math Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for math:


file  Angle.h [code]
 Implementations of angles (values in periodic interval of width 2*pi) with arbitrary base type.
file  CholeskyInverse.h [code]
 Computes inverse of matrix using cholesky decomposition.
file  CRSplineInterpolator.h [code]
 Provides spline interpolator.
file  Eigen.h [code]
 Include file for all eigen related things.
file  EigenFormat.h [code]
 Wrappers around eigen in/output to support streaming operators.
file  IncrementalMoments.h [code]
 Incremental computation of one- and higher-dimensional statistical moments of first and higher orders (mean and variance, etc.).
file  IntervalFilter.h [code]
 IntervalFilter base class/concept.
file  IsApprox.h [code]
 Contains helper to check if two values are approximately the same.
file  Lerp.h [code]
 Functions for linear interpolation of different types like scalars, angles and rotations.
file  LinearInterpolator.h [code]
 Filter that can be used for linear interpolation.
file  Math.h [code]
 Includes often needed math headers and methods and provides additional constants.
file  Modulo.h [code]
 Defines modulo function for both integral and floating point types.
file  NearestNeighborInterpolator.h [code]
 Filter that returns the nearest neighbor.
file  NormalRandomGenerator.h [code]
 Random distribution for drawing samples from normal distributions.
file  NormCDF.h [code]
 Functions for computing the Normal cumulative distribution function.
file  Power.h [code]
 Functions for computing powers with constant integral exponent or constant integral exponent and base.
file  Random.h [code]
 Functions for generating random numbers.
file  RandomGenerator.h [code]
 Helper singleton to easily generate random generators using the boost::random distributions and generators.
file  Saturate.h [code]
 Saturation function for limiting a value to an interval.
file  SchmittTriggerHysteresis.h [code]
 Dual threshold hysteresis trigger class.
file  Truncate.h [code]
 Truncates a floating point value to a given number of decimals.
file  UniformRandomGenerator.h [code]
 A random generator that samples random numbers within the interval that is passed to the constructor.
file  YawPitchRoll.h [code]
 Conversion from yaw, pitch and roll to Quaternion and vice versa.