Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 12]
 - Documentation
 Mira Extensions for the Bash Shell
 Cross Compiling
 MIRA Documentation for Application Designers
 MIRA Documentation for Developers
 Documenting Your Code
 MIRA Documentation for End Users
 Build System
 Tutorials for Application Designers
 Tutorial: Distributed computing - How to use MIRA across different processes in a network
 Tutorial: Distributed computing - Use authentication mechanisms to secure your Framework
 Tutorials for Developers
 Tutorial: Creating a Project
 Tutorial: Creating a Domain
 Tutorial: Creating a Unit that Publishes Data
 Tutorial: Creating a Unit that Subscribes to Data
 Tutorial: Getting in touch with miracenter
 Tutorial: Using Parameters and Properties
 Tutorial: Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
 Tutorial: Distributed computing - How to use MIRA across different processes in a network
 Tutorial: Distributed computing - Use authentication mechanisms to secure your Framework
 Tutorial: Creating a 3D Visualization
 Tutorial: Creating an advanced 3D Visualization
 Tutorial: Creating an advanced 2D Visualization
 Tutorial: Creating a View
 Tutorials for End Users
 Tutorial: Distributed computing - How to use MIRA across different processes in a network
 Tutorial: Distributed computing - Use authentication mechanisms to secure your Framework
 Writing a Unit
mira is a tool to launch a Framework as a console application by specifying one or multiple configuration files that should be loaded
miragui is a tool to launch a Framework as a console application with Qt (GUI) support by specifying one or multiple configuration files that should be loaded
MIRAWizard is a tool..
miratape is a console application to play back, record (by launching a Framework) or to manipulate tapes
 Todo List
 Deprecated List