Channel< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Channel< T >, including all inherited members.

Channel()Channel< T >inline
Channel(ConcreteChannel< T > *channel, ChannelAccessFlags accessFlags)Channel< T >inline
get()Channel< T >inline
get(const Time &timestamp, SlotQueryMode mode=NEAREST_SLOT, const Duration &tolerance=Duration::infinity())Channel< T >inline
get(const Time &timestamp, Duration tolerance)Channel< T >inline
get(const Time &timestamp, Filter &&filter)Channel< T >inline
getID() constChannel< T >inline
getMaxSlots() constChannel< T >inline
getMinSlots() constChannel< T >inline
getNrOfSlots() constChannel< T >inline
getStorageDuration() constChannel< T >inline
getTypeId() constChannel< T >inline
getTypeMeta() constChannel< T >inline
getTypename() constChannel< T >inline
hasPublisher() constChannel< T >inline
hasSoloSlot() constChannel< T >inline
hasSubscriber() constChannel< T >inline
isAutoIncreasingStorageDuration() constChannel< T >inline
isEmpty() constChannel< T >inline
isTyped() constChannel< T >inline
isValid() constChannel< T >inline
post(const Stamped< T > &value)Channel< T >inline
post(Stamped< T > &&value)Channel< T >inline
post(U &&value, const Time &timestamp=Time::now())Channel< T >inline
post(const typename ParamHelper< T >::type &value, const Time &timestamp=Time::now())Channel< T >inline
post(typename ParamHelper< T >::type &&value, const Time &timestamp=Time::now())Channel< T >inline
read()Channel< T >inline
read(const Time &timestamp, SlotQueryMode mode=NEAREST_SLOT, const Duration &tolerance=Duration::infinity())Channel< T >inline
read(uint32 sequenceID, const Duration &searchInterval=Duration::seconds(1))Channel< T >inline
read(const Time &timestamp, const Duration &tolerance)Channel< T >inline
readInterval(const Time &timestamp, std::size_t nrSlots, std::size_t olderSlots, std::size_t newerSlots, IntervalFillMode fillMode=PREFER_NEWER)Channel< T >inline
readInterval(const Time &from, const Time &to=Time::eternity())Channel< T >inline
reset()Channel< T >inline
setTypeMeta(TypeMetaPtr meta)Channel< T >inline
setTypename(const Typename &type)Channel< T >inline
validate() constChannel< T >inline
waitForData(const Duration &timeout=Duration::infinity()) constChannel< T >inline
waitForPublisher(const Duration &timeout=Duration::infinity()) constChannel< T >inline
write()Channel< T >inline
write(bool copyLatestData)Channel< T >inline