Some new MIRA updates are available.
- Added timestamp and frame id to a curve template
- Updated documentation to make the URLRewrites easier to use.
- Added subscribeTransform and getTransform methods to access the transformation tree via Nexus.
- Added URLRewrite for 'mira.js' so that Nexus clients can use the provided javascript file without physically duplicating it.
- Added example HTML file for accessing basic robot functionality.
- added read only properties for debugging
- optimized parameters for templates that contain very few points
- publish more channels for better debugging and visualizing the templates
- improved threshold parameter
- covariance of particles is now automatically increased above the covariance threshold at start
- record exactly as many templates as specified in the station record tool (if only one template should be recorded robot does not dock off for recording)
- Fixed bug where only one template was recorded indifferent from what was specified in the station record tool
- Added optional dock-off position in station configuration. For backware compatibility this pose is not used by default.
- Added new RPC dockOffToPose, which allows to dock-off to an arbitrary pose.