A new MIRA release is available.
- make: Linux, 64bit: Try to use libiberty_pic first (instead of for libiberty), since libiberty might be compiled without -fPIC.
- make: Detection of OpenCV: added support OpenCV_USE_MANGLED_PATHS=ON
- make: Bugfix in installer scripts: Ensure, that MIRA_PATH is set right in all stages.
- make: Made building of ZIP packages to work on Windows
- base: fixed bugs in RPC mechanism, that caused sporadic 'broken promise' exceptions
- base: added atomic (thread-safe) operations such as increment, decrement, etc.
- base: added implementsInterface in RPCServer and RPCManager to check if a service implements a certain interface
- base: fixed bug with filename in daily logging mechanism
- framework: added implementsInterface in Authority to check if a service implements a certain interface
- framework: moved management of variables defined via command line or config file to Framework class
- framework: fixed race condition bug that lead to a dead lock in RemoteModule
- framework: added examples to binary distributions
- framework: added ./ functionality to ResourceName and fixed bug with resolving ../
- gui: Added PolygonTool - A tool for selecting polygons in the xy-plane of a 3D view
- gui: Added getter getEntity to MeshObject
- gui: added support for Ogre 1.8.x
- gui: fixed line wrapping bug in QConsole
- CommonVisualization: added 3D visualizations for Rect2f and Polygons
- CommonVisualization: only transform channels of type Pose if they exist as nodes in the transform tree
- PlotVisualization: Fixed plotting poses.
- RigidModel: Using ServiceProperty for model provider in RigidModelVisualization
- RobotDataTypes: Split IDrive interface into IDrive and IMotorController
- RobotDataTypes: adapted DriveView to IDrive and IMotorController
- miracenter: AuthorityView: now showing informations about published and subscribed channels
- mirapackage: Added support for repositories on a local file system
- mirapackage: Bugfix in dependency checks
- mirapackage: Fixed order of packages in install preview dialog
- mirapackage: Restore GUI state at start of mirapackage
- mirapackage: Fixed sort order of the version column in the package list
- mirapackage: Fixed wrong counting of recursion level during dependency resolving.
- miratape: Added option for merging tape files
- mirawizard: Fixed typoes in templates.