With this release, the serialization format was updated to "version 2", which contains improved support for class versioning.

For more details, please read: http://www.mira-project.org/MIRA-doc/Serialization_FormatChanges.html


- fixed bug in JSON deserialization of nested maps in object notation
- updated to serialization format v2: improved support for class versioning (http://www.mira-project.org/MIRA-doc/Serialization_FormatChanges.html)


- added option to force PTP time sync when connecting to a remote framework
- <process>-tag: Remote processes started with a config file due to a too long config string
can now be correctly respawned.
- <process>-tag: Fixed bug starting processes again when a new config was loaded after
the framework has been started.
- updated to serialization format v2: improved support for class versioning (http://www.mira-project.org/MIRA-doc/Serialization_FormatChanges.html)


- added CovObject::getSingularValues() and setCovariance(singular_values, orientation)
- TextView and TextTraceView visualizations show objects' read-only properties and show data
of type map<string,T> in "object style" short notation (both can be controlled by visualization properties)
- made compile on CentOS 6 (gcc 4.4)


- PoseVisualization uses transform chain (camera to data) timestamp to correctly align with other data


Additional information