drive the robot, this service must provide at least the method IMotorController::setVelocity(const Velocity2&). Furthermore, the service should provide the methods IMotorController::resetMotorStop() and IMotorController::resetOdometry() to be able to reset the "stop" flag and to reset the odometry to zero (see class robot::IDrive for more details).

If no service is explicitly given by driveService, the DriveView tries to find a service called "IDrive".

Member Function Documentation

◆ createPartControl()

virtual QWidget* createPartControl ( )

Implementation of mira::ViewPart.

Implements ViewPart.

◆ driveServiceChanged()

void driveServiceChanged ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ velocityIncrement

float velocityIncrement

The velocity increment, default: 0.1f [m/s].

◆ watchdogTimeout

Duration watchdogTimeout

Watchdog interval for stopping when no commands are signaled. default: 5sec.

◆ driveService

ServiceProperty driveService

The service name used for sending driving commands.

◆ motorstopChannel

ChannelProperty<bool> motorstopChannel

The channel used for listening to the motorstop status.

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