A new MIRA release is available.
- made compile with gcc 4.8
- fixed tiny memory leak in IOService
- added findPackage and findPackages methods to find the root dir of installed package(s)
- added special variable 'findpkg PACKAGENAME' which is resolved using the findPackage method
- added 'select' attribute to include tag in xml files to allow including only a subtree of nodes from an xml file
- fixed binary2json converter for bool type #573
- added KeepDistanceTask external-0.11.0:
- Updated to json-spirit-4.05c
- DistanceObjective can now handle the optional KeepDistanceTask
- fixed #575: Pilot sometimes hangs in plan and drive state when the robot was close to the destination.
- fixed G6-small configuration
- added MCU node to G5 configuration
- using findpkg instead of find where appropriate to speed up boot up time
- using select in include tags to be able to use map description files as generated by simple mapper
- using findpkg instead of find where appropriate to speed up boot up time